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Resident Evil 4

Developer / Publisher: Capcom
11 January 2005
Resident Evil 4 - cover art
Glitchwave rating
4.33 / 5.0
3,785 Ratings / 15 Reviews
#17 All-time
#1 for 2005
On a mission to rescue the president's daughter, U.S. special agent Leon S. Kennedy uncovers a sinister cult in rural Spain hellbent on destroying Western society and controlling the world.
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2005 Capcom  
NL 0 45496 39354 0 DL-DOL-G4BP-0-EUR / DL-DOL-G4BP-1-EUR
2005 Capcom  
XNA 0 13388 20017 7 DL-DOL-G4BE-0-USA / DL-DOL-G4BE-1-USA
2005 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 650953 DL-DOL-G4BJ-0-JPN / DL-DOL-G4BJ-1-JPN
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2005 Capcom  
ES 0 45496 39351 9 DL-DOL-G4BP-0-EUR / DL-DOL-G4BP-1-EUR
2005 Capcom  
AU NZ 0 45496 20017 6 GS-DOL-G4BP-AUS
Resident Evil 4 Collector's Edition
2005 Capcom  
AU NZ 0 18113 99899 2 GS-DOL-G4BP-AUS
2005 Capcom  
XNA 0 13388 26056 0 SLUS-21134
2005 Capcom  
ES 5 030934 047715 SLES-53702
2005 Capcom  
AU 5 055060 923337 SLES-53702
2005 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 654357 SLPM-66213
バイオハザード4 PlayStation 2 the Best
2006 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 020190 SLPM-74229
2007 Capcom Ubisoft  
US 0 08888 68311 7
2007 Capcom  
JP 4 976219 020008
Resident Evil 4 Wii edition
2007 Capcom  
XNA XSA 0 13388 35003 2 RVL-RB4E-USA
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
2007 Capcom  
ES 0 45496 36327 7 RVL-RB4P-EUR
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
2007 Capcom  
AU 0 45496 36328 4 RVL-P-RB4P
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
2007 Capcom  
GB 0 45496 36328 4 RVL-RB4P-EUR
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
2007 Capcom  
GB 0 45496 36328 4 RVL-RB4P-EUR
Resident Evil 4 iPad edition
2010 Capcom  
Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 4: Zeebo Edition
2010 Capcom  
2011 Capcom  
2011 Capcom  
Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition
2014 Capcom  
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
2015 Capcom  
2016 Capcom  
CA 0 13388 91806 5
2016 Capcom  
2016 Capcom  
XNA 0 13388 55020 3
2016 Capcom  
2016 Capcom  
2016 Capcom  
ES IT 5 055060 931424 CUSA-04704
2017 Capcom  
2019 Capcom  
2021 Armature Capcom  
Write review
Year: 2005
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Console Played: Playstation 2

Being a massive fan of the first 3 Resident Evil games and having grown up with them, I was super excited about all the hype Resi 4 was getting, especially after the incredible leap to PS2 that was Code Veronica. Now I heard it was going to be different, which would make a change from all of those "SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE" endings and such, but little did I know I was about to be absolutely BETRAYED!!! I'm all for things trying to be fresh and change genre and such, but A) This game isn't remotely scary or intense, B) The storyline is dreadful (and story wasn't the Resi Evil strong point to begin with) and C) It's not even a survival horror game. It's something I just couldn't get passed. It's a shame because there were some great elements in the actual gameplay. The over the shoulder cam, the careful picking off of your enemies, the puzzles and locations were intruiging, and the visuals were spectacular for the time. However the story mode is repetitive and gimmicky, there is no Resi Evil atmosphere. I couldn't buy into any of the characters, especially Leon's sudden transformation from inept rookie cop to super acrobatic ass kicking gun toting badass. Ashley is one of the most annoying in game co stars, and the monsters feel more like something out of Lord of the Rings. And the Ganados?! Fuck, infinitely less cool than zombies, lickers and hunters.

