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Doom 3

Developer: id Software Publisher: Activision
03 August 2004
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Glitchwave rating
3.26 / 5.0
880 Ratings / 6 Reviews
#1,997 All-time
#96 for 2004
A lone marine must face against the armies of Hell by himself as an experiment goes horribly wrong.
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2004 id Activision  
XNA 0 47875 32377 3
2004 id Activision  
GB 5 030917 024399
Doom 3 Uncut
2004 id Activision  
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2005 id VV  
XNA 0 47875 81095 2
2007 id  
Doom 3 BFG Edition
2012 id Bethesda Softworks  
Doom 3 BFG Edition
2012 id Bethesda Softworks  
XNA 0 93155 11834 8
Doom 3 BFG Edition
2012 id Bethesda Softworks  
XNA 0 93155 11832 4
DOOM 3 BFG Edition
2012 id Bethesda Softworks  
Doom 3 BFG Edition
2012 id Bethesda Softworks  
Doom 3 BFG Edition
2015 id NVIDIA Lightspeed  
2019 id Panic Button  
2019 id Bethesda Softworks  
2019 id Panic Button  
2021 id Panic Button  
US CA 0 93155 17574 7 2107181
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I'm being a bit generous with my score for this game as it comes with my experience with the 2010 remaster that fixes all of the issues I have with it, however even without the remaster, I would still say this game receives too much hate from the gaming industry.

The issues commonly brought up are ones I do agree with, namely that it's mostly style over substance overall as the graphics are amazing for their time (except for the humans who always looked odd to me) however id software must have felt they would wow audiences enough to dial back the gameplay from their earlier games. Granted the combat is still top notch and it's clear that there was an emphasis on atmosphere which does bring tension to the puzzles this game has to offer, however there's a ton of "sightseeing" in the game (heavily reminiscent of half-life the more I think about it) and a higher emphasis on a story that ultimately isn't very engaging. It's basically a hybrid of the original doom lore with half-life pacing (with cutscenes as to avoid the direct comparison) as you traverse through Mars before ending up in hell to defeat the bad guy. Another problem I have and one that's fixed in the remaster is the flashlight, specifically how the game treats it like a weapon rather than a separate function. I get that its purpose is to further instil fear in the player as they are stuck with a weak weapon with it and in the dark without it, however it's function as a permanent ability in the remake is far more convenient for gameplay. I will say that I do like the redesigns of the monsters in this game even if I do prefer their classic iterations, they fit the tone of the game really well, particularly the hell knight which would be reused in later titles.

I'll also being up the Xbox version since I did have access to it growing up, however I hate this version because of how the level structure is so linear even compared to the main version. The levels are split up into different sections with long load times between them and the graphics have been downgraded as well. I get this was all due to console limitations, however at this point, they should have saved it for a 360 release. On the plus side, I like the redesigns of the classic monsters as they feel appropriate to the setting of the game, although I will admit they don't hold a candle to the classic designs as seeing them revert to as such in doom 2016 was for the best Imo.

I would recommend playing the remaster if you're going to check this game out, it comes with the expansion pack and the first two games as well as fixing my main issues with the main campaign.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T01:08:55Z
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Doom 3 - Nintendo Switch
ID saw Midway make spooky Doom and thought "Hey! We can do that too!". But what came out of it was a boring game where you walk down a dark corridor, a demon jumps out from a corner, you try and shoot at it with one of the worst shotguns ever put to a video game until it dies, and then you walk down another dark corridor, rinse and repeat. This game is just fucking boring. The low point of the Doom series, no doubt.
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i think it is clear that this is the console ,casual, dumbed down, shit version of doom 3, theres WAY too much fucking ammo, even on harder difficulties, the game is too bright and happy when it obviously wasn't intended to be. I haven't beaten the original release, but i've played it, and i can just tell this is a stupid version of the game. with that said i still did enjoy myself, and going to Hell is a very cool area of the game. the enemy design and variation can be really exciting sometimes and most of the weapons just feel great to use. a solid FPS

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darkrecollections 2020-09-03T21:00:29Z
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I'm glad I never played the original game on release, I feel it would have left a really bad taste in my mouth. I remember a lot of discussion about how the flashlight was non-existent or practically useless? Anyway, mods and the refurbished edition of this game were quite enjoyable.

Doom 3 is really just a laid-back survivor horror game; it occupies that dead zone between the narrative stuff like Silent Hill and the fast-paced stuff like Resident Evil 4.
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MoaM 2018-04-20T17:56:07Z
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Doom 3 brings back memories, I had the BFG collection during my Senior year of college, and every few weeks I'd play it after all my friends went back home so it was just me and this one girl in our group who would be in the dorm lobby and I'd play Doom 3 while she'd do her art stuff since she was an Architect major, and sometimes she'd make fun of the game with me and we'd have inside jokes related to the game, like theres a moment where you go into a bathroom and a fat demon comes out of a toilet stall. Actually when I first played this, I never played a Doom game before, and heard this was one of the best survival horror games. After months and months of playing this every so often, I finally beat the game about a month before I graduated and well it was pretty average I thought. Yeah it had moments, some cool enemy design, and some humor even thrown in. But the game just felt a bit too difficult at times and it frustrated me on end how you died like a little bitch after just a few hits, the story was pretty generic and cheesy, the loading times are super slow, everything just looked the same and the parts where you go to hell are really the only parts that stood out, oh and the boss fights in this are pretty bad as well.

