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Developers: Team Little AngelsNex Entertainment Publisher: Sega
29 October 2009
Bayonetta [ベヨネッタ] - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.82 / 5.0
1,322 Ratings / 8 Reviews
#427 All-time
#18 for 2009
An amnesiac witch, Bayonetta, is awakened after a 500 year slumber and seeks to recover the answers about her past all while being pursued and attacked by grotesque Angels and other mysterious characters.
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2009 Little Angels Sega  
JP 4 974365 881283
2009 Little Angels Nex  
JP 4 974365 835408 BLJM-60174
2010 Little Angels Sega  
XNA 0 10086 69024 8 BLUS-30367
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2010 Little Angels Sega  
CA 0 10086 68032 4
2010 Little Angels Sega  
DE 5 055277 000760
2010 Little Angels Nex  
DE 5 055277 000661 BLES-00599
2010 Little Angels Sega  
IT 5 055277 000784
2010 Little Angels Sega  
ES 5 055277 000777
2010 Little Angels Sega  
GB 5 055277 000746
2010 Little Angels Sega  
5 055277 000814
2010 Little Angels Sega  
GB 5 055277 000647 BLES-00599
Bayonetta PlayStation 3 Big Hit Series
2010 Little Angels Nex  
KR 8 809083 647551 BCKS 10139
2011 Platinum Sega  
2013 Little Angels Nex  
2014 Little Angels Bee Tribe  
2014 Little Angels Bee Tribe  
US 0 45496 90346 6 WUP-P-AAFE-USA-0
2017 Little Angels Sega  
2018 Little Angels Nintendo  
2020 Little Angels Sega  
2020 Little Angels Sega  
2022 Little Angels Nintendo  
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US CA 0 45496 59899 0 LA-HAE99A-USA
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Incredibly stylish and cool hack and slash that exudes extravaganza in every component of its design. Pretty much every graphic designer likes this game, and that's for a reason, as everything looks and feels outlandish and over the top in the best possible way. I also really like the core game design of a typical Hideki Kamiya game where you have a short, conclusive and enjoyable main campaign where the extra juice is replaying the levels and doing it better, faster, taking more risks and knowing where to look for the extra levels. I even liked the gimmicky boss fights, as they're a spectacle, which is the objective, but the gimmicky levels are a chore at best and an absolute disgrace at worse. Sadly, the first playthrough is potentially the worst one, because that's when you're more likely to call bullshit on the timing of some enemies (a few are trial and error) and watch the nearly THREE HOURS of cinematics that depict an extremely convoluted and uninteresting plot, with mediocre action sequences that don't hold a candle to the bonkers fights you can actually do while playing the game.
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FouDiamant 2023-02-26T22:34:25Z
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Em termos mecânicos, provavelmente é o melhor character-action que eu joguei até hoje. A quantidade de combos possíveis é insana, muito à frente do que DMC tinha feito até então.

Outro destaque, as lutas contra bosses não são só bem desenhadas como têm uma “cara” própria por causa do quão enormes são os inimigos. É como se você juntasse o escopo de God of War com o estilo de gameplay do DMC.

Gostei muito do design artístico de tudo, também - ainda que pegue muita coisa emprestada do DMC 4.

Seria quase perfeito não fosse o enredo, um dos piores que eu já vi em um jogo. Os elementos da história se conectam muito mal, a exposição é mal feita e o vilão de última hora enfraquece ainda mais o todo. Péssimo. Pra fechar, o Luka é mais irritante que aquele moleque do RE: Code Veronica.
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gabrielctps 2022-10-07T12:28:15Z
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Bayonetta has ended up being one of the biggest disappointments I've had in gaming for quite a while and it's honestly not even close. Basically everything about this game screams pure greatness on paper, but then you need to actually play it and properly experience what this game has to offer, and it honestly falls flat almost across the board for me. Almost every element of this game feels as if it severely falls short of the mark and just has me thinking "why?". On the surface, this game seems like yet another character action game with super flashy combos and an insane sense of scale that manages to outdo itself at every turn, but the dynamics and mechanics that are built upon feel consistently ill conceived and end up falling far below the mark of what this genre can typically provide.

