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I'm half black, half white, and look "ethnically ambiguous" - people assume I'm Muslim, Native American, Middle Eastern, Hawaiian, or whatever other ethnicity/religious group is the "flavor of the day," as I like to call it -- that is, when they're not asking me "what ARE you?" or the even more coded "where are you FROM?" Anyway, I'm telling you this because I guess that makes me Steve Bannon's worst nightmare, amirite?

Some of y'all motherfuckers really take this ratings shit way too seriously. Rating an album or a film is ultimately an arbitrary, meaningless figure, subject to change for any rhyme or reason. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that most artists don't release their art with the intent of having it be assigned a strictly delineated numerical value. What it all boils down to is the fact that we are all just a collective group of dorks with our own unique opinions. If someone legitimately thinks that Titanic is a five star movie and Citizen Kane is worth a half star, at the end of the day, who really gives a shit? Play on, playas, and march to the beat of your own fucking drum. Life is too goddamn short to do otherwise.

I like tennis a lot and I write about that too sometimes (see link above).


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  • misterie 2016-11-21 08:32:17.987743+00
    ok i'll leave you alone now but i thought i'd be remiss to not include at least the first track from that nine to the universe record i mentioned, so fucking good!
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  • MoaM 2016-12-27 07:58:04.654945+00
    Glad I could offer perspective.
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  • misterie 2017-02-04 09:28:01.145398+00
    funny, i was just looking up parallax view last night, had been reminded of it by a friend's wishlisting of it. i've actually read that review before, though on the author's other/main blog, and yeah it's very good. a great encapsulation of what makes the movie so special. in times like these parallax both feels more prescient than ever even while being anchored to its time in the details, e.g. assassinations don't really happen anymore in america, not like they did from '63-'81 let's say, not these big public figures shot dead -- today it seems like people are more commonly "suicided" i suppose like hume cronyn in the movie actually. today, democracy is scaled back and fascism rises not even so much because of brute force perpetrated on the innocent but because of lack of prosecution of the guilty and well-connected elite.

    i meant to respond to your comment like 2 months ago, sorry for that. happy belated birthday though ;) i recall you saying it was around late nov or early dec. but, yeah... this past week or two has been unreal. i vacillate between being outraged/sad and being just totally numb to it all. it's a nightmare coming true in just about every way and it's pretty awful. hopefully there will be real opposition that can temper it, soon, before it is too late. if you haven't, i'd recommend you read this piece. extraordinarily insightful and dead-on and important. it's long but worth it.

    hope you're doing well, man. i'm glad you;re still around here kicking. by the way, my name is david. not sure if i said that before. i recently got the new-ish criterion blu-rays of both short cuts and mccabe & mrs miller. both looks really really really good. the latter is a revelation especially, it seems like it finally got the transfer that most accurately captures how it looked in theatres (even though it kind of varied from print to print, so wild was the filming method, what vilmos zsigmond called "flashing" and also used on the long goodbye).
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  • geogadd1 2017-06-18 21:26:35.493467+00
    added you back homie! tennis rocks.
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  • geogadd1 2017-06-21 01:24:02.495221+00
    hey, thanks for the message! i agree with you very much on the appeal of tennis. i may not be a decade behind you, but i too love the elegance of tennis: each man for himself, no money/trades/politics to get in the way of anything. it's such a beautiful mental and physical battle, and the scoring system makes blowouts never sure. in basketball you can be up 40 pts going into the fourth quarter & be basically guaranteed a win. but it seems nearly every week people lose tennis matches in which they held match point - it's truly exhilarating. i'm glad you enjoy it as much as i do! 2017 has been a great year for us nadal/fed fans :)

    i also like your philosophy w.r.t. music/movie taste! but i love a lot of your 5-stars, so it's a moot point here.
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  • geogadd1 2017-07-02 21:48:31.875934+00
    that's really cool about growing up around the bulls hype - that must have been ridiculous! the one thing missing from tennis is the ability to, y'know, go to a bar and have everyone be extremely invested in, say, the AO final. whereas with the superbowl or NBA finals, that's incredibly easy. this is why i dream to be able to attend a grand slam someday - the atmosphere will be simply incredible.

    i'm a big federer fan, so we're bitter rivals. ;) only kidding, i respect and like rafa quite a lot and think their rivalry is the greatest ever. it's wild to think that they've each won a GS and two masters going into wimbledon... cannot believe how they've both returned to form exactly when it should have been murray's time to shine. on the one hand, i feel bad for andy, but on the other, i fucking love seeing federer/nadal back at it. i feel you on rafa's wary chances on grass, but i think if he makes it to the quarters, he'll get to the finals. his will is just too strong in those big-match situations (and by that point his confidence would be quite high). i'm hoping for a fourth fed-nadal wimbledon classic. but we shall see...
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  • bookmendersteve 2017-07-11 06:28:48.349653+00
    What a fantastically persuasive review of the Purple Rain Deluxe release you wrote. It has now become evident to me that I will need to part myself from some cash.
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