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Donkey Kong Country

Developer: Rare Publisher: Nintendo
21 November 1994
Donkey Kong Country - cover art
Glitchwave rating
4.01 / 5.0
228 Ratings / 3 Reviews
#279 All-time
#7 for 1994
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1994 Rare Nintendo  
FR BE NL LU 0 45496 83035 9 SNSP-8X-FAH
1994 Rare Nintendo  
XNA 0 45496 83035 9 SNS-8X-USA
1994 Rare Nintendo  
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1994 Rare Nintendo  
GB 0 45496 83035 9 SNSP-8X-UKV
1994 Rare Nintendo  
JP 4 902370 502114 SHVC-8X
1994 Rare Nintendo  
ES 0 45496 83035 9 SNSP-8X-ESP
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The Virtual Console and emulation are fucking dreams come true. How incredible is it that I can play this acclaimed software released on now-obsolete hardware with near-perfect accuracy on pretty much anything I own with a screen? The future is great, hats off to all those working to preserve the work of game designers of years past.

As for the actual game: it's great, with a couple problems.

For the unfamiliar (aka none of you), DKC is a platformer where you play as Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong as you embark on a quest to take back your banana hoard and defeat King K. Rool. Taking damage rids you of your current Kong and swaps you to your partner, which is actually mechanically consequential. DK and Diddy do not feel the same, move the same, or jump the same. Diddy is the Luigi of DKC, with a faster run and a higher jump. He also holds barrels in front of him as opposed to above, allowing him to essentially use it as a buffer from damage whereas DK must throw them to be effective. While no main-path obstacle is character-exclusive, there are plenty of Diddy-only jumps for hidden secrets, meaning he's preferred in mostly every scenario. You'll begin to ask yourself questions that shouldn't exist: do I start as Diddy because it'll be easier, or keep him as my backup when I inevitably take damage? At least DK does prove his worth in the 4th world, though, where his heftier frame gives him more traction on icy platforms. Generally, the asymmetric hero dynamic is clever and encourages different playstyles on paper, but in execution it feels a bit unbalanced.

The actual levels are where the game shines brightest. The linear and straight-forward level design, usually revolving around one new mechanic per level with the occasional inclusion of an older one to mix it up, allows for the player to quickly understand how to progress. There is no getting lost or any real puzzles to solve, either. It's concentrated platforming, in a pure form - boss fights included. The entire player moveset is encompassed in a dpad and three buttons, and there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome by the basic jumping (provided enough speed, which the player can max with a single cartwheel). Much like DK's up-B from his Smash Bros. appearances, there isn't much verticality in these levels, allowing the natural left-to-right screen scroll to present each new obstacle to the player consistently and fairly. You will not be dropped in on, nor will you be required to make any leaps of faith; your only task is to tackle each challenge as it appears. This keeps the game outrageously focused, but I could see some cynics mark this as an area where repetition could creep in.

The presentation is outstanding, with one of the best soundtracks ever made leading the player's charge through detailed and beautiful backgrounds. I used to hate the pre-rendered character models before I actually played it, but I find only endless charm in them today. While the enemy models can range in quality, the two primate heroes consistently look good and fluid, as do the solid environments. The sound design is A+ across the board as well, with little touches I adore like your partner banging on the inside of a barrel if you only have one Kong remaining, or the little ASMR chomps the baby gators make to signal their impending arrival as you approach. You'll spend so much time in each level that seeing a still from the game will probably immediately transport you back to grinding that stage out.

Donkey Kong Country is challenging, intuitive, and thoughtful, and outside of the then-standard lives mechanic clashing with its brutal difficulty (thank god for restore points) and some pre-rendered goofiness, it's translated pretty outstandingly to today. I've heard that the sequel fixes many of the problems of this title, and I can only hope they're right.
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the_lockpick 2018-09-04T01:58:16Z
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Is it possible that Donkey Kong Country was just so difficult that we fooled ourselves into thinking it to be one of the easiest platformers of the 16-bit era when it really is one of the most challenging? Yes, but not quite. It's a mix of Rare simplifying its games into mindless collect-a-thons in the Nintendo 64-era and the fact that DKC isn't all that difficult at first; not until the 3rd or 4th level-hub.

The visuals may have been the main appeal upon its release (I always thought it to be ugly, but not without a certain charm), but it remains a great game due to cleverly designed levels that offer tremendous tricky platforming. Even more grueling, it's paired with an unforgiving save system with save spots every 4 or 5 stages (in the age of emulation, one needs not to worry).

Some things can't be fixed with time and technology, however, such as the camera scrolling which will often throw enemies at you upon unveiling an area -- not to mention the final boss throws a projectile from off camera, unless you are up close (read: directly in line of fire).

