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Sonic Forces

Developer: Sonic Team Publisher: Sega
07 November 2017
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1.82 / 5.0
390 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#378 for 2017
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2017 Sonic Team Sega  
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2017 Sonic Team Sega  
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2017 Sonic Team Sega  
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This game might fail at properly capitalized Suspension of Disbelief,and do so with flying Colors,but i really wish Sonic's friends would exercise some disbelief in Sonic for once,why can't they do anything for themselves?

Sonic offers a contrast to his friends as he has long stopped believing since the events of Sonic and The Black Knight.He is no longer"in character" and can withstand a whole 6 months of torture unaffected,there is no war inside his head but the war that is surrounding him.This strength may make Sonic seem like a God but all he is is a non-believer.Unfortunately his friends,some company named SEGA and many a bystander seem to disagree with me on that reading.

Infinite,the main villain of this game,has on his hand what believers dislike most,ghosts,and when Sonic gets beat up by him ,this makes his believer friends(especially Tails) quite desperate,and for most of them he becomes a devil to which they must call "Good lord Sonic come help!". One other non-believer remains who the Sonic Cult recruit out of pure desperation and for some reason they let you behind the screen customize(i have spent fucking hours in that character creator lol).And then Classic Sonic returns ,comforting Tails and the Cult back home,later on with "Modern Sonic" making a return as well.Shadow,being even less of a believer than Sonic,got the first blow on Infinite after tearing thru his and Eggman's defenses by accident and having his perception partially tampered with,making for my favorite part of this dynamic(comes free with the only levels in the game that id actually say are kinda difficult!,but i love most levels in this game regardless). This idea i proposed,of the Sonic cult,believers and non believers etc,i can trace back to even before Pontac and Graff joined the series,and yet they made the product in which i feel it the strongest.

This game really has some unusual components compared to other Sonic games,the controls,difficulty,level length,while also feeling (to me specifically) as a sort of Colors 2.0(a Colors Ultimate,if you will).Maybe it's the heavy amount of 2D sections.
BUT i think this game is quite more enjoyable than Colors.Its somehow more automated but feels more free than Colors.I think part of it is that there's wiggle room here,as in literally areas where you can wiggle Sonic
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omo_ree 2023-11-23T23:36:12Z
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i am the stallion mang you’re fucking with the stallion mang

this game is so unserious i honestly don’t even know what else to say. i think the character customisation is a cool feature but i wish it was used on an actual game considering i beat this with a friend in a few hours.
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mrslevinson 2024-01-18T17:46:06Z
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double boost
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The game that lost my good will
I'm going to start off by giving a summary of the events leading up to the game's release. This is important because it gives context to why it was received so poorly by fans while everyone else shrugged and called it bland. You'll need to bare with me on this because we are going all the way back to 2010, the end of the dark era and the beginning of the meta era.

For clarification, the dark era marks the period of time when either Sonic the hedgehog as a brand or Sega as a company were failing either financially or critically. This time period lasted from E3 1995 to the mass delisting of Sonic games occuring in 2010. The releases of Sonic Colors and Sonic 4 (whichever came first) mark the beginning of the meta era at large with the release of Sonic Frontiers marking the end. Unlike the games from the dark era, Sonic games in the meta era would have a lighthearted and even comedic tone. They would also make frequent references to the series's past namely the Genesis era. This shift in tone was met initially with a lot of positivity. People were tired of the melodramatic storytelling and lore of the dark era. They wanted to return to a more simple premise. Tails was the only friend Sonic had tag along and Eggman was the only villain that mattered. Our appreciation for this change lasted up till 2014.