At the time of the release and the rave reviews, I just felt everyone was like "ZOMG, they changed genres, therefore it's a masterpiece". But I would have actually preferred it if the developers had stuck to their roots and, you know... ACTUALLY MADE A RESIDENT EVIL GAME!!! This is so removed from Resi Evil that it should have been called something else altogether... Oh wait Capcom already did that with Devil May Cry, Onimusha and Dino Crisis, which you can tell blatently started off as Resi Evil games and just kind of drifted off course... As horrible as the story, characters and atmosphere of this game are, I DO think in terms of gameplay, and strictly gameplay only, this is a pretty good puzzle/platform/3rd person shooter game. Whilst it does get tediously repetitive at times, the game had a good difficulty curve at least. Some of the boss battles were hard as fuck and it does have its frantic "backed into a corner" moments, which is one thing that does carry over from the original games. The whole interactive cutscene thing was a popular fad at the time and it felt needlessly tacked on just for the sake of it. The most depressing thing is that I've only completed the main story mode once in my life. Ever since I have found the bonus mini game, Mercenaries much more playable, as it basically delivers just the platforming and frantic shooting parts that I actually liked, and cuts out all of the horrific story line and tediousness. I really don't even want to play the story mode again. When I think of Resident Evil, I dont think of creepy castles, Lord of the Rings style monsters, pseudo gothic fantasy bullshit, and Leon jumping off buildings and doing acrobatics and shit. How could they fuck up Resident Evil so bad?! All of the previous main games that involve zombies and actual survival horror are practically masterpieces that I still love revisiting even now. I seriously hope Resident Evil go back to their roots and rediscover zombies, otherwise my connection with the series will most likely become cut off.
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frenchie 2016-09-10T20:14:04Z
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Action Survival Horror Capcom PS2 Sci-Fi Fantasy
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Resident fun fun fun
Resident Evil 4 completly reinvented the series for better or worst. In my opinion, the tank controls had already been explored to their full potential, and were it not for RE4 i feel that the series would no longer be relevant today. Which is not to say that RE5, 6 and Revelations are all great games, because they arent. But this is about RE4, which is truely believe to be one of the most accomplished action adventure games out there. It doesnt quite work as horror game but i will get to that later.

You play as Leon, and its your job to be travel to a remote village in Spain and save the president's daughter. Being a resident evil game, of course that the villagers have been infected and turned into zombie like creatures. Extravagant villains and cheesy voice acting is also aplenty in this title. Leon is the ultimate corny witty line dispenser. Almost everysingle of his interactions with the antagonists or Ashley is memorable, just because of how corny it is. Its definitly one of those cases in which campyness makes the game better. The plot may not be very original, but the dialogue is completly bonkers and makes the game much more entertaining.

The gameplay is what really places RE4 on a class of its own. It features a take on third person shooter that hasnt really been seen in any other series. Instead of focusing on cover, Leon is limited on his movement when he is aiming. This makes the combat really intense because of the fastness of the enemies. The hit detection is brilliant, to the point of being able to shoot individual body parts or weapons the enemies are wieldings to get different effects. There is a huge amount of depth to this combat system, which really comes into its own in the higher difficulty settings and the mercenaries extra mode. Amazing core gameplay mechanics. The adaptable hidden difficulty is just the cherry on top of the cake.

The level design is damn brilliant, taking you in a joyride and offering one of the best pacing in a campaign i have ever played. The game is constantly introducing new enemies, bosses, weapons and challenges at the player. Just when you are getting used to the background, it shifts into a whole new area for the next level. There are a lot of secret items amidst these levels, besides the upgrade system and inventory management. Even the merchant is iconic in his appearances. Its one of those games that is hard to put down after you started because it nails the pacing of combat encounters and exploration so well. There are literally too many memorable moments to mention, but i have to name the intense fight with the regenerators and the invisible enemies.

The game does have some flaws though. The escort missions with Ashley tend to be rather annoying because she is an imbecile human being with no sense of auto preservation. You really have to treat her like a dumb cow. Some levels are definitly not as enjoyable as others, but again thankfully the game keeps changing the setting. Finally there is also the issue that the game doesnt really work as a horror game. Sure there is a lot of tension in the gameplay and scarcity of resources, but the same could also be said about a Devil May Cry game. The regenerators were truely the only enemy to frighten me, but it feels overal that the game treats itself way too jokingly to ever get the atmosphere of a great horror game.