Nevertheless, the constantly inventive level design, ugly yet charming visuals, and classic soundtrack make this a challenging and linear companion to Super Mario World [スーパーマリオワールド].
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SUPER_Lonely_Panda 2016-04-03T23:39:49Z
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Absolutely, positively one of the most ambitious platformers for it's day. Donkey Kong Country was one of the first video games I've ever played and it (as well as it's sequels) has helped make me the gamer I am today! :3 Everything from a presentation stand point is spectacular and holds up wonderfully. The revolutionary pre-rendered graphics that Rareware devised is stunning and almost photo realistic in some instances. Another visual trick Rare knocked out of the park was the art style's amazing sense of depth that produced the illusion of a 3D environment (a technique Rare a had been honing as early as Battletoads). Then there's the classic soundtrack composed (mostly) by David Wise, who put together a collection of songs drenched in ambience, emotion, and melancholy; the likes of which was unheard of for a stinking platformer! Whether it's the sorrow from Aquatic Ambience or life in the Mines, or just the fun and catchy nature of the DK Island Swing or Gang-Plank Galleon, this soundtrack is way better than it ever should have been! :P

But alas, this game isn't just about it's presentation, let's talk about the game-play! Another aspect that sets this platformer apart from the rest is it's "tag in, tag out" system between Donkey Kong and Diddy. Both characters play differently, Donkey Kong is slow and bulky but can take on most enemies, while Diddy is quick and nibble but vulnerable against more enemies. The level designs in this game present a steep challenge even for seasoned gamers, but the game is never unfair or broken. There are a variety of locations to visit from treetop towns to ancient temples and misty mine shafts to freaky factories. I think the juxtaposition between the natural areas and industrialised areas perhaps put forth a theme of environmental exploitation. I mean, one level is a legitimate "poison pond" created out of the run-off of nearby factories (in the GBA version the water is even green! :S).

I could be over analysing this game but it's pretty easy to do that, you should watch Game Theory's conspiracy about how this game is anti-American propaganda! Now that's a bit much! :P

The bosses in this game were passable but fairly generic and boring compared to what future DKC game's would present. The obvious highlight is King K Rool who you fight on a friggin pirate ship! :3 Each stage is also littered with tons of secrets and bonus games, but unlike later DKC games; there's no real incentive to find them all.... The buddies in this game are great, everybody loves the rhino but the freaking ostrich was useless lol. The enemies and kremlins in this game are pretty entertaining, from the big fat army dudes to the barrel hurling monkeys this game keeps you on your toes! The mine cart levels are also very fun and pretty difficult but there's only two of them unfortunately T_T Overall I think this game rocks with it's design, but there are still a few areas for improvement. Like I said earlier the bosses weren't too special. And some levels would have like... Floating tires or oil drums.... Like literally just floating in midair..... A very minor flaw sure, but it's still a flaw no less. Lastly, at only 6 areas this is the shortest Donkey Kong Country game, however the game's difficulty and conciseness somewhat mends that.

At the end of the day this is a classic and very creative 2D platformer that was not only ground breaking for it's day, but still holds up surprisingly well today! :D
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PaperbagWriter93 2016-06-19T02:07:22Z
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Exactly 20 years ago, in 1994, during christmas eve, i was eagerly waiting to open my christmas presents. There was a huge present under the tree and i wasn't sure at all what it would include so the excitement was even more unbearable for a six year old me. When the time finally came to open presents i ripped the big present open and i was blown away by its content: Inside the present there was a brand new Super Nintendo Entertainment System console and it also included a free game named "Donkey Kong Country"! I really didn't expect to get a gaming console so it was a complete shock to lay my eyes upon this brand new system.

Playing with the console was so exciting that i got a bad fever because of an erstwhile tension and i had to spend the rest of the christmas in bed while watching my brother playing the game. He managed to beat the game eventually but years later i managed to complete it entirely.

The year the game was released it was a technological masterpiece and the graphics put most of the games of that era into shame. Despite of it being released on a 16-bit console many actually believed it to be a 32-bit game because the graphics were so impressive back in the day. The game utilized the Silicon Graphics technology that was also used in blockbuster movies such as "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" and "Jurassic Park" (To animate T-1000's liquid body, make the dinosaurs look alive, etc.), however, the game's 3d objects were compressed into 2d so it then could run on SNES, albeit the final look still looked very beautiful. The sprites were very detailed and the backgrounds were unbelievably gorgeous.

"Donkey Kong Country" takes its major ideas from "Super Mario World" where the overworld map has been split into different worlds and each world includes at least five different levels to choose from. There may not be as many levels as in "Super Mario World" but thanks to its slick controls and challenging yet versatile level designs the game keeps the players entertained. In order to beat the level it is needed to find an "Exit" sign and move past it. To complete each levels there are a numerous hidden bonus levels to find and some of them are quite well hidden. When a level has been completed the name of the level will have an exclamation point at the end once you've found all the bonus rooms in that level. Since the game doesn't note the player about this little detail, it is easily misunderstood or even completely ignored. Figuring this out took me years to fully notice this because there were no internet access that time but fortunately this has been fixed in the sequel games.

