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Devil May Cry

デビル メイ クライ

Developer / Publisher: Capcom
23 August 2001
Devil May Cry [デビル メイ クライ] - cover art
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3.60 / 5.0
1,201 Ratings / 6 Reviews
#928 All-time
#46 for 2001
Dante visits Mallet Island on a mission to prevent the return of the world conquering dark emperor Mundus, whom the demon-hunter-for-hire holds responsible for the death of his family.
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2,000 years ago the human world was ruled over by the demon world. However, one of the demons, the legendary dark knight Sparda, awoke to justice and defeating the evil emperor Mundus sealed the demon world away from the human world. He then sealed his own darkest powers away (fearing he would become a threat to the humans himself) and assumed a human form, living among the humans, and for 2000 years he preserved the harmony of the worlds. Eventually Sparda fell in love with a human woman called Eva and had twin half blood sons, Dante and Vergil. However, Sparda died, and shortly after, Eva was killed in a demon attack that separated the two sons. Hating the demons for taking away his mother and his brother from him, Dante becomes a demon hunter and continues his fathers work, seeking revenge. 20 years on, Dante is called to Mallet island on a job, and comes face to face with an ancient enemy of his fathers.
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Releases 5
2001 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 554602 SLPM-65038
2001 Capcom  
XNA 0 13388 26004 1 SLUS-20216
2001 Capcom  
AU NZ 5 055060 920237 SLES-50358
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2001 Capcom  
DE 5 055060 920121 SLES 50358
2019 Capcom  
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Born from the ashes of a Resident Evil 4 prototype, Devil May Cry emerged as an entirely new type of game. Led by Hideki Kamiya (who infamously struggled as Resident Evil 2's director) and producer Shinji Mikami, DMC took the framework of the original Resident Evil (exploring a haunted mansion) and removed the key element (limited resources). In its place, they made a game around exhilarating combat influenced by 3D action games as well as Capcom’s own fighting games. You could fire guns akimbo at an enemy, similar to Laura Croft, and juggle them in the air like Street Fighter. The game ridiculed, celebrated, and rewarded based on the player's capability in switching up moves and styles without missing a beat.

The original DMC holds up well despite it being the oldest and simplest of the series. The castle, in which the majority of the game takes place, remains one of the greatest examples of immersive level design. There are lessons to be learned here by any working level designer and developer. The way paths eventually link, the detailed rooms, and the brilliant final act that transforms familiar spaces to create unease in the player are still striking design choices that make DMC a joy to play, even a decade later.

Due to the game’s lovely art direction and level design, DMC holds up pretty well after all these years. Its textures and geometry are just simple enough to make the game look dated but not necessarily ugly. There are certain quirks, however. While the in-game action and cutscenes are in glorious HD widescreen in the re-release, the menus and cinematics are not. It’s especially odd since Pipeworks Software, the developer of the collection, went through the trouble of putting in the Xbox 360 buttons and controller layout where appropriate in the menus.

Then there are some issues that remain problematic, after all these years -- no, I’m not talking about the platforming. The lip-syncing and terrible audio mixing that renders the dialog inaudible, at times, are as bad as they have ever been; a sharp reminder that in 2001, Capcom was still in the early days of crafting cinematic experiences for consoles. While rough around the edges, the level design remains the best in the series even if future entries improved elsewhere (and then some).
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SUPER_Lonely_Panda 2016-04-05T18:18:13Z
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As revolutionary as this game is, I have to say that it's a but rough around the edges due to stiff jumping mechanics that have aged poorly over the years. Just about everything else about this game is flawless, but boy do I hate the platforming stages which thankfully there aren't too many of or this would be one of my most hated games ever.