After the release of Sonic Lost World, I was ready for something different. I liked the game overall but it's visual aesthetic and forceful efforts at comedy had gotten old. After Sonic Generations, I was looking forward to a different level theme than "New Super Mario Bros Green Hill in the sky". I wanted a return to something less kiddie. I wasn't looking for high stakes affairs but the comedy and callbacks got monotonous. Then Sonic Boom happened. The initial reveal had my hopes and attention until I watched the show. More comedy, more kiddiness, and later on more callbacks. It just wouldn't relent. It got to the point where I decided to make up my own version Sonic, his world, his lore and his story because I could not bring myself to like any of what the series was putting out at the time. It was my way of walking away.

So, when Sega announced Project Sonic 2017 for Sonic's 25th anniversary I was so ready for a return to the darker, grittier, edgier tone. I wanted this to be the game that redeemed the series and tied all loose ends. Most importantly, I wanted this game to be the definitive proof that Sonic did not only work but was better off in 3D. Also I wanted this game to make IGN to personally admit they were wrong. Yeah, this was when that controversy was making rounds. I didn't know better. I was 15 years old at the time. I remember the initial excitement back then. I got to see Sonic fans butting heads against Mario fans for the very first time; frantically arguing which theme song was better: "Jump Star Hero" or "Fist Bump". Even though none of the trailers showed any actual gameplay, back then it played to the game's benefit. The excitement started off more potent than anything I had ever witnessed but with each additional trailer the cheering subsided and was replaced with caution. It started with the trailer teasing the Avatar (remember when everyone thought it was Bubzy?), then the returning bosses were revealed (bummer that Zavok and Shadow are there but at least there is a new villain). It seemed like the more we learned about the game, the less exciting it got. At last Project Sonic 2017 was released under the name "Sonic Forces".

Today, after all this time of thought and growth, I can say with confidence there is no game in existence that affected more than Sonic Forces and I'm betting there never will be. I started off doing what I always used to do with Sonic games I couldn't own. I watched all the cutscenes and listened to the music. My reaction was so visceral that I had to step away. The tonal shift depicted in all the trailers was a sham! Jokes, callbacks and letdowns galore! Everything surrounding the game: the setting, the music, the story, the characters, the production values; they weren't only terrible. Everything felt downright patronizing! Even after finally playing the game nearly six years later, I could not stand any of this. It got so bad that I watched the Sonic Lost World cutscenes afterwards and found the tone, setting, and the productions values overall better. This is because Sonic Forces is the equivalent to us Modern Sonic fans that Sonic 4 was to Classic Sonic fans; a pander machine.

Sonic Forces wasn't designed to do anything new, innovative, or even show what this new Hedgehog Engine 2 had over the first. This game was made to reel in older fans by chucking in as many references to past games as possible; cheaply imitating the tone, setting, and aesthetic only to completely shun these things with writing every bit as cynical and taunting as the worst of Sonic Boom's output. I'd like to clarify, I'm not upset that Sonic Forces wasn't dark, gritty and serious like it was advertised. I'm put off by how this game seemingly mocks anyone who genuinely wants that. "Sonic has been tortured for six months","Tails has completely lost it". They seem fine to me. Fine enough to talk smack like Jerry Seinfeld as a matter of fact. Nothing the story does is engaging or refreshing. I'm not even going to let myself elaborate any further. At its best, Sonic Forces plays out like a self-beating parody of the series at large and at its worst it disregards and mocks all opportunities to be anything of substance. The story, characters, setting, visuals, music and additional features are such a vacuum of entertainment that they somehow overshadow the actual game.