That's not to say that this game is without virtues however, there are definitely some fantastic things I can appreciate, especially the game's style. I love the really excessive, self-aware tone that Bayonetta brings to the table at some points that creates a manic, over the top experience that has the hype completely flow through the player. You know that a game starts off well when the opening sequence involves summoning angels just to kill them with a coffin of guns, all while an upbeat, jazzy rendition of Fly Me To The Moon plays in the background, or that time where you're fighting a boss in the middle of a tornado. Basically, when the game wants to, it brings forth some jaw dropping setpieces that make full use of pure spectacle. Where this falls flat is the way that the narrative itself, both the plot and the way it's delivered, feels completely nonsensical even for crazy action game standards, often feeling obnoxiously stupid while also being completely incomprehensible. For as much as Kingdom Hearts gets relentlessly (at times rightfully) mocked for its writing, at least it's told in a way that doesn't feel like it's intentionally keeping things hidden while also feeling like it literally says nothing. I genuinely feel like the story feels so disconnected from the gameplay that I'd get the exact same experience if I just skipped every overlong cutscene, I wasn't looking forward to fight a boss because of any sort of character drive or anything, I just wanted to rush up to the mountainous behemoth that I knew would be a badass fight. This issue would be more acceptable if not for the fact that the game feels so often halted by its insistence on cramming this element down your throat, making it harder to ignore with each interruption.

The combat is where this really falls flat for the most part, which is a problem with a game that is almost entirely based around its combat. I personally consider a few different issues with the game to culminate in an experience that feels fundamentally flawed, where certain problems feel as if they run deeper than something that can be fixed just by tweaking a couple of values. The encounter design is especially problematic to the core gameplay loop with how difficult it feels, sometimes being a great challenge that requires keen awareness of the players surroundings along with effectively utilising the plethora of attack and crowd control options, but other times boiling down a bit more to an enemy going "lol I'm going to throw out an attack with no proper telegraphing". If it were something that happened only once or twice it'd be an annoyance but nothing major, but the fact that almost every enemy seems to have at least one attack like this, it just feels unreasonable, especially with how much you're punished for getting hit. The game just feels too fast all around, almost never providing the player with ample opportunity to properly deal with the situation without abusing certain mechanics, and this is where witch time comes in, the things that ends up almost singlehandedly ruining the game flow.

On paper, the inclusion of a mechanic that temporarily slows down the absurd pacing of the game, rewarding careful dodging seems like a good idea, allowing the player to dish out massive damage in a relatively unimpeded state by timing a couple of dodges really nicely, but what ruins it is the simple fact that you feel like you often absolutely need it for a chance of getting past most challenges. This essentially results in the game having a dominant and recommended strategy that eliminates almost any actual variety, you just wait and dodge an attack, and use your few seconds of time slowing to deal a bunch of damage, and then rinse and repeat. Not only is it riskier to attempt to perform combos outside of this state, but the game often feels as if it's outright punishing you for even attempting such a thing, and nothing really feels as snappy or flashy in slow motion, making this mechanic not only detract from the core loop itself, but it also indirectly tanks a lot of the spectacle and flair at the same time leading to a game that never can feel truly enjoyable even in a "turn your brain off and watch awesome explosions" sort of way.

