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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

06 December 2004
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - cover art
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4.17 / 5.0
850 Ratings / 5 Reviews
#92 All-time
#9 for 2004
Five years after the events from the award winning Star Wars® Knights of the Old Republic™, the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. With the Jedi Order in ruin, the Republic’s only hope is a lone Jedi struggling to reconnect with the Force. As this Jedi, you will be faced with the galaxy’s most dire decision: Follow the light side or succumb to the dark…
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It`s a wonder how Disney execs didnt approach Chris Avellone for the new Star Wars films. What he has created here is more interesting than all of the old and new trilogies combined together. And Kreia is probably the greatest Star Wars character of all time. But the game`s true genius is how Avellone manages to blur the lines between light and dark side of the force. Light and Dark extremes just dont exist in Avellone`s SW world. I played it this year and it`s aged very well.
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travisBickle2004 2019-03-19T16:30:16Z
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For the longest time, I couldn't find anything to like about this game, this is because the original version is broken beyond repair due to its multiple game breaking glitches as well as how long it takes for the story to kick in. Eventually I came across an anniversary edition which does fix the game to make it playable, this being the version I'll be reviewing here.

I'll quickly get the negatives out of the way here as they mostly stem from the original version, there are several side quests that flat out don't function properly and can even cause your game to crash due to how rushed the development was for this game. Again, this issue was fixed in the remake and so I won't comment on it any further here. I really don’t like how linear a lot of this game’s progression is as one of the defining aspects of the original Kotor was how it encouraged you to tackle the game in any order you so pleased even early on in the game where you couldn't choose which planets you wanted to visit. This is even worse in the last stretch of the game where upon completing several tough boss battles, you're left with a final conversation with the main antagonist of the game (which I won't reveal due to spoilers) before quickly defeating them and escaping in a cutscene, again due to how rushed the game development was. I'm also not a huge fan of the new crew you have, mainly because there's far more droids here as well as the new living members being more stoic than the members from the first game.

OK so what do I like about this game then? Well, this might have the best story in the entire Star Wars franchise as it tells the tale of an exiled Jedi looming to either redeem themselves in the council or abandon the Jedi way entirely depending on if you're good or evil. Unlike the first game where your choices are fairly obvious in which side of the force you fall under, this time the choices are far more morally ambiguous as you often have to betray certain morality codes to achieve your goals with said goals being for the better of the situation you're looking to resolve. This can range from encouraging a pacifist to fight a battle which increases your light side points to telling a comforting lie to reassure someone's belief in something that's blatantly untrue which increases your dark side points. Of course, a quick way of being evil in this game is to do despicable things just like in the first game such as leaving people to die in an oppressed leadership to even aiding terrorists in overtaking a peaceful sanctuary. This morality code is further accentuated by your crewmates sharing their opinions on the matter which affects your influence over them, basically the more impressed they are with your actions, the more they'll open up to you and offer different rewards with the opposite being true the less admiration they have for you. This leads to the best character in the game which is kreya who's moral compass doesn't follow any normal logic as she's visibly disgusted in pointless deaths but is equally disgusted whenever you show signs of compassion towards those she feels doesn't deserve it. There's also somewhat of a dating mechanic here as several crew members are attracted to you depending on which gender you are, the male characters having the hots for you if you're a woman and female characters if you're male. I think this is why there's more machines in your crew as kreya is the only member to not have romantic feelings towards our hero regardless if which gender they are, although it's funny how the male heroes have two force sensitive women and a femme fatale to choose from whilst female heroes have a thuggish rogue, a Darth maul lookalike, a disciple from the Jedi ruins on dantoone and a Wookie to pine for their affections. I also like how your party is different not just based on the gender of your character but also if you're good or evil, the former consisting of a nameless handmaiden or a nameless disciple if you're a man or woman respectively while the latter is a femme fatale or a Wookie if you're good or evil respectively. I guess there's one other crew member that has no romantic attachments to our protagonist, that would be canderous who is the only returning non robot crew member from the first game as he's rebranded himself as mandalore, which makes this the first time the history of mandalore was depicted outside of the books long before the clone wars or the Mandalorian show ever launched.

It’s a game that's all over the place but offers some of the best aspects of the Star Wars franchise. Hopefully someday this story can be told in a flawless game as right now, there's a brilliant story buried in a game with so many problems.
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Foxylover92 2021-06-23T00:18:15Z
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BioWare have never made a good game, ever.
KOTOR 2 and Jedi Academy are the only Star Wars games worth your time.