Now on the positives, this game is intense thanks to its (at the time) unique combat system which allows for frenetic gameplay against some rather inspired enemies. This is further helped by the level design as these fights take place in really cramped corridors which allow for enemies to be trapped within your combos to rack up the bonuses they have to offer by achieving higher scores whenever you pull them off. Admittedly the weapon selection is rather generic, or at least, compared to what would come later as the third entry in particular would offer some truly outrageous weapons that make these seem lame in comparison. I also like how the majority of the game takes place in a castle as its the perfect contrast to the modern mannerisms of our hero Dante, it's basically a cool way of a young whipper-snapper interacting with ancient magic and architecture which adds to the overall appeal of his character that helped make this franchise an instant classic upon this games initial release. The story is a bit basic; the emphasis clearly went into making our hero stand out from the generic protagonist template that was all the rage in the 90s. Let's just say no one will be forgetting this games version of Dante anytime soon were they to check this game out due to the reasons I've brought up to do with his mannerisms and gameplay.

Were it not for those awful jumping sections, I would say this game is flawless. There is a powerup you can obtain where this won't be an issue, however I doubt many people would know it in their first playthrough so I must stress that it's a necessity for playing these parts of the game.
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Foxylover92 2022-04-26T12:51:22Z
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Janky but with a solid core
Generally good level design and combat, though the bosses are horrible, mainly due to the camera angles. Clearly shows it age, yet the gothic atmosphere of the castle, and still stylish gameplay, is unbeatable. During the ending i also suddenly remembered a old clip of it that i had no idea happened in this game until it happened. Truly iconic
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Freshgrips 2023-07-15T00:14:06Z
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this game is janky, atmospheric and awesome
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yoitu 2023-04-11T11:07:51Z
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Está datado, mas ainda é razoavelmente divertido de jogar. Absoluto respeito pelo DMC original, de estilo tão próprio e ao mesmo tempo tão influente que definiu a base de todo um subgênero dos jogos de ação.
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gabrielctps 2022-03-10T02:47:16Z
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As someone who hasn't really played anything from this series up until now, I feel like this has aged pretty well! There are... certain aspects of it that haven't quite aged well — platforming straight up does not work as intended half the time and oftentimes leaves you kind of scratching at a wall/pillar/boss trying to scale it, fixed camera angles make dodging attacks a lot harder (and compounds the issues with platforming), and the checkpoint system often results in you doing the same parts of a level over and over again — but for everything that isn't so great there was something I really enjoyed. Combat is fast, tricky, and while it's not the most intricate thing in the world it's consistently fun to just pull your devil trigger and pummel enemies into the ground. Bosses, for the most part, are really fun to fight, and I don't even mind that you fight them like four times each because each new version complicates things and provides a functionally different experience from the last. I love how quick-witted and snappy the dialogue is contrasted with the... incredible cheesiness of the voice acting: it really helps sell the escalating craziness of the game and really gives it a B-movie sort of feel. When it works it really works. I'd hesitate to call it great — the weak bits provided pretty consistent frustration throughout the game — but I really enjoyed my time here and I'm really down to see how exactly the sequels iterate on the base provided here.
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Yugisan 2022-01-04T03:08:10Z
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misutaapopo デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-28T04:49:10Z
4 /6
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asdp デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-26T14:49:47Z
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to play.
hopperVincent デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-26T02:23:08Z
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sadgirl2023 デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-24T20:35:22Z
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FN1 デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-23T20:59:10Z
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Maliptail デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-23T00:50:28Z
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avoidbeing デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-21T22:23:52Z
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Innerexperience デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-21T19:11:26Z
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C0ntra Devil May Cry 2024-05-21T06:16:49Z
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KIIO デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-20T09:27:51Z
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DriedRoseTear デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-20T05:59:06Z
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spicy_michael デビル メイ クライ 2024-05-19T06:50:44Z
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1x DVD
Also known as
  • Debiru Mei Kurai
  • Devil May Cry
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  • betaaaaaa 2023-12-25 04:27:47.332507+00
    nightmare is a TERRIBLE boss
    • marten91 2024-05-14 12:47:16.769941+00
      Conceptually it's great, but camerawork kinda ruins it
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  • marco29 2024-02-21 21:56:55.578856+00
    I don't know if I am just bad at videogames but I remember this game being kind of difficult
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  • yungbono 2024-03-07 14:54:03.079168+00
    camera angles are the biggest enemies in this game
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