And as if that wasn't enough, this is also the sort of game that I'd say is directly responsible for the visceral hatred the mere concept of QTEs often receives. Along with the pace breaking nature of witch time, an even more pressing concern is the sheer amount of obnoxious button mashing that occurs in this. Not only is button mashing required, but the player is heavily rewarded from smashing those controller buttons at a carpel tunnel inducing speed and intensity, and that's if you're not having to rotate the analog stick around with just as much speed. Other problems include when cutscenes suddenly require you to quickly time a button press or else you straight up die, basically none of the weapons contributing to the fluid movement that Bayonetta builds itself around, essentially making the game feel worse to play if you try and diversify your moveset that much, and the fact that there are a bunch of these other ideas that don't fit with the way the rest of the game plays. Having to do a little first person shooting gallery stage at the end of every level feels tacky, the level with a motorcycle controls far too heavily to be satisfying, you get these random on rails flight sections where it feels like nothing happens, there's just a bunch of nothing tacked on throughout the experience that makes it all feel like a confused mess, and frankly, by the time I hit the 12th stage and yet another enemy attacked me the moment its intro cutscene ended before I could properly react, I was done. I feel like I played enough of this game to be able to form an informed opinion on this, and unfortunately, Bayonetta was mostly an exercise in misery, occasionally lit up by a cool boss fight or amazing setpiece, but it didn't stop the fact that for the vast majority of my playtime, it was a frustrating, uneven, and boring experience.
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Kempokid 2021-10-22T09:50:07Z
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Bayonetta awakes from a 500 year sleep with little memory of her past. She begins to piece together her memories whilst searching for a mysterious item known as The Eyes of the World. She is part of the Umbran Witches who have been battling against the Lumen Sages. The story is really hard to follow since Bayonetta herself doesn't really know what is going on, and the cut-scenes are over-dramatic and full of over the top violence, sexual references, and slightly cheesy lines.

Bayonetta is a nimble character and can chain combos together with a mix of punch, kick, and gun attacks. It's combo system works really well due to the impressive animation of the characters and enemies. Being a witch, Bayonetta can add a bit of magic to the mix with her “wicked weave” attack, turning her hair and clothes into a demon figure, and also dodging at the last moment activates slow-motion 'witch time'. A lot of the battles rely heavily on this mechanic, so it isn't the case of just button mashing to victory since you need to wait for the attack, dodge, then unleash the fury.

Filling up the magic meter can also allow you to do “torture attacks” which do large amounts of damage and involve a bit of button mashing to rack up more pain. Weapons can be unlocked and assigned to Bayonetta's hands and/or feet including a whip, claws, guns, sword, and skates and can be mapped to 2 weapons sets and switched at the press of a trigger.

The loading screen doubles up as a practice mode, complete with an on-screen move list, which is a nice reminder of the controls when you die and are waiting for the game to reload. Each chapter is split up into 'verses' which are scored separately based on time, combo damage, and damage taken, and the more hardcore gamers will go for the platinum awards.

On the normal difficulty, Bayonetta proves a tough challenge and I would advise to run through the game on an easier setting first to learn the mechanics. If you want a harder challenge, there are higher difficulties available too. By collecting halos that enemies drop, you can spend them at the shop, but the extra techniques and special items are particularly pricey. The normal items like healing items are a fair price but are limited in the amount you can purchase.

Some chapters end in a boss battle, but the larger bosses are so dramatic that they have their own dedicated chapter. These take some time to take down but have checkpoints at certain stages.

The overall style of Bayonetta is certainly strange but has a lot of charm. The overall look and difficulty of the game will draw comparisons to Ninja Gaiden and if you enjoy that kind of game, then Bayonetta is an obvious game to play. The soundtrack to the game is very repetitive since one J-pop sounding song is repeated an insane amount of times throughout the game and doesn't really fit; but yet adds to the games madness.

