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Silent Hill 2

24 September 2001
Silent Hill 2 - cover art
Glitchwave rating
4.54 / 5.0
3,437 Ratings / 19 Reviews
#3 All-time
#1 for 2001
James Sunderland returns to the town of Silent Hill after receiving a letter from his wife Mary, who was presumed dead from an incurable illness three years ago. As he explores Silent Hill, he begins to realize that his wife's death may not be what it seemed at first glance.
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Releases 15
2001 KCET Konami  
XNA 0 83717 20025 3 SLUS-20228
2001 KCET Konami  
JP 4 542084 000263 SLPM-65051
Silent Hill 2 Paquete especial con 2 discos
2001 KCET Konami  
ES 4 012927 021132 SLES-50382
Show all 15 releases
Silent Hill 2 Special 2 Disc Set
2001 KCET Konami  
AU GB 4 012927 021101 SLES-50382
Silent Hill 2 Speciale set di 2 dischi
2001 KCET Konami  
IT 4 012927 021156 SLES-50382
Silent Hill 2 Inklusive Making-of-DVD
2001 KCET Konami  
DE 4 012927 021118 SLES-50382
2001 KCET Konami  
XNA 0 83717 30003 8
2002 KCET Konami  
JP 4 542084 001154
2002 KCET Konami  
JP 4 542084 000522 SLPM-65098
2002 KCET Konami  
GB 4 012927 030196
Silent Hill 2 Greatest Hits
2002 KCET Konami  
XNA 0 83717 20050 5 SLUS-20228GH
2002 KCET Creature Labs  
XNA 0 83717 23429 6
Silent Hill 2 Director's Cut
2003 KCET Konami  
ES 4 012927 022528 SLES-51156
Silent Hill 2 Director's Cut
2003 KCET Creature Labs  
GB AU 4 012927 070253
2011 KCET Konami  
ES 4 012927 124376 SLES-50382
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We face the demons of our own creation. Wandering. And wallowing. Eventually we will all find ourselves at our own version of Silent Hill, and how we each walk away from it, if at all, is our choice.
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QuilDewIvy 2021-05-14T14:26:06Z
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Silent Hill 2: my childhood game
(Before you start reading this review please keep in mind that I am not from America and my English can be ruff.) Silent Hill 2 is a game about James Sunderland who gets a letter from his dead wife Mary Shepherd-Sunderland. On the letter the letter it explains how she wants James to come see her in Silent Hill in their "special place". As James travels through the thick fog of Silent Hill he faces monsters created from within his psyche. The deeper we (the players) dives into the dark themes of this game the more we see that the characters introduced within the story all have a dark past and a reason for them to be in Silent Hill.
*This next part will be Spoiler heavy and will have my own bias opinion*
This game has a special place in my heart, as I have played and beaten this game in various stages of my life. The themes of this game are hard to grasp especially for todays standards. Silent Hill 2 will tackle themes of sexual assault, rape, denial of once death, crime and punishment. This game came out in 2001, during the time when games like Metal Gear Sold 2, Devil May Cry, Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 came out. For a game to cover topics like sexual assault, was never heard about or even talked about, this made this game so different and difficult to talk about. Rather than playing as a super human fighting demons like a badass, we wore playing as James, a human with the same qualities as every other person.
I have played a lot of games, have consumed a lot of movie media but nothing have ever stuck my heart and effected my daily life like Silent Hill 2. There are nights that I will be walking back from the gym and I will be listing to the incredible soundtrack by Akira Yamaoka. Every time I do this I think about where I am in life, and where I see my self in the future, there is no other media that has left me with such affect to where I just think so clearly and feel at such peace with my own self and everything around me. And as I read through different reviews I see the same effect on other people talking about how they have fallen in love with this title and the story with it's soundtrack. This is do to the incredible direction and craftiness done by Masashi Tsuboyama, with showing his incredible skills in creating a psychological story with using inspirations from other media.
For my last statement, I will say this, if you are reading this and never played or experienced this game, watch "two best friends play" on youtube play Silent Hill 2, not only are they fumy, they give some of the best commentary I have found for this game. They talk about all the different themes, symbolisms, background for this game. With that said this game is a masterpiece.
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zombieman175 2022-12-25T04:42:35Z
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I could write a pages long paper on this game, and in all likelihood will, but for now I will say this. Through a persons life there’s only a handful of pieces of media that truly affect and change a person. And silent hill 2 is one of those works of art for me.
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DjWalru007 2021-10-03T07:09:07Z
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Goddamn man, I just beat this fucking game, and this is probably the best game I've played in my entire life. You know those games where you play them and you feel like you just hit a life milestone? Not in some corny, melodramatic way, but in like a 'holy shit, I just experienced that'. That's how I felt when I beat this.

