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Metal Gear Solid

03 September 1998
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Glitchwave rating
4.19 / 5.0
2,793 Ratings / 10 Reviews
#68 All-time
#3 for 1998
A crack government anti-terrorist squad takes over an obscure Alaskan nuclear disposal facility with the aid of an army of genetically-modified 'genome soldiers'. They have threatened to launch a nuclear missile if the US government does not hand over the preserved body of 'Big Boss', the greatest soldier that ever lived. The only person who can successfully infiltrate the facility, rescue the two hostages and thwart the terrorists' plans is the legendary Solid Snake - you.
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In early 2005, special forces unit FOXHOUND stages a hostile takeover of an Alaskan nuclear disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island. Under the leadership of Liquid Snake and with the help of an army of genetically modified Genome Soldiers, they threaten to launch a nuclear missile if their demands; the remains of former FOXHOUND commander Big Boss, and 1 billion US dollars; are not met. Legendary soldier Solid Snake is forced out of retirement and tasked with infiltrating the facility and putting a stop to the terrorists.
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1998 KCE Japan Konami  
JP 4 988602 465594 SLPM-86114 / SLPM-86115
1998 KCE Japan Konami  
XNA 0 83717 17031 0 SLUS-00594 / SLUS-00776
Metal Gear Solid Greatest Hits
1999 KCE Japan Konami  
XNA 0 83717 17063 1 SLUS-00594 / SLUS-00776
Show all 16 releases
1999 KCE Japan Konami  
ES 4 012927 010440 SLES-01734#2 / SLES-11734#2
1999 KCE Japan Konami  
IT 4 012927 020067 SLES-01508 / SLES-11508
1999 KCE Japan Konami  
GB 4 012927 020067 SLES-01370 / SLES-11370
1999 KCE Japan Konami  
ES 4 012927 020067 SLES-01734 / SLES-11734
1999 KCE Japan Konami  
JP SCPS-45412 / SCPS-45413 / SCPS-45414
Metal Gear Solid Platinum
2000 KCE Japan Konami  
AU 4 988602 749786 SLES-01370 / SLES-11370
2000 KCE Japan Microsoft  
2020 KCE Japan Konami  
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Version
2023 Konami KCE Japan  
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Version
2023 KCE Japan Virtuos  
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Version
2023 KCE Japan Virtuos  
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Version
2023 Konami KCE Japan  
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An archaic but overall very good game.
A lot of the game really shows its age but overall its a pretty good experience. Im a zoomer and maybe the impact of the game back when it released is lost on me but i still quite enjoyed it. the gameplay took me a while to get the hang of and its no where near perfect. most of the enemies spot you way to easily and sometimes when you try to choke them out you just get immediately spotted. unlike the games after if you get spotted for 0.1 seconds then all enemies immediately know your location and come to kill you. most of my strategy was to just try to sneak past all the enemies or spray and pray my pistol and hope they die fast enough to not alert anyone. the best part game play wise is the boss fights all of them are very fun and difficult with alot of different ways and strategy you can use to take them out. using your gear and actually thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of the boss is very fun and rewarding and defeating them feels good.

as for the story its probably the best part of the game its so good. its insane and balls to the walls and it takes itself so seriously and its great honestly its worth playing just for the story
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gl8zed 2024-02-13T19:21:07Z
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While I can agree that this is a great game, I have to say that it's a tad overrated mainly due to how confusing the progression can be even for veteran players.

As much as I want to give this a perfect score, I found myself looking up a walkthrough far too often on my first playthrough to the point where it honestly frustrated me. This is because there's certain actions required that I wouldn’t have guessed to perform in a million years, examples include pretending to be dead by pouring ketchup on myself to simulate that I'm bleeding to death, finding heat detecting goggles to detect invisible lasers (which can also be exposed by snake smoking in the room they're active in) and taking muscles relaxing drugs to properly use a sniper rifle (I thought snake was an expert at stealth, so why would he need muscle relaxing drugs to use a gun?) Unlike in Tomb raider, I didn't feel any satisfaction in figuring out how to progress through the campaign after these roadblocks, although thankfully there weren't enough of them for me to dislike this game in any way.