Now I am finally going to discuss the actual game in Sonic Forces. Three playable characters: Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, and the Avatar the player created. Starting with Classic Sonic, it is clear he was meant to play as he did in Sonic Generations except he doesn't. In Generations, Classic Sonic's control and moveset was based primarily on what he had in Sonic 2: spindash and no speed cap while running. Sonic Forces has dialed him halfway back to Sonic 1 by bringing back the speed cap. This leaves him at the mercy of the game's poorly programmed physics engine. Classic Sonic gains very little speed down loops and loses too much speed going up not that it makes too much of a difference. Sonic Forces is more similar to Sonic Colors in design philosophy than Sonic Generations meaning most levels focus on blocky, flat ground platforming. Classic Sonic in general is the worst aspect of the game being included simply for Sega to toss a bone to the Classic Sonic fans despite them already getting their own main course. The other two characters make up the majority of the game that I like to call "Sonic Colors Lite". The Avatar is basically Modern Sonic but with a delayed homing attack, no boost, and access to the other Wisps via the "Wispon". This character's levels almost had my attention if they weren't all so easy and uninteresting. The level design is narrow and the enemies offer little challenge. I suppose I should apologize to Sonic games of the past. At least the combat was somewhat challenging and kinetic. Black Knight had the Soul Gage, Heroes had the challenge, and Unleashed had combos. Combat in Sonic Forces focuses on collectively destroying hoards of different enemies with unfathomable ease and absolutely no fanfare. There's no challenge, no system, not even a little spectacle. No, the QTEs where you press a button and watch a cinematic do not count. Finally, there is Modern Sonic. I don't even need to bother. Just watch a playthrough of Mazuri Day from Sonic Unleashed and compare that to something like Network Terminal or Metropolitan Highway. The difference is night and day and I deserve to use that pun. The whole point of the boost mechanic is the spectacle surrounding it and Sonic Unleashed goes all the way with that spectacle. In Sonic Unleashed, Sonic's setting is always changing. In Mazuri Day, Sonic starts in the fields, three drifts and he arrives at the village starting from the ground before running on the walls of the buildings. Soon enough, he's maneuvering through the trees, leaping from decks, poles, cannons, grind rails, springs, and even slopes on the ground. He races through a valley before scaling a giant tree ending the level. All throughout, the game holds the player's attention constantly requiring them to time jumps, sidesteps, homing attacks, QTEs, rail jumping, box breaking, drifting, etc. This praise also applies to Sonic Generations. Even though Sonic travels faster in Sonic Unleashed and Generations, the levels are still longer than anything offered in Sonic Forces.

I'm not done though. Sonic Forces also lacks it's own distinct identity outside of the "Eggman Dystopian" setting and Avatar feature. I list them out. Sonic Rush first introduced the boost mechanic and trick system and featured two playable characters who had their own gameplay benefits and drawbacks. The bosses were decent and the Special Stages were outstanding. The audible and visual aesthetics are also unlike anything ever seen in the series before or since. Sonic Rush Adventure improved the level design and goes for a tropical, pirate theme. The bosses are the best the series has ever seen and the boat rides provide the best complimentary game mode in the series ever allowing players to find hidden levels at their leisure. Sonic Unleashed brought the boost into 3D, removed Blaze the Cat, and introduced a steep difficulty curve requiring quick reactions and skill. The game saw Sonic travel to different places around the world and is still the most visually stunning game in the entire series. Sonic Colors slowed down the boost in favor of a more traditional approach to platforming, introduced the Wisp power ups enabling Sonic to approach different challenges with different solutions. It was also the very last game to have a completely distinct setting from others in the series. Sonic Generations perfected the boost gameplay from Unleashed by smoothing the difficulty curve and focusing a bit more on alternative pathways. Besides the Avatar, there is absolutely nothing Sonic Forces does that isn't done better in games at least six years older than it. Overall the gameplay isn't absolutely terrible. It's not a bugged mess like Sonic 06 nor is it at odds with its with itself like Shadow the Hedgehog. The gameplay is just too derivative to distract from the story, characters, music, setting, etc and doesn't offer something new or on par with what came before.