KOTOR 2 and Fallout: New Vegas are the only Obsidian games worth your time.

^ Here's to hoping Avowed (and Gothic 1 remake) will live up to the hype.
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Bioware passed the baton to Obsidian to crank out a sequel to KOTOR within a year, and the results are predictable given the developers' respective pedigrees and the regrettable development constraints. Clearly a rushed, somewhat unfinished, and wildly uneven game, both in terms of gameplay and storytelling. It does little to distinguish itself gameplay-wise from the pseudo-real time CRPG design of the original, borrowing most of it directly. The pacing here is iffy, and playing the game is often kind of a slog. But the writing is where KOTOR2 shines and differentiates itself from the first game, bringing a darker, deeper, more philosophical take on Star Wars lore and the world established by the first game. Being a direct sequel to the original is somewhat to its detriment, as KOTOR2 seems only half-interested in this continuity - I think a cleaner narrative break would have served the change of developers better. But there's a lot of good bits here, with an interesting premise, compelling villains and characters, and so on. Unfortunately, the overall narrative is less than the sum of its parts, and like the rest of the game, feels half-finished, poorly paced, and unrefined - it's clear there's the makings of a great game somewhere in here, but they didn't quite find it.
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blargh4 2022-09-13T19:30:40Z
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The richness of the game is unbelievable. Easily the best content the entire Star Wars franchise has to offer.
Somewhat of an incomplete review, but these are moments/details that stood out to me as I was playing, broken down planet by planet, by sections of the game, etc.

Prologue (Ebon Hawk): The atmosphere of the game immediately outperforms it’s predecessor, as T3-M4 boops himself out of his disrepaired slumber. The prologue mission immediately heightens the stakes by placing the player onboard a critically damaged and desolate Ebon Hawk. Life already feels highly threatened.

Peragus Mining Station: Much more eerie position versus the first game. A secret female Sith in Kreia begins deceiving the Exile immediately, no matter what path they choose. Force telepathy accurately demonstrated by Kreia (communication is denoted as :: Force Text :: ). No translations provided for T3-M4 enhances the immersive experience. The HK killer droid speaks to you loyal like a dog, but in a patronizing way. Atton’s reaction to the incoming ship feels real and instills fear. Sion’s approach sequence while you observe from the spacewalk platform. The player knows they are too weak to face a Sith Marauder, and yet one has arrived.

Telos I: Bizarre station noises (intercom gurgling). The passing vehicles zinging by. Phantom Menace politics done right. An intensified Czerka threat versus their role in the first game. Controlling B-4D4 and showcasing the ability of the droids to intentionally lie.

Korriban & Dantooine I: I find these two planets to be the weakest part of the game and it is best to knock them out early.

Ravager Cutscene: Flying a ravaged, skeleton ship held together by the Force alone is such an excellent artistic display of the dark side. Nihilus’s cthulhu voice and imposing power. Visas is suicidal. Another excellent Sith female in Visas. Forcing Visas into submission mid-speech via force choke. The background of Darth Nihilus's bridge view looks like images of the hundreds of distant galaxies clustered close together (sort of like the JWST SMACS 0723 image). A male Miraluka character would’ve been preferable to Disciple.

Dxun/Onderon I: Avatar done right. Mandalore has questionable political beliefs reminiscent of Alexander the Great. LA Kotoire investigation mission. Why no Bith characters? The characters acting out emotions but not saying anything. So immersed in this stupid murder plot. Kavar is a true jedi, the one with the best priniciples on the remaining council. Dropping you into the middle of a military coup situation. Indian voice for queen? Certainly adds to the unexpected diversity the game has to offer. Radicalized military guard with brownshirt, facemasked design. Supposedly influenced by Afghanistan garb as well. Mandalore conceding control to you and forced to join your party.

