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Slay the Spire

Developer / Publisher: Mega Crit Games
23 January 2019
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4.01 / 5.0
1,618 Ratings / 3 Reviews
#173 All-time
#7 for 2019
After being exiled to the bottom of the Spire, a creature named Neow uses her powers of resurrection to revive dead adventurers in an endless cycle to achieve her vengeful goal of destroying the Spire.
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Best rogue like card game
In my opinion the best digital card game you can play. Is hard to explain this game. Everything about the game from art-style, character and gameplay has a special and unique style. Once you have understood the logic and game principle, you simply can't stop. That game will be forever a timeless masterpiece.
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anybodynow 2024-05-18T23:57:14Z
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GOATed Game
This is the single best designed game of all time bar none. I have beaten ascension 20 on 2 characters so far and I still dont want to stop playing. Every run is completely unique and the knowledge you've gained from previous runs helps you make better and better decisions to the point where the skill ceiling is basically non-existent. I still feel like im bad at this game despite beating the hardest challenge the game has to offer and I am amazed at how such a wonderfully crafted and meticulous game has been made. I mean yeah the 4th character is a little too one sided but I could spend all my time in the first character and never run out of things to learn and improvements to be made.

Newer players will struggle with beating the game and will find it frustrating at times but over time you realize that lost runs are the runs you learn most from and it becomes less about winning and more about the process of improvement over multiple runs.

I love this game and I genuinely think that it is flawless, 11/10
ps. the mods are pretty cool too even though I personally stick with the main game.
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Aria_Rest 2023-08-20T04:12:55Z
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yeah this is one of the best roguelites of all time. it has some downfalls which i will come onto, but there's no denying that the game design and loop is so simple and incredibly well executed. once you pick this up, it's impossible to stop thinking about or even to put down.

firstly, i have to say even just the concept of a cardbuilding roguelite is genius and so out of the box. all of the other roguelites i've ever played have been fast paced and action oriented (hades, isaac, dead cells etc) and so this isn't something i ever even considered. to have the player build a deck on the fly as they play is so rewarding and addictive. there are a pretty ridiculous number of cards available too which makes the replayability and synergies mind boggling in size. there are 4 different characters/classes that all have unique sets of cards (usually centred around a few mechanics unique to that class) as well as colorless cards which can be used by all classes. hell there's even a relic that allows you to obtain cards from other classes (which is just baffling to me and feels both overpowered and incredibly chaotic). and that's another thing, the relic system is fantastic too. you obtain these modifiers in each of your runs that can do anything from heal you at the end of combat, all the way to doing damage to enemies after a certain number of cards are played. these interact with your cards and create layers and layers of strategy and complexity, you can build entire decks around just a handful of relics.

but the thing that makes all of these mechanics so interesting is that it's completely random. sure, like any other roguelite you can utilise your knowledge of the game and its systems to manipulate the likelihood of you obtaining certain items, but it is mostly RNG. this forces players to think outside the box and choose strategies they may have not previously thought of. it creates such an interesting dynamic because there's that element of gambling that isn't present in a lot of other roguelites. moment to moment decisions that can make or break a run and that feel unique every time you make them, which eliminates the repetition of many other roguelites.

the systems feel super complex and yet there are so few of them that slay the spire feels like a beast you can learn to control. ultimately, the gameplay itself is nothing particularly innovative, with simple turn based card combat, but it's in the implementation of its other mechanics where it shines.

my only gripes with this game are the variety in content. the number of different enemies you encounter on each floor does feel pretty limited, with you pretty much guaranteed to bump into the same enemies every run. the number of classes/characters is also pretty limited too, the 4 that we do have are really well designed and unique enough, but just adding 1 or 2 more would increase the lifespan of the game so much. the same goes for the backgrounds and arenas too, they could use a little more variety.

ultimately i can look past pretty much any of the negatives i have with this game when the gameplay itself is literally just crack. the number of times i've told myself i'll do one quick run and then 4 hours later i've looked at the clock and realised. one of the best roguelites of all time and i look forward to losing countless hours to it in the future.
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white_calx 2022-07-11T22:41:56Z
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Addicting Challenge
I adore card games and Slay The Spire is one of the best of the best. The game is very addicting. There is a constant part of your brain telling you, "Just one more run." The game is fun but also incredibly challenging. Which can be annoying but makes those good runs all the more satisfying. I have nearly 200 hours in this game and I have not fully completed it and still find myself constantly playing it. I love this game. If you enjoy card games, play it. If you enjoy rogue games, play it. If you enjoy both then you have to play Slay The Spire.
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Beating the final boss of this game is some of the highest highs I have ever had from playing a game.
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The Best Of Its Kind
Slay The Spire is the best deck-building game. I have never played a game that is so captivating based solely on how well balanced the game is. At first, it feels difficult and maybe even random. But as you get to know the enemies and how the game actually works, you realize that the fate of every run rests entirely on your decisions and you will rarely lose to raw luck (even at the highest difficulties).

I come from a background of playing Magic: The Gathering (especially limited formats like draft and cube), so I definitely had some experience with deck-building and card selection philosophy, but Slay The Spire teaches you lessons that will carry over into many many games. I have become drastically better at strategy games from my experience with Slay the Spire. As I climbed the ascensions (the levels of difficulty in STS, going up to Ascension 20) with each character, I would often become stuck in certain places, struggling to get winning runs. But every time, I would start to think through why I was losing (with some help from watching the occasional Jorbs video), and I would come to realizations that felt like eye-opening experiences, and then I would continue to progress.