Ultimately, Sonic Forces wasn't just a disappointment for me, it made me ashamed of being a Sonic fan. It made me ashamed that I didn't choose some other series to grow attached to. It made me hate anything and anyone remotely emo. And to add salt to the wound, the game that ended up finding the success I wanted this game to see was Sonic Mania. Don't misunderstand, Sonic Mania is an excellent game and it helped keep the series afloat during this period. However, in my mind, Sonic Mania's success showed to the world what I was desperately arguing against at the time. 2017 was a year of confirmation. From a casual perspective, Sonic Forces proved that Sonic could never work in 3D and Sonic Mania showed that 2D was the only format where the series would prosper. Despite playing Sonic Mania and knowing it to be every bit as amazing as people say, I can't help but remain apathetic towards it. The repercussions of my disappointment would last for years. The same people I saw excited for Sonic Forces would meet the next big game with distrust and ferocity. I was right along with them. Sonic Forces was the last straw and Sega had lost a lot of our good will. Over the next five years, we waited for the next game. Despite the wait enabling me to focus on other things and pursue something better, when the new game was announced, I was once again paying attention. I eagerly waited for the release date so I could tear it apart.
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Joe_Kloos 2023-07-05T02:35:39Z
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The Sonic franchise is a strange one because "fans" hate the majority of the games. Sonic Forces is often regarded as another bad game, but I think it's just mediocre.

The early Sonic games were really about momentum, and not about "going fast" which is a common misconception. However, people's misconceptions keep leaking into the modern games' design. In a platforming game, how do you allow Sonic to go fast? Reduce the frequency of enemies and obstacles? give the player a method of navigation/attack that allows them to be imprecise? That's what you often get in these games, and then the result is - the game basically just plays itself.

You often get long stretches where you are just watching your character run down long straights, go through loops, bounce from spring to spring. Then in other sections, you just jump at the end of a platform, repeatedly tap jump to homing-attack multiple enemies, or home-in to the next spring. There's also a dash that can plough through enemies. Essentially, the design often puts the focus on speed and spectacle but at the expense of challenge. The emphasis on speed means the levels are often short, and cumulatively the overall game is short.

There's still elements of jank where the jumping may feel a bit inconsistent. The levels can also be a bit unclear like when you reach the end of the platform and you think you must have to jump, but really the game wanted you to keep running to hit a hidden spring. Why have hidden springs? It's something that has always annoyed me about Sonic games. I want to react to things that I can see, not have to take leaps (or runs) of faith. The trial and error is no way near as bad as other games though.

There's a couple of simple Quick-Time-Events (QTE's) which I think you might not be able to fail; it's merely there as an opportunity to give you bonus points. There's moments where there's a lot of action in cut-scenes but then no QTE which makes me feel like they just forgot they had that feature earlier in the game.

In regard to the recent games, I thought Lost World was a bit disappointing, and although I didn't play it, Sonic Boom was regarded as even worse. Sonic Forces moves back closer to what we saw in Generations (which I think is one of the best Sonic games); it has the mix of 2D side-scrolling, 3D gameplay, and the lane-changing gameplay where the camera is positioned behind your character.

Just like Generations, there's modern Sonic as well as the smaller and mute classic Sonic - although I feel like he was just shoe-horned in for no reason. It's probably for nostalgia like they always do "hey! remember Green Hill Zone?", "remember Chemical Plant?". Do we really want the Green Hill zone again? Surely we want new ideas.

A new idea is that you also create a character who others call "Rookie". Initially, your options for accessories are limited, but you unlock loads of these as you complete the levels. For your character, you choose an animal such as dog, wolf, bird, bear, hedgehog and a few others, then customise ear, eyes and nose, and choose skin colours. Your character can also run fast so he isn't that different to Sonic. He also has a gun type weapon which you can switch out called a Wispon. This can defeat enemies quickly and also has a power such as launching you vertically, or homing through sequences of rings. This is sometimes needed to find the secret Red Rings in each level.

I have been saying for years that the life system needs to be binned because it adds no value, and they have finally done it. Now when you die, you always restart at the checkpoint.

Often in the Sonic games, the voice acting is bad, but this one seems like they actually have a better script and deliver the lines with better timing and tone. The weird music that people seem to like is here, with the main theme sung by Hoobastank's Doug Robb.