Now for the positives, let's get the obvious out of the way first. This has some of the best voice acting of all time, impressive as this is an English dub of a Japanese title during the heyday of 4kids. The story is very compelling as we have our hero solid snake coming out of retirement to infiltrate a base and uncovering secrets from everyone else in the cast as the story progresses, you really question who’s on your side the further into the game you go due to everyone having questionable morals as the events unfold. While some of the puzzles are beyond confusing and do drag down the overall experience, there's plenty of well thought out puzzles to make up for these blunders. They mainly consist of ways of entering areas of the base undetected by the Ai, some of which I even found amusing such as having wolves attack them. There are two endings to this game, however which one you get is determined by the halfway point which I won't reveal how due to spoilers. I'm bringing this up as it breaks the cliché of an ending being determined at the last minute that most games still do to this day. While the graphics are amazing for a ps1 game, I can't say the same for the character models mainly due to them lacking eyes in game. This is very jarring in the radio transmissions as they resemble regular people there. I guess this was done to make the level design stand out which it certainly does as the environments are well textured and look beautiful considering the game takes place in a military base in the middle of a tundra.

So yeah, I do like this game, I just don't think it's the masterpiece everyone claims it is. I know the voice acting is Oscar worthy, but surely that isn't enough to distract from how cryptic the game can sometimes be right?
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T00:14:47Z
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Should Video Games Just Be Movies?
To answer my rhetorical title: NO! Absolutely not! It is an uninspired use of the medium. It also really is a problem here, because if I had to guess conservatively how much of the game is cutscenes, I would say 50%. I suspect it may even be closer to 60%. I suspect this wouldn’t be so bad if the gameplay itself was better, but it often feels like an afterthought.

I can pretty briefly mention all the things that are good about this from a game play point of view. First, the fight against Psycho Mantis is pretty clever. I’ve never seen a game break the 4th wall by requiring that you plug your controller into a different control port in order to beat him, and also have the character read your save data. I was highly impressed by that idea, and that really made up for how uninteresting the actual fight is after you do the trick (seriously, you just punch him, and then lie down when he throws stuff at you until he dies). That was certainly the peak of the game, and I wish it did things that interesting throughout rather than in just one instance.

The other good boss fight is against Vulcan Raven, which has some of the best dialogue (and this game does have consistently great dialogue), followed by the funniest mechanics. I just placed claymores everywhere and watched him run into them. It didn’t get old, and made me giggle every time.
"You must be a real threat in the muktuk eating contest"
"Yes, you are right."

And yes, the cutscenes in this game are often comedy gold. The plot is so ridiculous and contrived, and the characters just say and do the funniest things. One of the first lines of dialogue in the game is Snake talking about how he smuggled his cigarettes in his stomach because of a pill he took that reduced his stomach acid levels. I legitimately have no idea why this game doesn’t have comedy as a genre on this website. It’s just not possible to take it seriously, and there is no way you are supposed to for most of it. Otacon literally decided to build nuclear bombs because he likes anime. One guy's codename is ‘deepthroat’. A guard is stripped naked and his butt is sticking up in the air. Psycho Mantis’ tragic backstory was that he was tired of reading people’s minds and finding out they are thinking about sex. And these things all happen at the beginning of the game. It is that silly throughout.

The only downside to all the delightful goofiness is that when the game tries to be serious (and it does at a few points) it completely falls flat. All the scenes about how awful warfare is, and how terrible it was to grow up in Kurdistan are not particularly insightful, or unique takes, while being extremely overbearing and heavy-handed (funny how those traits are often found together). The bombast really would not be a problem if the game stuck to being silly.

Getting back to the gameplay, the other boss fights range from uninteresting to pretty awful. Each boss has one gimmick that you repeat over and over until you have killed them. The worst of these is against Sniper Wolf, because trying to aim in this game feels fucking awful. The controls are generally really bad (and if you say otherwise, you are just coping), but aiming is where it is really aggravating. And you have to do the fight twice. It doesn’t change between the two times other than the location. Unforgivable.