Not to mention after I played Doom 1 and 2 a few months later, I just couldn't look back at this. I give it credit for being experimental and trying to be a slower paced horror game where the first Dooms were fast paced action shooters, but in doing so the series lost what made it great to begin with and you can tell something is just missing in Doom 3. Its a competent enough FPS game, but it really doesn't stand out and is a huge downgrade from the first 2 Dooms which are some of the best games of their time.
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jweber14 2017-07-21T20:48:50Z
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Alone in the doom
Doom 3 is a completly different beast when compared to the other Doom games. Its much more horror driven, both in its claustrophobic atmosphere as well as scarcity of resources and enemy encounter design. Though not nearly as beloved as the other two games, its still a very solid shooter that holds up to a playthrough nowadays.

Its plot is a mess though, featuring some really corny cutscenes and nonsensical characters. Skipping it might be beneficial to you in the long term. You lay as the lonely marine that must kill everything when things turn to hell. There are a lot of mars facility levels, and towards the end the famous hell levels.

It starts you of with a pistol and then gradually introduces more and more weapons. Fortunatly the game has been fixed to allow a flashlight on the end of the pistol, but its still a very dark game to navigate. This coupled with the repetitive levels can mean that you get lost a couple of times. THe progression through the levels is still through the search of keys and backtracking, but compared to the original games this has been toned down severly. This is a good thing as i think that ultimatly hampered the pacing of the game. That said, there are much less secrets as well in this game.

The weapons are very solid to shoot, and there is a nice variety of them, though nothing particularly original. The enemies are varied and you must use different strategies to bring them down. Unfortunatly the game is very contained at throwing more than two enemies at you due to the very closed space of the mars facility, and as such the encounters are more monotonous than they should. The game tries to compensate by spawning enemies after you killed the first wave and so on, but this feels cheap. The sound design in the game is also weak, and this means that the gunplay is not as satisfying as it should nor the atmosphere is as intense as it could be.

Despite the weaker aspects of it, the technical and gameplay side of it are top notch back then, and because of that it still offers a good playthrough nowadays.
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Threntall 2016-07-24T10:53:11Z
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Imagine_Wagons Doom 3 2024-06-07T08:20:08Z
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Jigglybacon Doom 3 2024-06-06T22:48:06Z
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kornsnakety123 Doom 3 2024-06-02T01:01:42Z
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ntxp3 Doom 3 2024-06-01T07:09:30Z
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PizzapastaButcooler Doom 3 2024-05-30T14:35:02Z
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betaaaaaa Doom 3 2024-05-29T13:17:29Z
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deathjumping Doom 3 2024-05-27T11:57:32Z
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spacetrucker Doom 3 2024-05-27T00:47:43Z
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idiotican9 Doom 3 2024-05-26T15:01:56Z
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LilHooty Doom 3 2024-05-18T21:38:28Z
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MasterOfShaft Doom 3 2024-05-15T00:43:02Z
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Bubu66 Doom 3 2024-05-12T03:44:23Z
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Content rating
Multiplayer modes
Deathmatch / FFA


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  • hiddenjem 2023-06-02 07:10:15.923371+00
    quite fun, but MAN do the jumpscares get old
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  • blendernoob64 2023-06-06 13:35:53.997055+00
    the more I play this one, the more I enjoy it. The art direction really holes the game up and then some.
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  • blackearth 2023-07-23 16:44:37.108881+00
    impeccable atmosphere indeed
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  • StarryWire 2023-07-30 18:15:45.871269+00
    It is impressive to me that people just don’t get this game. The insane atmosphere and genuinely creepy, dour tone is one of the most unique in the history of FPS’, especially considering it without a doubt would go on to influence a lot of survival horror. This is a really bleak game with some very interesting designs and hoops for the player to jump through.

    All the things people have against this are things of praise for me. I see criticism towards the gun sounds and design when I found that to be one of my favorite things about the game?? Or the criticisms towards the repetition of doors, sprawling hallways and things lurking in the dark where its hard to see when that’s kind of the point?? Ive even seen the soundtrack take criticisms when its one of the most endearing factors in the game: low rumbling drones and ambience. Its kind of miserable but in a very cool way.

    Much of this game is meant to be more of a swallowing and suffocating trudge through a broken down, isolating station than a constant shoot out and so many people just seem to miss that point. The controls are fine, sure theres mechanics like the flashlight being its own tool but that seems to add a bit of challenge to this.

    And to that one comment…Only spawns two enemies at a time…no? You must not have gotten far. There are plenty of rooms where it floods you with more than just 2 enemies.
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  • PrivateJoker 2023-11-05 00:10:29.158718+00
    It deserves praise for its atmosphere, visuals, and presentation, but it's also ridiculously repetitive. I never finished it, because, to be honest, I got tired of it.
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  • altertide0 2023-11-08 08:35:50.715387+00
    Agreed, the game is super repetitive. It did get fun for me starting from the Delta Labs levels (so more than halfway through), not even sure why, maybe more enemy variety? But until then it was a hard slog, I kinda needed something repetitive and dumb to do after work and it was still boring me, almost ditched it.
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  • marco29 2024-03-15 15:54:13.65119+00
    the only doom I didn't bother to finish

    of course the problem isn't that the game is different, my favorite doom game is doom eternal and that is quite different from any doom or quake game
    the problem is that this game is trying to be both a classic doom fps and a horror game, but it's mediocre at both, where they trade the unique and fun level design of the classics for much blander and linear levels, and an horror atmosphere that is literally just "dark room + random jumpscare"
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