Nar Shadaa: The ghetto of the Star Wars galaxy. Futuristic Detroit simulator. The Huttese Mafia and elitist Quarrens run the system. Most hostile place by far in the game by far. Most intimidating and dangerous planet by crime. The bulk of missions for the moon are set in the refugee sector where the Exile is targeted by various gangsters/bounty hunters possessing a much more intimidating and confrontational tone in their voices. In contrast, the sexual desires of female bounty hunter Twi’leks (Twin Suns) during their stalking and discussions of the Exile is funny (a minor detail, but a demonstration of the excellent quality of the voice acting across the board throughout the game). Hanharr’s more animalistic growls compared to Zalbar. How would you fall for hours on the planet? Easy to get lost on the planet. Leave Visas and Handmaiden on the ship together since they hate each other. A shameless voice actor for the flying Toydarian dock worker. Choked mummy race gangsters. Very disturbing language tics and dialects. Lizard humanoids with cylindrical shaped tongues. Kreia’s lesson on charity. Charity may lead to more pain for the homeless man you gift money too. Perfect hutt voice for Vogga. Very interesting dynamic for Mira/Hanharr relationship (life debt origin story and Hanharr's fierce loyalty to it despite his murderous personality). Other characters talking/fighting with other playable companions. Bao Dur mocking the zhug gang. Why are the Quarren so racist? How do the Hutts rule if they are stationary and easy to attack? Resisting poison gas effects in Visquis's cantina via the force. Panel beatbox (very subtle song for Visquis’s area). Hanharr realizing their fate as the Exile progresses. Visquis's desperation growing, but attempting to remain as if he's the one in control no matter how poorly things are going. According to G0-T0, a planet would cost $5 quadrillion. G0T0’s robot lizard body guards. Quarrens' ballsack neck. Zombie hanharr resurrected by Kreia. Bat character with T3? Copper iron plated C3PO. Droid speech interpretation. Droids are sensitive and kind hearted. Intellectual bald mullet with earrings.

Dxun/Onderon II: Based Kavar. E oo oo wee oo weet. Goto destroys training droid? Rusty chamber. Coup attempt. Bird flutters. The death echoing hollows of Freedon Nad’s chamber. Power ranger silver face. Sith-tanic ritual. Impact resistant drone ship. Iziz reduced to rubble. Throne room shielding attacked by a rancor? Some soldiers stay. Punished for dereliction. Scared twi Lek voice. Mandalorian rain. Scared BIP droid. Droidist.

Dantooine II: Steppe frogs on Dantooine? Kreia manipulates you into a light side Sith to destroy the force by being an idealist, whereas dark side uses “your anger, your hate” type talk. Exile is darker than Kreia if the player chooses dark side. Exile invoking the end of the Republic for selfish reasons. Wild rancor noises that sound piggish? Kreia going full mask off.

Telos II: Darth Traya is an extremely persuasive Sith (regarding Atris’s conversion). “There is always a Darth Traya.” Who was it in the original trilogy, Palpatine? Why did Atris give in so easily? Handmaiden fighting her sisters, wow. Scrambled raknahas (Sith holocron). Why do the holocrons hiss? Locked down telos station.

Ravager Mission: Mandalore disregarding life debt from his companion. The combat system is excellent. Nihilus’s voice is like shadows intertwining. Encouraging Visas to commit suicide (if dark side). Ravager: Malachor V ship, nice. Mandalore mission? Proton core? Dark force corrupting skin. Exile convinced people to go against his masters. Fewest conflicts in the game. Ship groaning. Whispers during prayer. Screaming death voices. Looking upon his face. Nihilus evaporating into a mass of red mist and lightning. Sky cracking the Ravager. I applaud Admiral Onasi’s order and continued conviction in Revan.

Malachor V: Black green, electrified potato. Kreia reveals Atris is bisexual (she loves you no matter if you’re male or female). Still treating Sion as an apprentice. Green thunder. Ghoul decloaking. Rocks churning. Revan was Kreia’s only light side apprentice. Chamber death cries. The true Sith. Holocrons were the same language as Nihilus. Nihilus and Sion are so de-humanized compared to Malek and Revan. Bao Dur’s should have been sent to activate the Mass Shadow Generator instead of using his bot.

Unclassified/General Notes: Kreia tactically avoiding the other Jedi. Distant animals roaring, no matter what planet you are on. What happened to the masters from the first game (other than Vrook)? Kreia is more good guy as Sith than the Supreme Court stylized Jedi Council. Visas is the most brainwashed disciple of the Exile's companions. She is also very thirsty if the Exile is a male character. Exiles United. The entire squad is comprised of exiles. An abundance of missions without the exile, forcing the player to strategize and upgrade other companions effectively. Enemies just standing there during conversations. Companion Sith Masks. Better sounding planet names than Kotor I (Peragus, Telos, Onderon, Dxun, Nar Shadaa). Body motions continue after speech while the NPCs are waiting for you to make your conversation choice. Mandalore has questionable political beliefs reminiscent of Alexander the Great. Characters with voice actors are silent when you are controlling them in non-Exile missions (e.g. Atton, Mira, B-4D4). Kreia: “War is something few turn away from after the first steps are taken.” True or false? True for Russia in 2022.