There is a reason why this game is in greatest of all time series. Taken as a action game, things dont really get much better than this. It has a huge amount of challenge, an obscene amount of puns and dad jokes and one of the most polished third person combat system. It has aged excellently, only feeling a bit behind graphically due to the browns and greys textures. Dont play it expecting a horror game and you will have a blast.
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Threntall 2016-08-08T19:27:08Z
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Masterpice, despite his age
The first time I played this Resident Evil 4, it was on my grand-brother's old PS2, and I had some great memories during my gaming sessions. A few years later, I decided to go back to my childhood by playing the PC version of the game on Steam with the "Resident Evil 4 HD Project" mod. Despite the fact that the gameplay has aged a little badly, in the prism of having been used to playing modern TPS, it remains a videogame masterpiece, as much for its playability (speedrun), its dynamic and balanced rhythm, its gloomy and unique atmosphere, and the attention to detail given to the art direction, especially for a game from 2005. I enjoyed replaying it so much that I wanted a physical version, so I picked up the PS4 version, which I replayed again on this platform. It was by playing the game several times that I learned to love it to the full.

The only fault I can find with it is the scenario, worthy of a B-movie, but of course, that's not really why you play a Resident Evil of this style, compared with Resident Evil 2, which is more about horror and less about action.
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Persona98 2024-01-29T09:48:12Z
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The controls are fine, you just have to get used to them. I aim better in this game than I do in any other, but of course I was speedrunning it back when I was in grade school. My absolute favorite game of all time. It's all so tight, the gameplay is action-ey but also tactical with the pause menu allowing you to stop and take time to make split seconds decisions. The narrative and story are hilarious, absorbing and endearing to no end, and the whole experience is like a thrilling rollercoaster ride.
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DimeTree 2023-11-19T12:02:41Z
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This is my personal favourite entry from the resident evil franchise, it's a cliché to say this I realise however it really is the best it has to offer thanks to its fun gameplay and innovative design.

While the story can feel cheesy at times, it works well here due to it being a departure of the horror elements the franchise is known for in favour of a more action-oriented experience. If there was any complaint I had with this game, it's the quick time events as they usually come out of nowhere and were only included because most games from around this time utilised them. Other than that, I have no complaints here. Even Ashley doesn't bother me (likely because I never allow her to scream for long periods of time whenever she's captured) sure she's a bit of a stuck-up bitch, but she's the daughter of the AMERICAN president, meaning she's your typical depiction of a spoilt white girl from what many will agree to be one of the most overprivileged places on earth. Besides, it’s not like she just stands there and orders Leon around without gratitude as she often offers advice to him in an amicable way, heck there's a section where you play as her while she escapes captivity from the enemies. I guess it gets annoying after the tenth time she's captured, although again, white girl from America, imagine her being on social media for 80 hours a week and this is her finally exposed to real world problems if it’s that much of an issue for you. Moving onto more objective qualities this game had to offer, we have intimidating enemies that range from Spanish peasants (that are possessed by evil parasites to avoid racial implications) to Spanish monks (again possessed by parasites) to strange insect monster the franchise had a weird fascination with. Although the game is more action oriented, there's still plenty of puzzles to be found which remain as clever as the other puzzles from the franchise. There's also a mechanic of selling valuable items to a merchant for cash which is then used to purchase powerful upgrades for your weapon’s, said items are well hidden in each map which encourages exploration in each area. I could go on with what the main campaign has to offer but you get why this game is awesome at this point.

I guess I'll also mention the separate ways campaign since that comes with the main game and isn't a dlc. This is an alternate take on the story where Ada goes through the campaign and fills in each of the plot holes that pop up in the main story such as the different ways she assists Leon off screen. She controls exactly like he does, so this is more bonus content rather than a new campaign with new mechanics.

This is a fantastic entry to a very hit and miss franchise, check it out if you haven't already. Also, lay off the hate against Ashley, she really isn't that bad all things considered.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T00:14:15Z
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a super good game loved it, but I still have to play the remake I'm happy I finally completed it.

