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David Scorcelletti

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RYM is where all my musical experiences come full circle, through cataloging, rating, reviewing, and sharing with others. I like many different genres and usually its hard for me to pick a favorite. I tend to go through phases. If you have any recommendations on what you think I might like, I would like to listen to it.

All my favorite artists are not only artists I really enjoy more than non-favorites, I have to like a large majority of their discography. They also have to have a more personal effect on me at some point in my life. All my favorite artists that are listed have been in formation for a long time, while newer ones come in every once in a while.

I rate albums after at least one listen, though if I'm unsure I usually leave it alone. I rate/review albums based off overall enjoyment of the music, consistency, album cover art, and personal feelings (if any). With singles, I try to rate singles if they're not already on an album that I've reviewed/rated. I also sometimes not only rate the main song but everything on a "single" record, like the A side/B side or remixes for example.

Lists are something I'm big on making and I try to make them have as much commentary as possible. I enjoy making them because I like things that are ranked. Not all lists are ranked in specific order though, but they're still nice to have as a means of cataloging my favorites of something.

Whenever I favorite something, it's usually something that's either very funny to me or really unique.


I've been listening to music regularly since 2006. However, my first interest in music somewhat was video game music since I was 12. I became a more serious listener and started actually collecting music in 2008, after a friend of my sibling got me into a huge foray of artists. RYM was discovered by me through, ironically, Rolling Stone online in 2009.

As I said before, I usually go through phases musically. One month I may be really into electronic, then another month or two into metal, then rap for a while after that. One thing is for sure: I love music that is interesting, innovative, and a blend of different sounds. A rule of mine is that I always look into at least one new artist a day. If I like someone a decent amount, I will listen to them from time to time and it may or may not grow on me. In some rare cases I have had an artist become an instant favorite after just a couple listens.

The musical journey is a life long one, and RYM is where you can sit back and look at it for a moment.




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  • ManicStreetNietzsche 2015-10-14 19:20:40.977045+00
    Haha not quite, just building my wishlist!
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  • xRikx 2015-11-16 09:26:00.994272+00
    You're welcome, it's always sweet to see some Japanese metal and rock bands get attention. :) Also great X Japan and Dir En Grey lists. I'm not really happy with my own X Japan list anymore, because I love so many of their songs just too much to make a reliable top list. Art of Life is no. 1 though. Other songs that I find just perfect are Say Anything, Kurenai, Silent Jealousy, Rusty Nail, Dahlia, Endless Rain ... but I just couldn't imagine ranking them anymore in this moment. Anyway, yes, Kurenai was one of the first songs they wrote, as far as I know. It was sung in English back then, although is sounds much better in Japanese imo.
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  • Rosemary_Rio 2016-09-02 21:26:52.108738+00
    Hi, and thanks for the comment on my video game soundtrack list!
    I felt like putting a bonus section of dishonorable mentions at the end, but unfortunately that messes up the numbering. So basically, the #2 soundtrack (or Chrono Cross) is really #1, and so on. I may find a better way to list it in the future, but for now the order means more than the numbers.
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