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Sonic Adventure 2

Developer: Sonic Team Publisher: Sega
19 June 2001
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3.49 / 5.0
1,406 Ratings / 4 Reviews
#1,130 All-time
#55 for 2001
Two sides of heroes and villains, both new and old, fight each other for control of powerful Chaos Emeralds and the entire world.
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2001 Sonic Team Sega  
XNA XSA 0 10086 51117 8
ソニックアドベンチャー2 Sonic the Hedgehog Birthday Pack
2001 Sonic Team Sega  
JP 4 974365 501747
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2001 Sonic Team Sega  
XEU 5 060004 761234
2012 Sonic Team Sega  
2012 Sonic Team Sega  
2012 Sonic Team Sega  
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Player's Choice
XNA 0 10086 61007 9 DL-DOL-GSNE-USA
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For a game that's called sonic, you'd think that sonic would be the star of the show. If it were just his gameplay, this game would be amazing, but it isn’t, so we have ourselves a mixed bag here.

The best parts of this game are sonic and shadows stages, they're a ton of fun which sees our two hedgehogs do what they do best by running through laborious stages and thus isn't worth going into too much detail here, if you're a fan of the franchise, then their stages are immensely satisfying. Tails and Robotnik’s stages are a bit gimmicky as they both ride a mech suit to interact with their environments, they're fun but a bit odd for a sonic game especially since the only time either of them are out of their suits is when they visit the chao garden which sees them with their own move set that they never use in the campaign. What drags this game down are knuckles and rouges stages as the treasure hunt mechanic is obnoxious here. This isn't helped by how big these levels are and how useless the hint system is, it really doesn't help that knuckles has cringe hip hop as his soundtrack which makes an already annoying mechanic insufferable to get through. As for the story, it's your typical 00s animation plot line with all the finesse of a 4kids dub, shadow causes havoc, sonic is blamed for it due to their striking resemblance to each other, tails and knuckles help him clear his name whilst rouge and Robotnik take advantage of shadow due to his earth-shattering powers in the story. I guess shadow and rouge are decent additions to the cast as they're essentially Seto Kaiba and Mai valentine from yu-gi-oh respectively (an emo edge lord and femme fatale for the uninitiated.) The graphics are decent here, certainly better than most 32-bit games but a bit outdated for a game released in the 21st century. I also don't care for the chao garden as if I wanted to play a Pokémon simulator, I'd play a Pokémon game.

If this was a game where you play as sonic and shadow and nothing else, this would be a flawless game even with its so-so story, it’s the other characters that drag this down which is a shame really.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T01:07:03Z
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Better than most give it credit for
The general consensus around this game seems to be that most of the affection for it is based in nostalgia, and that the game itself runs anywhere from mediocre to downright bad. This, however, I believe to be overly harsh. Sonic and Shadows levels are what you would expect from a Sonic game, and is still probably the strongest showing of 3d Sonic to date, with levels that gradually increase in complexity and still strong emphasis on momentum and clever use of the physics. The much maligned treasure hunting stages have more to offer than most will let on. On a first playthrough they can be irritating, especially if you are not prepared for them, as they have a way of slowing the pace down quite a bit. Where these levels start to shine, however, is replayability. Learning the layouts of the levels, how best to navigate them, which hints correspond to which locations is actually quite satisfying. Towards the end of the game these levels can get a bit TOO big which can add to the frustration. But the movement system is solid enough that even the biggest levels can be traversed quickly if you know what you are doing. I won't defend Mad Space, though. The mech stages are the real low point of the game, but even they have some thought put into them, with occasionally very clever level design or fun gimmicks. If you're a score attack person, you'll get a fair bit of fun out of trying to chain together the biggest combos. But that all together with a truly iconic soundtrack and a story that's silly but compellingly earnest, and you have a game that is by no means perfect, but still has quite a bit to offer. But it's one you have to meet where it's at, and that won't be to everyone's liking.
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taterchips 2023-09-29T17:45:43Z
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while we all have fond memories about this game, lets be real it, along with every other 3d sonic game, has aged like trash. the only reason I loved it was because i played it before my prefrontal cortex was fully developed.
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sliebman 2023-06-06T08:37:45Z
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sonic/shadow are great

knuckles/rouge suck

tail/eggman are fine (mostly)
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Knomss 2021-09-14T15:46:43Z
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My Favorite Pre-Boost Sonic Game
Sonic Adventure 2 is my favorite Pre-Boost (Sonic Unleashed and onwards) 3D Sonic game.