I've been a fan of the Silent Hill franchise since before I ever touched the series. I heard the soundtrack to this game, and it was so affecting on me that for an art class I was taking in college, I redesigned the cover art and booklet for the album. I didn't really know shit about the game, but I got the vibe from the soundtrack and I knew what Pyramid Head was. The soundtrack only gets better when you fit it into the context of the game, even though it was completely brilliant on its own. After falling in love with its soundtrack, knowing its acclaim through older relatives, my friends, the gaming community in general, and this website, I figured I needed to check it out. And holy fucking shit, it absolutely and completely lives up to the hype.

If I sound a bit too vulgar and erratic, I just finished this game, and I'm just completely floored by how brilliant it is. There's so much up in the air, so much mystery to it, even after you beat it. The gameplay is so goddamn tense and anxious, and the level design is utterly brilliant. Without giving too much away, this game dwells on a lot of topics such as reality, death, emotionality, and psychology. But it dresses all of these themes up as characters, sound effects, level design, bosses, and even the gameplay. You feel so vulnerable and scared the whole time because of how regular the protagonist, James Sutherland, moves by comparison to the hellish creatures he has to fight. They contort themselves, thrust themselves at you, squirm and crawl in inhuman, surreal ways. The characters James interacts with add so much to the game too. And the atmosphere, holy fucking shit the atmosphere. I have never played a game more atmospheric in my entire life. It is genuinely more engrossing and terrifying than any horror movie I've ever seen. Not a second of camp, not a second of being overdone or ludicrious. It is perfectly disturbing, Satanic, surreal, and ominous the whole time. The soundtrack, which I loved immensely, adds so much to this too. The music is as otherworldly, demented, dark, and surreal as the game is. It's so mindblowingly tense, dark, mysterious, paranoid, and psychotic that for me, I had to put the game down so I didn't start getting too freaked out. But I could only do that in increments, because it was just that fun.

I won't go into how rich and metathematic the symbolism is, because that's the best part of the game and you really should experience that for yourself. However, when I finished the game, taking into account all the messages and themes the elements of the game were symbolic of and trying to convey, I was honestly floored. It's really on a par with surrealist films in that regard. It's not cheesy or half-assed like some video games that vie to have 'messages' convey, it really nails it home without piling it on thick. But when you sit with it long enough, you can't help but be stunned. Luckily, sitting with it long enough means just playing through the game intently, which if you want to not have to keep restarting (it is survival horror after all), you'll have to be doing anyway.

