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Halo: Reach

Developer: Bungie Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
14 September 2010
Halo: Reach - cover art
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3.87 / 5.0
2,003 Ratings / 3 Reviews
#381 All-time
#15 for 2010
Noble Six meets the rest of Noble Team, shortly before they are dispatched to investigate why a communications relay has gone offline.
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2019 Bungie 343i  
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This is the last halo game to be developed by bungee, the company certainly went out with a bang here as they delivered another flawless entry into the franchise even though this is a prequel to the games that came before it.

The real winner here is the story as it centres around a group of Spartans who eventually witness the creation of Cortana and deliver her to captain keys which kick starts the events of the first game. Obviously, there's far more to the story than that synopsis but I won't reveal anything else about it due to spoilers as they can ruin the emotional moments the game had to offer. Of course, having a compelling story would be meaningless if the core gameplay was awful, thankfully this isn't the case here as there are several new mechanics added in such as gadgets that our hero can pick up to aid him on his quest raging from a dash to a jet pack. These really spice up the gameplay in a way that doesn't break continuity in universe as the story takes place on a planet that hasn't been visited in any of the prior games, that and our hero wasn't mentioned in those games for reasons that become obvious by its conclusion. The landscapes are well-constructed which is a given for the franchise by this point, they can be a bit spacious but that's obviously to take advantage of the different gadgets found throughout the campaign. There's not much more to say about this game as everything else it does right come from its predecessors, it's what's new that makes it stand out from the competition.

It's a fantastic end to the bungee era of the franchise, it has great gameplay and a gripping story that's well worth your time.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T00:31:50Z
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this game is so iconic. the level variety in this game is crazy and by the end it felt like it did everything it wanted to accomplish
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blue0x 2022-01-06T08:42:12Z
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Given that the game is 8 years old, I was expecting it to look a little dated, but this looks very beautiful.

The story is a prequel to the first Halo game, so tells the tale of the Covenant's conquest of Reach. You play as a member of Noble Team; who are a team of Spartans. You may achieve many victories across the game, but there's only so much a team can do, so will ultimately be defeated; although your team members won't go down without a fight.

The gameplay is the usual Halo gameplay. What I've always liked about Halo is how often you need to switch out weapons. The ammunition is very limited, so you will be constantly depleting weapons and have to make do with what you can pick up; which means you have to adapt your strategy.

The game tries to mix up the gameplay, so there's some driving sections and slower moments where you will be walking across landscapes while your team mates talk. There's some flying missions, even one where you pilot a spacecraft in space.

As usual the game has frequent checkpoints which means you won't lose too much progress when you do die, although there were times where additional checkpoints seemed to trigger on the second attempt; i.e. they didn't trigger the first time. In terms of other bugs, I found AI controlled Spartans seemed a bit clueless when you got into vehicles. Sometimes it looked like they should take the spare vehicle but they just decided to stand there, but seemed to respawn when you reached the next section.

If you have played a previous Halo game, then I think you know exactly what to expect.
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CaptainClam 2018-08-26T18:00:54Z
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Nevermind that Bungie claimed to have “finished the fight” 3 years before with Halo 3, what was supposed to be the final entry of the series at the time. After the spin-offs of Halo Wars and Halo 3: ODST, Bungie returned for what was once again said to be the series’ swan song. As always is the case with this popular series, high expectations have been set. However, once again they have made enough refinements and long-awaited tweaks to please even the most jaded fans.

The options available upon starting the game can be overwhelming at first and the convoluted menus don’t help. Once you start your game of choice, you’ll soon find that this is the same Halo that you’ve grown to love or hate over the years. It just looks a bit better. The graphical overhaul is impressive, but how could it not be when compared to Halo 3, with its horribly detailed player models and blocky outdoor landscapes.

The most significant addition to single-player and multi-player is the equipment spread throughout the campaign (or chosen during your load-out phase in multi-player) that gives you new abilities, such as a jetpack or the ability to make a hologram of yourself to distract enemy fire. It’s a simple addition but one that adds a new layer of strategic depth. It seems to stand alone, however, in being a bold, new change for the series.