Sonic Adventure 2 takes many ideas from Sonic Adventure and makes it better. This game has far better pacing as a result. Instead of playing as 6 characters with their own stories (Which admittedly hurt the pacing), They instead have 2 stories. Hero Story where you play as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. And the Dark Story where you play as Dr. Eggman, and new characters Rouge The Bat and Shadow The Hedgehog.

The pacing as a result is far better and feels less repetitive.

The gameplay for each character has also been overhauled as there are now 3 gameplay types instead of 6. Sonic and Shadow have the fast-paced platforming, Tails and Eggman have on rail shooting (Carried over from E-102 Gamma's gameplay in the first game), and Knuckles and Rouge have the treasure hunting levels.

They are all far better. Sonic and Shadow gameplay are more linear than it was in the first game and is more about getting to the end fast than finding hidden shortcuts, Tails and Eggman gameplay is more about chaining targets together. The time limit system is gone now. Knuckles and Rouge gameplay is far better. Before, Knuckles was playing on sections of Sonic levels and for that reason, and the fact that the radar beeped for all of them at a time, the levels were too easy. Now they have their own made levels, and the radar beeps for one Master Emerald at a time.

The gameplay isn't perfect, but it's a step up from Sonic Adventure in many ways. They also introduced the ranking system in this game. Based on your performance on a level, you will get a rank from E to A. And getting an A rank is actually very difficult and demanding. This is a shame because they only get easier with each new game.

I should also mention the Chao Garden. It's pretty cool but it's not my kind of thing and I don't really know what to say about it.

The story is also a lot better in the writing, animation, and pacing. The Hub World isn't a thing in this game so the pacing is pretty smooth. The cutscenes are actually animated instead of being in-engine and the acting isn't perfect. But I'd say it's tolerable. The Hero Story is about Sonic, Tails, and Amy trying to stop Eggman from firing the Eclipse Cannon which would destroy Earth, while Knuckles is searching for pieces of The Master Emerald after shattering it. The Dark Story is about Eggman, Rouge, and Shadow trying the opposite.

Shadow is probably the best-written character in the game. You really learn that his goals are just fulfilling Maria's wish which he eventually does after realizing his mistakes. He has an engaging backstory and has a nice send-off.

This game also has great music that matches the situation of the scene. Live and Learn is iconic and my favorite final boss music in the franchise.

Sonic Adventure 2 is far better than the first game in every way and it has aged wonderfully in my eyes. If a game that came out 20 years ago is still impressive. Then that says a lot about how good early 2000s Sonic was
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OvalsOk 2021-06-24T17:53:15Z
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In one of my more bizarre takes... I think this is a weaker game than SA1. Maybe that just means I need to revisit it and remember how awful it is, but still... this game was not as good as I was expecting it to be. As with almost every other 3D Sonic game, there are a myriad of issues on the technical front: wack controls, wack camera, etc. And some of this level design leaves... a bit to be desired. But even still, the game does have its moments, and the graphics haven't aged the worst I suppose. I know some people that really really like this game, and more power to them. But I just could not get into it all that much.
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TheLowe4 2021-05-10T17:11:41Z
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one_more_hour Sonic Adventure 2 2024-06-04T15:39:17Z
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GaryOak69 Sonic Adventure 2 2024-06-03T02:17:00Z
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Also known as
  • ソニックアドベンチャー2
  • Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
  • ソニックアドベンチャー2バトル
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  • omo_ree 2023-12-03 00:01:43.450119+00
    considering this better than SA1 to me will always make me wanna joke that you have only watched erin hanson play fishing levels
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  • manic_boywife 2024-01-02 19:26:34.154195+00
    this is video games dude
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  • epguarani 2024-01-10 19:26:53.671897+00
    sonic is so so cool
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  • LuraEternal 2024-02-09 02:22:54.305332+00
    "As a child, I looked up to my grandfather. He was my hero, and I wanted to become a great scientist just like him. But... did he really mean to destroy us?"
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