The story isn't that interesting or convincing though. You are told Sonic is captured and is being tortured (which is a bit dark for a Sonic game), but yet he is rescued very quickly and still reeling off his wise-cracks. I got the impression there was a bit of a Star Wars influence with Dr Robotnik taking over the universe and a small group of rebels planning to destroy his Death Egg (Death Star). Then a powerful enemy known as Infinite wears a mask (Darth Vader).

Some people will replay the levels to improve their score but I thought the grades were rather generous. I got many A's and I didn't think I was doing anything worthy of that (not collecting enough rings, finding secrets, or not going fast enough). There's also "Daily challenges" but since these can be the likes of "change your shoes"; it's not really a challenge - more like general tedium.

Graphically it looks really good. There's a great level of details in the background (although I suppose you miss quite a bit of it when you are going fast).

It may not be challenging, and the game design mainly forgets what Sonic games should actually be, but it's actually one of the better Sonic games in the modern era.
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CaptainClam 2022-10-25T22:03:40Z
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Modern Sonic needs to step it up really soon
I have a weird history with Sonic games, that is I respect Sonic as a franchise, and I love the characters and designs, as apposed to his actual games. My personal favorite Sonic game is Sonic Generations because of how cohesive and polished it is, focusing on fast paced platforming in 3D and 2D, all in a gorgeous environment powered by the Hedgehog Engine. Now we get Sonic Forces, a return to the Generations style formula with fast paced platforming in 3D and 2D in a gorgeous environment powered by the Hedgehog Engine, ideally, this should be the return to form Modern Sonic fans have been waiting for. But instead Forces is the definition of a light to decent 5 in game form, with cut corners in every direction and more effort placed into things that shouldn't have had.

Through this game's Shonen Anime story, we get 30 levels of high speed platforming playing as either your Avatar, Modern Sonic or Classic Sonic. 30 sounds like a lot of levels, and that doesn't count the additional optional levels and SOS levels where you get to play as another person's Avatar, but these 30 levels are about as long as a Napalm Death song. I expect Sonic levels to be longer than other platforming levels because that high speed needs room to run around in, but not only are some of Forces' levels very mindless with either endless boosting to win, or Wispon shooting to win, or tumbling and stumbling as Classic Sonic to win, they never get to anywhere interesting because once they do, it's over. As far as control of the characters, something Sonic Team has always struggled with, it's alright. Modern Sonic and the avatar character control as I would expect coming from Generations. The only things I would have liked with modern sonic is when boosting, to be able to drift or make hard turns better. In generations, you could drift your turns to make your way around corners, but that is oddly omitted here. Also, the lightspeed dash, a Modern Sonic staple is restricted to the Avatar character. They can only use it when using the lightning Wispon, and its a power up now. You have to hold the Y button to use it as opposed to hitting Y and dashing through enemies or rings. That is one frustrating implementation of a Modern Sonic move. On the other hand, classic Sonic doesn't feel exactly right. His jump is nice but classic sonic feels slower to play as compared to the classics or Sonic Mania. He has no physics either, so rolling down a hill doesn't increase your speed like I expect, but instead slows you down. Average feeling controls for most of the characters, and average controls is something to celebrate when Sonic is the subject, but it could have been much better. The bosses are also nothing to sing praise of either. Most of them go down like chumps, and 3 of the bosses copy the same type of boss, which feels lazy.