The clunkiness of the controls is made even worse as an issue because of how it removes me, the player, from the game. Snake is supposed to be a super sleek and stealthy spy, and it doesn’t feel like that. There are numerous awful feeling mechanics, such as automatically pressing up against walls when you get close to them as you run by, or trying to maneuver your body when you are prone and avoiding tripwires.

The general non-boss fight stealth is pretty unimpressive, partially because of how terrible the controls are, and partially because you just wait for the AI to turn around, and then run past them. At its worst it barely feels removed from a walking simulator to the next cutscene. And this gets exacerbated by how much of the game is backtracking. They really didn’t do anything to make that backtracking interesting or different from what you did before. It’s not like a metroidvania where you are constantly unlocking new areas of the map. You are just returning to the old ones. This is the worst when heating up and cooling down the card, because then you just stand in the room once you get there.

Another truly uninspired section of the game was the torture sequence, as you just button mash. That is actually the level of mechanical ingenuity in this game, no hyperbole. And because I can button mash, I got the Meryl ending. Also the level where you just run up the stairs is very dull.

I really need to stress once again how absolutely awful the controls are when trying to aim, and of course the game culminates with that function. The last chase is maybe the least fun I have had playing a video game. You just try to spray and pray, and hope that the game actually responds to your inputs and aims where you want it to. It is such a painfully clunky feature. I actually just stopped trying after several attempts, because of how miserable it is, and just watched the final cutscene on youtube. Terrible, terrible, terrible way to end the game. It actually ruined it for me. It was the nail in the coffin, and the reason why I will never play this game again. I am not convinced that anyone play-tested that section at all before they released it to the public.

And so to summarize this review, I really need to ask: what’s the point of actually playing this vs watching a playthrough? Nearly everything good I took from this was the cutscenes themselves. When describing a video game that seems like one of the biggest failings the medium could fall into. Hopefully the subsequent games improved on this one.
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CommieDino 2022-12-14T21:39:36Z
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[Played Dec 12 to Dec 14, 2022]
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A long-standing revolutionary in the medium
When looking at a game with such a powerful legacy as this one, a couple of things need to be kept in mind. One is that, due to how influential it was, the tropes and design elements used have likely been borrowed and improved on by later works in the medium, e.g. “Seinfeld is Unfunny.” The other point to note is, and this is especially true for video games, the work in general will feel dated, mostly because some parts of its design or playability that were more acceptable on release are now criticized and antiquated.

Specific to Metal Gear Solid, it manages to dodge quite a few of these complaints, and in some ways it still outshines many present-day games both in storytelling and presentation. Based on the script writing, lengthy cutscenes, and general presentation, it’s clear MGS was going for that “movie-like” feel, a term commonly used to lambast modern games for not meeting the full potential of games as a storytelling medium. And yet MGS manages to skirt around that criticism by both taking advantage of video game storytelling in many parts of the game (like using the codec and active breaking of the fourth wall), and by just killing it on the presentation front. Seriously, these cutscenes don’t just emulate the feel of movies; Kojima clearly has an understanding for the cinematography, acting and sound design that makes movies as effective at telling stories as they are. Even with faceless dolls, flat polygons, and obvious video file limitations splitting up cutscenes, the story he tells is fantastic, bombastic, and kinda moving at points.

And just to go a bit further on that, Solid Snake is such a compelling character here. I always knew Kojima liked his postmodern, strange stories, but all the talk I’ve heard about Snake over the years–always hovering near the top of any “Top 10 BADASSES in Video Games” listicle–is a far cry from the cold, depressed loner without a purpose he’s actually written as. By presenting the game entirely from his POV, the player themselves can share that “what am I really doing here?” feeling as all the machinations play out, revealing Snake for the pawn he is. When he’s questioned on that purpose, all Snake can say is “I have a job to do,” with the same energy as Cpt. Willard from Apocalypse Now saying “I am an assassin.”