All in all, this is a masterfully designed game. The entire focus is on decisions and yet it feels fresh almost every run
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Shlomotion 2021-05-07T22:31:06Z
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Slay The Spire is a card game. Well, you have a deck of cards and attack/defend with it, but your opponents have simple rules: attack/defend/status/buff. You know what they are going to do on their next turn, so can plan your strategy accordingly.

On the map screen, there are branching paths and you can see what each room contains. There can be regular battles, an elite battle, an event, resting spot, shop, or random.

You can acquire coins, cards and relics which you use to get stronger. You definitely need to make sure you are making good progress, because at the end of each Act is a strong boss and the difficulty ramps up in the next Act.

You start with 10 cards in your deck, and for each enemy you defeat you get to add one card in your deck. Relics can be found for permanent bonuses and these really help out along with potions. Relics can give you large benefits, but since they are often randomly given, they sometimes don't work that well with your deck. Adding cards isn't always a good idea because it reduces the chance you will draw any other card. Certain cards work well with each other, so you need the right cards in your deck, and a quantity that works for your strategy.

There aren't many opportunities to heal, so you have to make sure you are minimising damage taken each battle. Once you complete an Act, then you are fully healed. You can recover a percentage at the rest spots, but I think it's vital to use the smithing option instead where you can choose to upgrade a card. Upgraded cards are a stronger version of the card, so will have a stronger effect, or lower energy cost.

You usually have 3 energy per turn, and each card has a cost, usually 0-3. Once played, they go into the discard pile. When your deck is empty, then the discard pile is reshuffled into your deck. There is a separate “exhaust” pile which some cards go into which is only returned at the end of the battle.

The events you come across give you multiple choice options which can be a range of positives, or a range of negatives. You can gain many relics here, or restore health or coins, but you can also lose health or coins. You can also pick up some useless/harmful cards so it's always a gamble going down a path with these events. It's obviously risk vs reward. To get rid of the cards, you visit the shop but you can only get rid of 1 card per time, and it's pretty costly, and increases in cost as you use the service.

In battle, taking advantage of statuses and powers is vital for certain enemies, especially the bosses. status decrease their counter each turn, so “1 weak” means it will last one turn. Stacking the same statuses just increases the turn length rather than multiplying their effect. Powers stay for that battle, so boosting your strength by 1 remains each turn. The statuses are “Weak” – reduces attack, “vulnerable” – increases damage, and “frail” – reduces block.

Some bosses seem to require a certain strategy. So some may increase their strength per turn, so you need to go more offensive to take them down early. If you have built a defensive deck, then you don't have much of a chance. I felt it suddenly became unfair with some Act 2 bosses (such as The Collector) or all of the Act 3 bosses. Some of these bosses will attack you with one or more status effects then the next turn perform a powerful attack. When they have halved your armour, then attack you for half your health; it is extremely unfair. If you do have loads of armour cards in your hand, playing them all can still mean you take massive damage.

The different characters all have a different set of cards. So “Ironclad” is about attack. “The Silent” character is about poison and defence. The robot “Defect” is about creating orbs which attack or defend at the end of your turn.

When you are defeated, you are awarded experience which unlocks new cards and relics. This encourages you to keep replaying and can encounter new items.

There's a Daily Challenge mode which gives you set rules. The Ascension mode allows you to set your own rules.

I had a lot of fun with Slay The Spire. Each character felt different, and the cards seemed balanced well. The game felt tough, but rewarding to defeat the standard enemies. Many of the bosses felt unfair, and they often had too much health and insane attacks. This was a massive negative for me, because you end up playing for around an hour, only to have your efforts thrown away unfairly in one battle.
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CaptainClam 2020-01-12T14:01:51Z
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Jcoley19 Slay the Spire 2024-06-07T20:17:25Z
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rottnepatoto Slay the Spire 2024-06-07T05:57:33Z
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dyret Slay the Spire 2024-06-05T14:34:29Z
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vrsk Slay the Spire 2024-06-05T05:42:14Z
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danielrqt Slay the Spire 2024-06-04T21:22:57Z
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GaryOak69 Slay the Spire 2024-06-03T03:35:37Z
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wittleghoul Slay the Spire 2024-06-01T22:02:54Z
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ggng Slay the Spire 2024-06-01T19:17:08Z
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xmd5a8000 Slay the Spire 2024-06-01T00:21:50Z
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macharoni2 Slay the Spire 2024-05-31T21:28:05Z
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cannedhamsters Slay the Spire 2024-05-29T22:28:57Z
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blobbb Slay the Spire 2024-05-29T15:16:29Z
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Early access date
15 nov 2017


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  • oculi 2023-07-17 15:05:43.548241+00
    after finally doing all 4 characters a20 i can confidently say this is either my favorite or second favorite roguelike of all time
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  • scrunky 2023-09-02 20:17:31.597109+00
    i dont know why this is the one roguelike i really struggle to love. i just don't get what is fun about the loop.
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  • Burninate 2023-09-19 11:16:53.865289+00
    Greatest deckbuilder of all time
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  • Kerftminister 2023-10-22 22:30:02.980701+00
    This game just has SO MUCH replay value. I absolutely love it.
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  • Circuz 2023-11-16 04:54:43.517883+00
    What's so good about the gameplay loop? It's just RNG fest
    • marco29 2023-12-27 07:06:39.225691+00
    • Shinotame 2024-01-10 10:12:35.186385+00
      this tbh
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  • heyitsmeIII 2023-11-16 19:43:02.076286+00
    I don't love the art style but the gameplay is incredible
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  • Potis 2024-02-01 20:24:42.839865+00
    This is so addicting I've tried to delete it thrice now just so I stop playing it. I'm still battling my internal need to waste 60 more hours into this crack.
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  • Schwilly19 2024-02-06 22:41:56.400418+00
    I'll take the orange pellets with a side of dead branch, please.
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