The presentation though is something that has had more effort put into it. Despite how short they are, the levels are very pretty looking most of the time with physically based rendering, really nice reflections and a better lightning model, but there are not enough pretty vistas or environments to let you savor the levels Sonic Team crafted for this game. Sonic Forces' soundtrack is also not bad at all. There isn't anything here that will be instantly loved like Unleashed's soundtrack, or Mania, or Adventure 2, or any of the classic games, but the music is varied and fits the mood of the game. The ost mostly consists of Adventure Style Post Grunge (heck, they even got the Hoobastank guy to sing the admittedly pretty hype sounding main theme), EDM, chiptune, orchestral music performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, and Nu Metal, all genres Sonic has ventured in before and they are all done okay. The only part of the ost I actually really hate is Classic Sonic's music. Who ever chose the soundfont, or synth patches used to replicate Genesis music need to have their ears checked because its so piercing and buzzy with no low end what so ever. They are not pleasant sounding songs and they just become annoying. The voice acting as per usuall is also good. Mike Pollock as Eggman is just deliciously evil sounding, Roger Craig Smith's Sonic has been growing on me for years now, and this may be his best performance as the blue blur in a game yet, Liam O'Brien as Infinite manages to out edge Kirk Thorton's Shadow, which fits the character, and all the other voice actors do good with the material. Even if Sonic is given a bad story, at least the voice actors will give it their all to sell the material. Overall, the presentation is not as great as past Sonic games like Generations, but it has the most effort put into it.

Overall, Sonic Forces is again, the most light to decent 5 game I have played as of late. With lack luster design decisions, and above average presentation, the game is serviceable, but nothing interesting or enthralling. It's a shame, because Sonic is possibly the most inconsistent franchise in gaming history, but he is so successful and a patron saint of gaming as a whole. He should be doing much better than this. Forces is not the doom and gloom Sonic game some has said it is, but the next game needs to step it up, with a bigger budget, more ambitious design and more agreeable choices in the gameplay department.
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So Mediocre
Sonic Forces is really disappointing. It's a pretty anti-climactic way to end this retrospective. It really bums me out that this game came out the way it did.

Sonic Forces was one of the most anticipated Sonic games I could remember. It was announced with one of the coolest Sonic trailers and looked like Sonic was finally back as a true force to the gaming industry. Instead, he's still a laughing stock.

A few months before Sonic Forces released, Sonic Mania came out. Seen as one of the greatest Sonic games in years. And I agree. It's incredible. However, the end of the game left a lot of questions. Where did Classic Sonic go? Where is he heading to? We got those answered in Sonic Forces. Sonic Forces had a pretty neat concept. It was promoted to be a very strong story like the games of old. A story where Dr. Eggman actually wins. And a small resistance is made to take back the world. It's like a war story. But this is where the first problem starts. For the past few years, Sonic games became less serious and more child-oriented. Which makes this game a tonally broken game. It's trying to be this dark and dramatic story filled with consequence and sacrifice. Yet the characters are cracking jokes and acting like nothing matters. The game is filled with a lot of continuity errors. Why did Classic Sonic even show up? Dimension Manipulation? This was never established. The Phantom Ruby reacts to those with courage and goodwill? Then why can the main villain use it? Why is Silver here? I thought Sonic '06 ended with time resetting... Why does he know Sonic then? The game doesn't explain anything

And Eggman winning isn't impactful at all because it's explained in a text screen... You don't get to see Eggman's conquest. All the characters tell you what happens instead of showing you and the writing and acting are pretty bad. The main villain is awful too. This game introduces Infinite the Jackal. He looks cool, sure. But his motivation is awful. He's evil only because Shadow made him scared and he was all like "I'm not weak, Ima be evil so I can show people I'm not weak"... What? That's pathetic. The Phantom Ruby is also stupid because they never explain how he was chosen to wield it. Just cause?

Anyways, this game does have something the previous games don't... You can make your own.. Sonic OC. Your OC is a character you make that joins the resistance. They are dubbed as "Rookie" and it's actually pretty neat. You can choose between species like Dog, Wolf, Cat, Bunny, Bear, Bird, or Hedgehog. All of which have unique abilities. Your OC has a grapple gun and a Wispon (A gun basically) that ranges in abilities. Unfortunately, they can become overpowered which makes an already easy game, too easy. The other playable character is Classic Sonic (Who has a Super Form with DLC). He is awful. The engine they used just doesn't work. He's so stiff and controls horribly. What happened to Sonic Generations where he felt amazing. He's a clunky mess. The final playable character is Modern Sonic (As well as Shadow and Super Sonic with DLC). He plays... Fine... I actually like how the engine allows you to boost past sections in levels. The problem is that this can also lead to a lot of unfair deaths. There are also sections where you play as both Modern Sonic and the OC. This has the feature known as "Double Boost". A scripted moment where the main theme blasts in the background. Overall the gameplay isn't bad... It's just uninspired and clunky.