But now for the part where Metal Gear Solid’s gray hairs are most obvious: the gameplay. On one hand, Kojima and co. clearly put a lot of effort into the design and programming to make this the best stealth and action gameplay on PS1, and to some extent they succeeded. On the other hand, this game feels like a 3D remake of the original Metal Gear, with some design elements not translating over as well as others, and the PS1’s limitations significantly holds it back. It’s crazy how some elements now seen as basic in stealth games like picking up and moving bodies, moving while in cover, or even just walking slowly are not here. You can’t even knock out enemies in a way that leaves them incapacitated longer than a minute, all you can really do stealth-wise is avoid. It doesn’t help that trying to see anything without the radar is a struggle because of the zoomed-in overhead perspective and lack of camera control, besides being able to see in first-person by pressing triangle. I wouldn’t care about that so much if they didn’t turn off the radar for hard mode; I switched to normal after struggling with it for a while, it’s obvious hard mode is intended for a replay with some memorization of guard placement, because the game is otherwise too reliant on the radar to go without it on a first playthrough. Like it’s built to use the full top-down view of the original Metal Gear, but it doesn’t have that so the gameplay just doesn’t work as well. At least the AI being kinda dumb helps with that (though at the time, it was revolutionary enough for a guard to say “who’s footprints are these?” in the snowy areas). I’m also aware of the “Twin Snakes” GameCube remake, which makes it play closer to MGS2, but that brings in the opposite problem of things designed around the original’s gameplay now being much easier, like the Sniper Wolf fight. Also Snake jumps on a missile on that one…it ups the ridiculousness to almost Bollywood levels.

I’ve already played through MGSV, and gotten a taste of 2, 4, and the original Metal Gear. I wanted to do a playthrough of each MGS game starting with this one, and so far it’s off to a great start. While it definitely has its dated bits, Metal Gear Solid overall stands the test of time and makes for an enthralling playthrough, with a movie-like presentation that remains unmatched. While later games of the series do expand on this game’s ideas with more resources and better hardware, I’ve yet to see if they use that to present their stories better. Here’s hoping.
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Pluginmonkey 2021-12-26T03:29:36Z
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Didn't aged that much tbh I must be a zoomer of some sort
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liliyanon 2022-05-13T09:50:00Z
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Revolução em forma de jogo. Como Kojima e cia. conseguiram entregar isso no Playstation 1 é de cair o queixo.
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gabrielctps 2022-03-10T02:30:08Z
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AnimalMilkHead Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-14T08:17:19Z
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FN1 Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-13T11:43:00Z
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Loveless01 Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-13T09:58:43Z
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B_Creamy Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-13T03:46:40Z
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85226534 Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-13T02:29:33Z
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33tp Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-12T18:12:58Z
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Bubu66 Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-12T02:29:42Z
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Bandurria Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-11T19:35:21Z
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reivmeister3000 Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-11T07:36:24Z
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scoterinaia Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-11T06:05:32Z
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windwalk3er Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-10T15:50:29Z
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Bel3 Metal Gear Solid 2024-05-10T05:15:45Z
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  • steinsohn 2023-12-09 23:40:52.643475+00
    Kojima's games (and this one in particular) are akin to movies like Samurai Cop: it's like if extraterrestial being were to watch a lot of american action movies and tried to replicate them themselves. And I'm feeling like an alien because real world humans seem to unironically like it.
    • BoreCanal 2024-01-25 16:47:59.90531+00
      Metal Gear Solid is a distinctly Japanese take on American action tropes, that's a big part of the charm
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  • luvvless 2024-01-23 21:35:28.122023+00
    isnt this that one guy from fortnite
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  • liketocode 2024-01-26 19:56:46.645805+00
    everything in this game is amazing besides from aiming the guns
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  • qwemradf2 2024-02-04 18:29:25.471495+00
    Not all of it's aged really well (mostly on the gameplay side). but the story is still damn good
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  • wargrl 2024-02-05 14:05:36.110789+00
    gameplay wise, not that great, storytelling wise, amazing. its a great game.
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  • LaneisLame 2024-03-06 19:40:16.6086+00
    shout out to spoons
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  • aeswds 2024-03-23 20:18:26.077445+00
    psg1 backtracking sucked at least the pal code keys had a codec call in between
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  • Pnnnnnyyyyyy 2024-05-10 22:00:36.469735+00
    great metroidvania
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23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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