For anyone who may be interested in playing this I absolutely recommend it. And if you get to it, buckle up, because you are in for a hell of a ride.
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TooBrokeToCare 2018-06-05T20:36:19Z
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Este juego ha hecho cosas que pocos han hecho.
No deje de pensar en el todo el tiempo, lo único que hacía era esperar la noche para jugarlo por horas.
En mis pensamientos sin descanso veía a ese pueblo, silent hill.
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Mrbrauk 2024-05-05T17:23:58Z
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So complex..
Played Disco Elysium just before this. Both have extremely intricate plots and characterisation but in Silent Hill 2 Kojima manages to achieve the same effect with none of the 'pretentious' language of the former. While I was playing I already grasped the Vertigo obsession complex and the delusions of the character but there are literally so many layers to the story despite it using very simple language. I'm still reeling from the thought of what everything means and I can now see why the director was influenced by Crime and Punishment because of how detailed the psychological exploration of the characters is.
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arcyeus 2024-03-05T13:46:31Z
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jacu0444 Silent Hill 2 2024-06-08T05:36:36Z
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MusicNormieKK Silent Hill 2 2024-06-05T05:30:18Z
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spiralrym Silent Hill 2 2024-06-04T21:20:56Z
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quallit Silent Hill 2 2024-06-04T17:08:14Z
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jogubrious Silent Hill 2 2024-06-04T15:38:20Z
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rosa_de_areia Silent Hill 2 2024-06-04T14:20:13Z
PS2 • JP
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polyghost Silent Hill 2 2024-06-04T07:10:53Z
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_Nigtig_ Silent Hill 2 2024-06-03T22:34:33Z
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vv3ak Silent Hill 2 2024-06-02T12:57:36Z
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nailwind Silent Hill 2 2024-06-01T11:45:51Z
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aubreywashere Silent Hill 2 2024-06-01T08:41:55Z
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MasterOfShaft Silent Hill 2 2024-06-01T04:46:22Z
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1x DVD
Also known as
  • Silent Hill 2: Saigo no Uta
  • Silent Hill 2: Poem of the Last Moment
  • Silent Hill 2: 最期の詩
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  • Nergal997 2024-05-24 11:23:16.921497+00
    This game convinced me that horror genre can be good.
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  • PrivateJoker 2024-05-25 18:27:50.754678+00
    A few observations: I never liked the final bosses (either mechanically or in presentation), the game gives you so many health items and so much ammunition that any pretext of difficulty in enemy encounters is almost nonexistent, and there are some truly awful sections on hard mode. And yet I can't overstate what a magnificent artistic achievement this game is. As far as storytelling and emotional impact in gaming goes, you can't do much better than this.
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  • cassio_ 2024-05-28 20:04:44.635125+00
    I think the remake is gonna be mid
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  • Eikonomachia 2024-05-30 01:33:29.302741+00
    unpopular opinion but this is worse in every aspect except graphics compared to sh1
    • H3lpless_ch1ld 2024-05-30 18:43:05.01336+00
    • bonadea 2024-06-04 09:53:52.843419+00
      many people i know claims the same actually
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  • Eikonomachia 2024-05-30 01:34:03.909678+00
    also remake looks dreadful
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  • ABG_GAMING 2024-05-30 06:00:49.903953+00
    james sunderland looks like leon from re4 going thru a midlife crisis
    • BoreCanal 2024-05-30 23:10:48.421866+00
      Leon in "RE6" also appears to be going through a mid-life crisis.
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  • mcluskyism 2024-05-31 00:22:52.861578+00
    Remake gameplay looks very mid.
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    • cassio_ 2024-05-31 08:42:53.827187+00
      the original's gameplay is mid [2]

      people are blind with nostalgia goggles or "early 00's survival horror era" the gameplay is clunky and the puzzles in this game aren't that good, it's one of those games that once you finished there's absolute no reason to come back to

      but the soundtrack and sound design are a masterpiece, I rather just listen to the music than play the actual game again.

      I don't say it's overrated because there's a lot to like to, but it's so funny how people are trash talking about this new gameplay footage (I was pretty impressed to be honest, my hopes were very low but now I'm kinda excited) and pretending that this game is a masterpiece in every single aspect.
    • rabbit_nabokov 2024-06-03 19:41:19.165196+00
      Totally! Fri*k the haters. The new trailer for Silent Hill 2 looks awesome. It honestly reminds me of the classic horror game Silent Hill 2. But that game was a new idea, but not anymore because it's old and also stinky like grandpa. My only concern regarding Silent Hill 2 is that it supposedly exists? People call it Silent Hill 2, or whatever. Even so, my expectations for the thing, previously conceived and expressed with passion, are high and with the developers of no new ideas behind the wheel, the cult classic Silent Hill 2 will be and is something special in the form of itself or and as something else.

      "people are blind with nostalgia goggles"
      Amen, brother. The're not only blind but they all have very small wieners and they should be rounded up, restrained and flogged alive.
    • kendricco 2024-06-07 10:27:38.512311+00
      "The original's gameplay is mid"

      yeah thats why people wanted a remake
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  • blokrenblossbroms 2024-05-31 01:30:45.645685+00
    they never found a dude to capture the essence of James as much as Guy Cihi
    • balcony_man 2024-05-31 17:12:10.00198+00
      too bad guy cihi is kindof a nutcase loel
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