The controls are top quality 2d platforming magic that are easy to learn but difficult to master. There are a lot of challenging levels to witness and mastering them takes lots of retries. Player plays either Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong and each of these characters have their pros and cons. DK is stronger and can take down tougher enemies but Diddy is nimbler and jumps higher. The best way is to master their movements in order to finish each level. Some levels include animal buddies that have special movements. The way is to first find an animal box with a certain animal's picture on it, set them free and ride them. While riding, they can perform their individual moves and thus make DK's and Diddy's adventure a little easier. For example, Rambi the rhino and Enguarde the swordfish can bash enemies and even reveal hidden bonus levels. Winky the frog can jump very high and Squawks the parrot can light dark caves with his lantern on his talons. However, he can't be ridden in the first "DKC" game. If getting hit by an enemy, the animal buddy will abandon the Kongs and start running away. Catching the animal is possible, though.

Now, 20 years later, "Donkey Kong Country" is a twenty year old game and in hindsight, it has been a long voyage. Yet, the time has REALLY flown by so quickly and i remember playing the game for the first time like it was yesterday! Despite of varying changes in my life the game still has its special place in my heart. In fact, not a single other game hasn't been able to surpass this game and i have always felt that "Donkey Kong Country" is my favourite game of all time. Sure, it isn't the longest game ever and on a technological level it isn't the greatest looking game anymore and even its sequels are more multifaceted but thanks to its great playability and a grand amount of personal nostalgia, i will cherish my old game cartridge for as long as it's working.

The music of "Donkey Kong Country"... How much this has impacted on my life... This beautiful piece of pure art has grown so much throughout these years and it has influenced me on so many levels that i cannot even know how to tell about it. Written by British video game composers David Wise, Eveline Fischer and Robin Beanland, these three people managed to create something so special that marked a huge spot in the video game music history.

The quality of sound is surprisingly clear and it almost is like CD quality. Adding the beautiful melodies makes the game sound unbelievably good, all thanks to the pioneers at Rare. The main music style of the game is very melodic and it takes its styles from jazz, African rhythms and ambient music. Thankfully, the music is as versatile as the game's levels are, thus, making the game feel highly atmospheric. From rhythmic rain forests to melancholic underwater ambient, from murky caves to mysterious snowy mountains, all themes seem to fit perfectly well. In fact, the melodies are so good they become very memorable, and this is the key element why the music of "Donkey Kong Country" is so powerful.

Maybe the most special track one from the game has to be "Aquatic Ambience", an underwater theme with a longing, very nostalgic sounding ambient vibe with synthetic, dreamful echoes, deep bass and heartbreaking piano and guitar waves. Even the composer David Wise has mentioned before that this track is his personal favourite. I can see why. He is a master composer and one of my favourite musicians of all time.

Without the music "Donkey Kong Country" might not be as phenomenal as it is now. It has touched many people's lives and will definitely influence in the future.
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W28Mews Donkey Kong Country 2024-06-01T04:12:23Z
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Bel3 Donkey Kong Country 2024-05-22T00:11:33Z
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cencilezzi Donkey Kong Country 2024-05-15T11:20:26Z
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DissonantTimpani Donkey Kong Country 2024-05-15T07:23:25Z
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Bandurria Donkey Kong Country 2024-05-11T20:18:57Z
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the_traveler Donkey Kong Country 2024-04-29T01:28:12Z
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baogang Donkey Kong Country 2024-04-17T17:11:12Z
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polland Donkey Kong Country 2024-04-16T21:53:40Z
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DachshundDude Donkey Kong Country 2024-04-10T16:16:39Z
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AaronOHanlon Donkey Kong Country 2024-03-15T17:29:36Z
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Svetlanist17 Donkey Kong Country 2024-03-03T03:24:50Z
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__generic Donkey Kong Country 2024-03-02T21:46:45Z
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1-2 players
1x Cartridge
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0 45496 83035 9/SNS-8X-USA/xna


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  • HeatherMadhouse 2023-05-14 11:43:37.933585+00
    one of the greatest showcases of the technological prowess of the snes. great game in general but everything about this game is just crazy for a piece of hardware produced in 1988-89
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  • lilikoipassion 2023-05-17 23:08:25.189376+00
    my god this is so good but so frustrating
    • salem_3 2024-02-06 23:34:16.054788+00
      the frustration is what makes it good imo, nothing more satisfying than struggling on a level then finally reaching the end after an hour of trial and error
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  • RomanDogBird 2023-06-18 05:08:09.199132+00
    this amazing new generation of Donkey Kong madness
    • Regal_Throes 2023-11-02 16:09:28.177692+00
      If you don't think DKC is perfect, you are STUPID.
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  • Sunvin 2023-06-26 17:54:07.439237+00
    nintendo was super generous to throw in a free game with this album [2]
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  • Gavel 2023-10-04 06:57:15.083066+00
    with as much praise as it rightly gets for the presentation and overall package, i feel dkc still maintains to be underrated with regards to the gamefeel and level design
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  • jorgeskuf 2023-11-08 08:55:15.414012+00
    this game was pissing me off at first, but like 5 worlds in it is really growing on me. my favorite level so far is the one one the factory where the lights turn on and off, and the level where you have to keep refueling the floating track. playing through that floating track one was making me feel like those Mario Kaizo tik toks.
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  • MasterOfShaft 2024-03-31 04:39:25.502056+00
    this game fucking rocks
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  • anahera 2024-04-18 09:03:37.086706+00
    i love this game to bits but i suck so much ass at it it's insane i'm literally dying every two seconds
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