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Axiom Verge 2

Developer / Publisher: Thomas Happ Games
11 August 2021
Axiom Verge 2 - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.43 / 5.0
56 Ratings / 1 Reviews
#2,531 All-time
#72 for 2021
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Exploring different dimensions.
Axiom Verge 1 is one of my favourites indie metroidvania, or at least it was for a long time until Hollow Knight came out and upped the ante, and so its very easy to get disappointed with this one. Axiom verge starts off much slower, and with admitedly worst visuals and audio design. But after the first couple of hours the game really opens up in the exploration department, and it can be a great playthrough if you allow it to be something different than its predecessor.

The artstyle is really rought, with a lower pixel count than its predecessor. Not only that but in terms of colour pallette its a far cry from the cyberpunk feel, feeling washed out and even dull in certain places. It makes the earlier levels a lot more boring to explore because of that.
Audio design its also a mess, featuring some very bad sound effects, that are incredibly loudly mixed. Music is also pratically a non factor, which is really disappointing considering that it was one of the strongest points of the first game.

Storywise the game tells a personal journey through dialogue with NPCs essencially, being a lot of tell and little show. I grew honestly bored with it in very little time, it tries to force urgency which is contraditory to the exploration based gameplay, and it was not long since i was skipping. Honestly doesnt feel like i missed too much worthwhile. There are some attempts at humor that are a bit cringe.,

Gameplay is really the main reason to play this, but not really the combat per se, which is rather basic and low stakes (as most bosses go down rather easily plus they are all avoidable. The game shines in the exploration department, as it really recontextualizes movment and transversal with each upgrade. Map is really very non linear, particularly when there is no compass at the start, and its really rewarding to come back and look at map design differently once you have certain transversal upgrades.
I would say that its perhaps a bit too easy to get lost, as i had to use a guide to point me the direction a couple of times. But its a small price to pay to play a world map thats so enjoyable to explore as this one, even if the secrets found end up being of the metroid variety (like health points or skill points for a few static upgrades to health or combat). There is nothing in these secrets that will reinvent the gameplay, but they are enjoyable to find just for themselves, particularly late game when it evolves switching between the two dimensions and feels more like a puzzle game.

Overall its a solid metroidvania, with a very different direction and focus from the original. Perhaps he should have used a different title and it would have been better received. Either way its still worth getting through the inicial dull hours because it really opens up in a magnificent way to people who enjoy the genre.
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Threntall 2021-12-05T18:16:00Z
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tabor72 Axiom Verge 2 2024-05-29T05:09:18Z
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Nagual Axiom Verge 2 2024-05-17T23:28:49Z
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Fet Axiom Verge 2 2024-05-14T09:39:35Z
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_AK_ Axiom Verge 2 2024-05-10T08:28:06Z
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leftdevices Axiom Verge 2 2024-05-07T14:50:30Z
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figurehead Axiom Verge 2 2024-03-29T01:11:44Z
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eliottstaten Axiom Verge 2 2024-03-14T07:36:31Z
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Giann96 Axiom Verge 2 2024-02-20T01:14:38Z
PS4 / PS5
6.0 /10
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cutoffs Axiom Verge 2 2024-02-19T00:18:31Z
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godkillgod1 Axiom Verge 2 2024-01-17T03:00:53Z
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DJSuleiman Axiom Verge 2 2024-01-08T15:10:13Z
Xbox One / XSX
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  • Jaxijin 2021-08-18 15:18:14.574151+00
    Once you get over how this barely resembles the first game, you'll realize it's a really unique exploration-focused metroidvania. I genuinely love exploring this world and the added strategy of weighing risk/reward of hacking enemies you come across versus trying to fight them. Great game.
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  • _moonchild_ 2021-08-20 14:17:33.425929+00
    Honestly I prefer this to the first one. The combat and general visual theme may be a bit worse, but the map design, direction and moveset are infinitely better. Axiom verge 1 is an absolute slog to traverse through. This game has a really well built map with interesting new mechanics that recontextualize movement every upgrade.
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  • Nordaviento 2023-01-11 15:46:32.603014+00
    i wasn't liking it at first, but i kept going because i was vibing a lot to the soundtrack and somehow something clicked, don't know what, because the combat really sucks compared to its predecessor, but there's something indeed that makes me want to at least finish the game
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  • figurehead 2024-03-29 01:13:26.870286+00
    Still trying to figure out why this one didn't grab me the way the first one did
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