This port doe is pretty bad, as a little tip play the game on 30fps from the start, it will save you a lot of headaches, because the game just crashes too often with 60fps, idk why it does it but it does, I used 30fps after the el Gigante fight and it was still good, so yeah.

I also have to say I'm quite surprised that this game had like only 30% of it Ashley with you, I thought I would have her the whole game long, but it was quite nice as I hate escort missions. Doe, her AI is sometimes bugged and she just ducks and Gets killed even doe im trying to run Away, I do hate Iron Maiden Enemies as they had a parasite in their back and made it impossible to shoot it. I hope they fixed them in the remake I mean they're only 3 Of them in the Whole game but still lol.

the game was super easy even doe I played on normal (which is normally not like that in RE). It gives you way too much Ammo and Heals LOL never had problems. (I think the remake fixed that) I had like 10 Magnum shots and killed Salazar instantly. I also had like 100+ Shotgun bullets.

I also really loved the gameplay the Shoot kick Mechanic is super Smooth and I love that, weapons are also super cool.

The game is Great, the Story is great, bosses are great.
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Skeledon 2023-09-08T21:09:09Z
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DvcTw777 Resident Evil 4 2024-06-09T03:33:47Z
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White_Album_Meatrider Resident Evil 4 2024-06-08T01:19:03Z
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Jcoley19 Resident Evil 4 2024-06-07T20:08:55Z
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Curdled_Thoughts Resident Evil 4 2024-06-07T00:20:27Z
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Jigglybacon Resident Evil 4 2024-06-06T22:01:38Z
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folksy Resident Evil 4 2024-06-06T17:28:55Z
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folksy Resident Evil 4 2024-06-06T17:28:01Z
Gamecube • XNA
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mechanicalhearts Resident Evil 4 2024-06-05T19:03:13Z
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danielrqt Resident Evil 4 2024-06-04T20:33:03Z
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quallit Resident Evil 4 2024-06-04T17:43:44Z
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Fub98 Resident Evil 4 2024-06-04T16:13:00Z
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americanflotsam Resident Evil 4 2024-06-04T05:10:35Z
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  • reecon 2024-02-29 04:11:38.082366+00
    amazing experience
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  • NickFerrant 2024-03-13 15:52:32.139486+00
    The remake to RE4 is probably the best remake ever made but still, the original stays supreme. I also don't really like how tanky some enemies are in the remake.
    • mcluskyism 2024-05-02 17:21:51.240213+00
      RE1's Remake is the best Remake ever made, but RE4R is incredible.
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  • Metabd 2024-04-04 17:22:43.674359+00
    the remake failed in getting the same atmosphere of the original, though it has its own terrifying atmosphere, it cannot beat the OG, and i think its because of the sound design and music, which the remake wasnt good at
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  • INoLuv 2024-04-10 14:25:36.856341+00
    Peak gaming and definitely the game i played the most in my life, since i was very young when the remastered 2011 version released.
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  • Drizoen 2024-05-20 19:03:03.668717+00
    I could go on and on about this game. One thing that quietly stands out to me, though, is that for a rather long campaign, the game always seems to change things up on you just before things get stale.

    Also, peak Leon hotness.
    • KUMA20 2024-05-23 17:58:54.127234+00
      I completely agree. One game aspect I never thought about until I played this game was pacing. Most games do pacing just ok, and some do it very poorly, but you never really can get a grasp on how a game is paced. The only exception is this game, which has some of the best pacing out of any game I have ever played.
    • cassio_ 2024-05-25 02:53:48.999095+00
      I remember being a kid and thinking the whole game was going to take place only in the village and then the castle came up and it was just magical.
    • MuffinsFan666 2024-05-28 11:43:57.861764+00
      It's pretty insane how the game just doesn't feel boring despite it technically being the same gameplay for a 15-20 hour campaign
    • cassio_ 2024-05-31 08:48:49.531725+00
      ^ I think it's because there's a lot of variety in the areas and a good chunk of different enemies all through the game, plus there's the classic save rooms with the beautiful serenity playing in the background that helps the game feel a little cozier xD
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  • thm_yrk12 2024-05-30 16:05:22.827322+00
    that sliding block puzzle stunlocked me so hard i haven't returned to this yet
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23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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