For the most part, everything you liked about Halo 3 has returned in some form, only bigger and better. Firefight, a co-operative mode where you and your friends take on endless hordes of enemies, has been renewed with seemingly limitless variations, including one that lets you play on the enemy side against your friends. Forge has been redubbed Forge World and for good reason: you now have the ability to create more expansive maps with far less frustration. In addition to all this, you have the traditional multi-player modes that return with all the customization options you never asked for.

There is a work-man like quality that went into Halo: Reach. Rather than fix what has always been wrong with the series – the lackluster team A.I., redundant nature of the campaign, and needlessly complicated story – Bungie focus on what has always worked and somehow found ways to improve on it. For someone who has never been a fan of the series, I find it hard to applaud Bungie for playing it so safe. You’ll still find playing the campaign alone to be a frustrating affair due to incompetent team A.I. and the infuriating checkpoint system – not to mention that Reach’s campaign is far from being the best in the series due to pacing and level design. The game might not have the impact or originality of past series entries, but it’s improvements make it a worthwhile investment for those still interested in the series.
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SUPER_Lonely_Panda 2016-04-05T18:19:03Z
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musicthejax Halo: Reach 2024-05-28T06:54:23Z
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MaestroOak Halo: Reach 2024-05-28T05:02:44Z
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Cognizant_Koala Halo: Reach 2024-05-27T11:41:38Z
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worstcaseontario Halo: Reach 2024-05-26T21:23:13Z
6.0 /10
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lem0n_cardb0ard Halo: Reach 2024-05-26T20:04:36Z
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andriodexo Halo: Reach 2024-05-26T16:07:49Z
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blossomburst Halo: Reach 2024-05-24T21:57:54Z
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dAlexx Halo: Reach 2024-05-24T00:18:58Z
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mtvernon Halo: Reach 2024-05-22T16:26:50Z
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jonesindiana Halo: Reach 2024-05-20T20:09:41Z
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DriedRoseTear Halo: Reach 2024-05-20T05:57:06Z
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LilHooty Halo: Reach 2024-05-18T22:59:39Z
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Content rating
Player modes
1-16 players
1x DVD
Multiplayer modes
Cooperative , Deathmatch / FFA, Team play
Multiplayer options
LAN, Local, Online


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  • Pumas 2023-04-07 23:11:25.123558+00
    I think this is prob my second favorite halo campaign after CE
    • Pumas 2023-07-13 18:41:01.315153+00
      jk its my favorite
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  • sheriffofballesville 2023-06-18 02:55:30.408305+00
    The forge mode and local co-op on this game goes insanely hard and deserves 10/10 for that alone
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  • Splinteredsilhouette 2023-11-16 15:45:22.453498+00
    The last two missions are Top 5 Missions in the whole franchise. Pillar of Autumn might even be the very best. Well... second best after Gravemind.
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  • Zaphyra 2023-11-19 03:19:50.58587+00
    i love halo so much bros
    • Pumas 2024-02-13 23:14:26.090253+00
      Same bro
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  • Smooth1e 2023-12-31 16:01:50.195547+00
    This will forever be my favorite Halo campaign
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  • pankakemarine 2024-01-05 07:09:11.963226+00
    Bro is just hiding out in a cave
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  • renegadexavier06 2024-01-23 11:08:03.643923+00
    How painful was this campaign to Halo fans? This tragic plot where everyone died one by one in this unwinnable war felt like Bungie's way of giving Microsoft and the fans, who wanted more Halo, the middle finger because they've been wanting to move on from Halo since the second game.
    • ThrashingFairy 2024-03-05 05:50:18.535408+00
      Well, it was a prequel based on Reach and we already knew it was destined to fall, plus the mainline series with big green sometimes got a bit grimdark too so there was already a precedent. So I don't think this caught many fans off-guard but I could be wrong though.
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