Alien Voices:
-Duros: Lokaka ramanendoso rawn wheat no chadee. Tu ranta mana sonu. Epowhenchuwa.
-Rodian: Papisa! Papisa!
-Twi’lek: Kehwenna botah! Yut ta ta tah kinga magorah. Tay yai tah! Tye hanson an bose sunt ya.
-Ithorian: Goreesy mah selma. Ah bood dah dah. Gelp bah bah sneed bah bah gelpa. Nic cua chu cah. Ju bi ju bi bralta.
-Unknown (forgot to write down the species): Fecha en o rayum racha racha chety. Wannaseetch tet norah kasha.
-Quarren: Ree ah ee rur eh. Wah ee whooo aweeeooo. Bubblublu bee on devoy. Moyday me moyro day. Lithu eh lithu. Bee I bee hey, sih yeh day.

Preferred Order of Planets: Korriban, Dantooine I, Dxun/Onderon I, Nar Shadaa, Dxun/Onderon II).
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Slutha 2022-06-07T02:14:09Z
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An incredible story hindered by dated mechanics.
Having played this game several times over a period of my life, I can wholeheartedly argue the high level of detail and thought put into each character and their respective stories. Although in stating that, the game is let down and almost not worth picking up due to the dated (honestly even for it's time) combat and general game control.

The gameplay is centered around an almost MMO like taskbar and combat system that has you queuing actions up through 6 or so options. The only free moving control you have is just that: Movement. A system that gets very old in just the first 2 or so hours of gameplay. Also those first two hours of the game is the tutorial!

While the combat and every other controller based mechanic is garbage and dated; the companions are incredible! I could write and write about them but just know that while they appear shallow and like unnecessary filler (the games story is really all about You), their stories do give life and shine memorably throughout your journey through the 5 planet galaxy with them. The villains however, they're presented in a manner that leaves the impression they were rather rushed and it can leave a sour taste in your mouth when experienced in their respective stories, endings and the aforementioned dated fights. Looking at you Nihilus, you walking wasted potential. What are you even saying my guy?

Overall the story is presented as an idea; What is light and what is dark? A question you could play the whole game without understanding and one I never came up with an answer for the first couple of times I played it because, I was a kid and thinking about a political fantasy world wasn't in my realm of understanding. Yet I enjoyed my experience because Star Wars is cool! A couple more playthroughs and you may start to wonder: Why do evil when good give smile? Why does this old lady constantly disapprove of my every thing? And just maybe, you will look up how to satisfy this Old Woman and discover a very different political world.
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SilentSven 2022-05-12T10:29:58Z
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Nezbie Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-05-12T20:57:28Z
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Homelove Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-05-11T21:39:27Z
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scoterinaia Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-05-11T06:11:12Z
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HeyJulien Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-05-09T19:06:39Z
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zagnut Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-05-03T08:11:09Z
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VaLeReFeICaO Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-04-30T02:05:36Z
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Tytygigas Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-04-27T18:36:23Z
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toppen Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 2024-04-27T01:43:33Z
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  • Pumas 2022-09-18 20:53:39.786033+00
    I really need to play this with the restored content mod. I played the original release without knowing it was unfinished and was so disappointed.
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  • Flight_Sensations 2022-10-29 14:04:20.47242+00
    Restored content yes.
    This s the best SW movie that never was.
    Avellone on fire!
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  • to_noid_or_not_to_noid 2022-12-30 04:49:06.39404+00
    Played it most of the way through before PC trouble had me sidetracked. I can’t stop thinking about this game.
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  • mellors 2023-10-23 21:20:17.135831+00
    The only Star Wars still untainted. Please Disney, do not touch KOTOR. Just fuck off yea
    • to_noid_or_not_to_noid 2024-03-29 20:08:51.682109+00
      They've got "nawt canon" blinders on w/r/t 'KotOR' and the Kyle Katarn games because those would inject life into the content.
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  • TheRealJimMorrison 2024-03-15 06:52:15.151628+00
    The Shit Lords
    • to_noid_or_not_to_noid 2024-03-29 20:03:46.744994+00
      I like how much these two mainline 'KotOR's lean into the Sith being the biggest shitheads imaginable.
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  • khaledo 2024-05-14 19:08:25.57409+00
    Its funny how the development cycle behind this is nearly identical to new vegas
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23 mar 2015
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