Overall, Bayonetta is a great game, but the story was hard to follow, and some of the extra variety they tried to put in the game like the motorbike sections don't really work and aren't particularly fun. Normally I wouldn't encourage quick-time events, but since the cut-scenes were so dramatic and sometimes quite lengthy; it probably would have suited the game to have more quick-time events as well as being more complex, rather than used sparingly and involving one button press.
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CaptainClam 2019-07-13T14:05:01Z
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Bayonetta is one of the freshest games out there. It's a pure example of style, the battles are very faced paced and requires to do some very fancy dodging and combos. It's very beautiful to look at when you get all the things right, you are really killing these weird angels in style. The cinematics are also highly impressive, from the sections presented in photo stills to the more action sequence, these visuals are very compelling and tell the story very well. The game is considered by many fans as one of the greatest of all-time, and I can understand that point of view, but it wasn't quite that experience for me. This game feels like total bullshit sometimes, just how unfair these stages are and how many times you have to start them over and over again until you really master dodging every enemy and timing your hits perfectly. It's rare that a game makes me sweat and hurt my hands, but this is one that really gave it to me. It's certainly a challenge to complete it (I played on normal, but they are 2 easier modes that might have been better for my skill level) and unfortunately it does get repetitive about halfway through in the game. While the bosses and environments keep changing, there isn't enough gameplay changes to keep the game that interesting in the later half of the game. You're eventually just running through the motions and hoping to get things right, which eventually you do, but it's certainly a bitch to get there. I had similar feelings with Vanquish, a fun game but perhaps not more than that. Platinum Games have yet to fully impress me with one of their titles, they some to make good throwback games adapted into modern technology but I've yet to be mindblown by one of their titles. Still Bayonetta is fun and enjoyable and it's not a bad recommendation, but I didn't feel it was an essential game to play or defining of its era.
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diction 2019-03-25T02:09:13Z
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Homelove ベヨネッタ 2024-05-15T14:46:10Z
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roman_cancel ベヨネッタ 2024-05-15T01:14:27Z
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M0KR1 ベヨネッタ 2024-05-12T20:37:53Z
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Josh783 ベヨネッタ 2024-05-12T10:06:16Z
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moozymathers ベヨネッタ 2024-05-10T16:27:07Z
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Splinteredsilhouette ベヨネッタ 2024-05-08T13:03:34Z
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RoyalWasTaken Bayonetta 2024-05-08T05:51:07Z
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talkingradioheads Bayonetta 2024-05-07T16:11:55Z
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Hack and slash On-rails shooter
Innerexperience ベヨネッタ 2024-05-06T17:07:17Z
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Affengitarre ベヨネッタ 2024-05-05T17:49:46Z
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vvhiteout ベヨネッタ 2024-05-05T15:55:54Z
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mitresque ベヨネッタ 2024-05-04T18:24:18Z
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1x Blu-ray
Also known as
  • Bayonetta
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  • iggys_hot_music 2023-02-18 21:29:06.757753+00
    90% of this game is horrendous gimmicks that play terribly. The game is fun for the first 3 missions when you get to actually fight enemies and perform combos.
    • iggys_hot_music 2023-02-18 22:14:49.255638+00
      Although, I did have a similar first experience with Devil May Cry 3, which is now one of my favourite games. It might just take a couple of play-throughs for this to click.
    • iggys_hot_music 2023-03-01 00:32:18.591769+00
      Update after second play-through: The core combat is fantastic once you get enough practice with dodge offset. It's a massive shame it isn't properly taught to the player. The bosses, mid combat gimmicks and Alfheim stages are still boring and obnoxious, although I'm glad I never have to touch the latter again. The motorbike and Shoot 'Em Up sections are actually kinda fun, but have an awful camera angle.
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  • NewClearStar 2023-12-16 21:48:39.128391+00
    She really done did serve looks in the entire game. There shouldn't be any qualms about that.
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  • renegadexavier06 2024-03-11 17:41:02.185159+00
    "You fight gigantic demigods that make the enemies of Shadow of the Colossus look like pet hamsters" I have the supposition that Panda is the "based" kind of gamer and, from analysing this one sentence, I'm presuming that they've rated Bayonetta [ベヨネッタ] higher than Shadow of the Colossus, simply because the former is perceived to be more "based" because "bigger = better = more based-

    Okay, who gives a fuck, my predictions were correct.
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  • planetneb 2024-03-12 14:16:28.384107+00
    amazing game but godDAMN the jank of the camera angles can throw me off
    acc worse than lollipop chainsaw can get sometimes
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