The worst part besides some of the gameplay is the bosses. The boss selection is awful. You don't get to fight Chaos or Shadow... Nope, it's a cutscene. Instead, you fight Eggman twice, Infinite three times, and Zavok and Metal Sonic. They are all too easy and just underwhelming. With the exception of the final boss. It's amazing. It was the best part of the game. The big issue with this game was that it was rushed. The game didn't have enough time and therefore it is just underwhelming. Doesn't help that this game is extremely short. You can beat it in 2-3 hours... Why?

The game does have good stuff. As I said, the final boss is pretty good. The game looks pretty good. The lighting and animations are pretty crisp. And the music is really good. A lot of it is vocal songs and I really liked them. Especially the main theme "Fist Bump". Great song.

Sonic Forces is yet another example of SEGA half-assing and playing it too safe. I really hope Sonic can bounce back again. I really hope that we do. This is the final game in my Sonic The Hedgehog Retrospective. 21 Games. Was an absolute blast. Just wish it ended with a bang.
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OvalsOk 2021-06-24T19:15:27Z
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Sparkles2003 Sonic Forces 2024-06-05T16:27:32Z
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honeypowerr Sonic Forces 2024-06-04T10:40:37Z
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Gh0stsarereal Sonic Forces 2024-06-02T08:31:11Z
Switch • XNA
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snazysnail Sonic Forces 2024-05-29T15:52:30Z
Switch • XNA
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slobrew Sonic Forces 2024-05-27T23:13:56Z
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sadgirl2023 Sonic Forces 2024-05-23T17:18:39Z
Switch • XNA
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sadgirl2023 Sonic Forces 2024-05-23T17:18:29Z
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sadgirl2023 Sonic Forces 2024-05-23T16:35:20Z
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KindaGamer777 Sonic Forces 2024-05-21T02:54:36Z
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niallquinn Sonic Forces 2024-05-20T18:42:03Z
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Jetdevastator Sonic Forces 2024-05-10T02:27:32Z
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Caerulus Sonic Forces 2024-05-09T00:47:48Z
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  • omo_ree 2023-09-02 03:48:16.628345+00
    i think if the original Chemical Plant wasnt used in Sonic 2 and instead started out as a level in this game people would complain it's too automated
    • omo_ree 2023-09-02 03:48:48.603214+00
      Or Green Forest from SA2
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  • Gavel 2023-09-15 19:11:06.888079+00
    the soundtrack and aesthetic makes me wish this was more of a video game. easily the most incomplete feeling tech demo I've ever purchased (luckily on a steep sale). Not a single moment of challenge and then it just ends after about 100 minutes. Super bizarre.
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  • blendernoob64 2023-09-18 22:42:30.209977+00
    This game is a specific type of bad. The type of bad where the game is not really bad at all, but its 5/10-ness is so obnoxious that it just annoys you so much, it then becomes bad.
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  • Drawdler 2023-10-25 06:00:40.074969+00
    This does not deserve to be this low lol
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  • omo_ree 2023-12-02 23:36:51.582747+00
    i am really not beating the contrarian allegations anymore am i
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  • SuzetteBlainePinkerton 2024-06-06 16:33:30.407261+00
    Green hills is starting to look a lot more like SAND HILL!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
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  • SuzetteBlainePinkerton 2024-06-06 16:35:51.39643+00
    also yes the game costs about ten dollars for every hour you spend playing it (hint: 2)
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Contributors to this page: diction WilliamSG Iai Holms Aurochz
23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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