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Developer / Publisher: Unknown Worlds Entertainment
23 January 2018
Subnautica - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.79 / 5.0
1,345 Ratings / 4 Reviews
#478 All-time
#17 for 2018
Stranded on an oceanic planet full of titanic sea monsters and deep-sea environments, you must survive by finding food and resources to sustain yourself on the aquatic world, provide yourself shelter, and prepare for whatever lies beneath.
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As spaceship Aurora is about to crash onto an alien planet, you find yourself on an escape pod and land in the ocean, where you begin your quest of survival. After quickly putting the fire out in your pod, you can go exploring, returning to your pod which acts as a temporary base. The Fabricator there can craft many tools as well as cooking the fish you catch.

Luckily, the Bladder fish are found swimming near your pod, which will become your source of drinking water, and many of the smaller fish can be caught for food. Apart from this, you will be searching for scrap metal, and ore deposits, and trying to locate blueprints in order to craft tools for survival. There are tools like a knife, flash-light, cutting tool, fin, tank, helmet upgrades for your scuba suit.

Eventually you will be building a base for a more habitable location. Building a base can be very clunky. It's not obvious what the criteria for placing buildings is. Often, I was sure I should be allowed to place a building in a location, but the preview would be red, telling me I couldn't place it but giving no reason why. The bases you build can feature all kinds of cool features thanks the the “habitat builder” tool which is like a futuristic 3D printer.

A Scanner Room can highlight points of interest in a certain range (wrecks, ore deposits etc). The Moonpool can dock your small vehicles, recharging their power. There's a Water Filtration, Battery Chargers, different ways of generating power like Thermal Reactor, Bioreactor, Nuclear Reactor. There's all kinds of objects purely for aesthetic purposes; so you can create a bedroom with cabinets, shelves, plants, and pictures (using in game screenshots you take).

As you play, you will receive radio transmissions which lead you to certain locations like other escape pods. There you usually find a blueprint which helps you progress further, so following the story keeps you progressing at a steady pace. Later on, there aren't many transmissions to guide you, but you do find more back-story of the island, and then you have to find a few underwater bases.

The world is really beautiful which makes it a joy to explore. Although venturing down into the darkest depths can be rather scary; it is the ocean after-all. The deeper you go, you are more likely to find more aggressive creatures and plants. In certain areas, Leviathans make their home. These are really scary when you first encounter them. Sometimes you know they are coming when they unleash a mighty roar, but other-times I found them being a bit more stealthy. Once you get used to their locations and behaviour, I didn't find them daunting and was good at avoiding them.

To reach the deeper ocean, you will need to upgrade your tank, and create submersible vehicles. The basic “vehicle” is the sea glide which is a motorised device you can quickly pull out to travel faster. The small vehicle you make is the Seamoth which is a roundish submersible with a small storage capacity. Initially, it can't go very deep, but can be upgraded to reach far deeper areas. The Prawn Suit is a mechanised walker, with jump jets which gives you the options of walking along the ground, or travelling longer distances. It has arms which can pick up objects (and automatically place them in it's storage) or punch creatures. The final vehicle is the Cyclops which is a huge submarine which acts as a mobile base. It has high storage capacity and can dock one of your vehicles too.

There's no in-game map, so often it is really easy to get lost. Apparently, there is a Beacon blueprint in the game but I never found it, meaning I could only use the compass, and beacons emitted from the other escape pods to get my bearings.

To reach the underwater bases as part of the story, you need to venture to some underground caverns which there are only a few entrances to. You don't seem to get many clues where they are, and the underground area is absolutely huge. This part of the game starts to drag, and I found myself looking online for videos and maps, but I still found it hard to orientate myself. My advice to players is to make a list of essential items you need to make a base, and transport them down there. You will need a good supply of food, water, and Power Cells for your transports in order to explore down there.

The draw distance of the game is quite disappointing, so sometimes you find scenery popping up when you get closer to it, rather than being able to see it at a distance. Often it is quite dark, but if the ocean is brightly lit by the morning sun, then it's definitely noticeable.

I stumbled across a few bugs here and there. There were several animation bugs, a few times I'd fall through the floor, and an area didn't initially seem to load the textures. I also noticed that the lighting wasn't correct when you load a game, so was often darker than it should be (it seemed to correct itself when you move towards a light source though). The bugs were forgiveable, and in general it is a well-made game.

I found the game to be really enjoyable and addictive, often finding myself playing for several hours at a time; something that games often fail to make me do these days. It takes a long time to complete though; I think I ended up with around 40 hours in the end.
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CaptainClam 2018-12-30T13:12:33Z
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great concept with a game with an interesting story and visuals, that in between all of that has an excrutiantly long and obnoxious grinding and resource collecting that's just not to my taste
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amauralho 2024-02-15T21:59:25Z
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not for me?
guess it wasn't really for me. Occasional moments of intrigue/fear bogged down by huge spans of tedious resource collection - though I'm willing to concede that maybe I was too slow and safe about it. I'd forgive the jankiness (horrendous pop-in, clipping into walls causing death) for better gameplay, but really didn't keep me hooked and didn't finish the game
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Facebear 2021-09-16T17:36:23Z
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The premise is fairly straightforward. You crashed on an alien water world, start with limited supplies, have to craft up to better ones. But as you progress further, the game really seems to morph into something else, meeting those kinds of wild fantasies of wonder you might imagine during those initial periods of "What if...??"

If you were like me, once you built your first method of water transport faster than the fins, you took a leap and went somewhere far away from your pod, probably close to the Aurora. I wanted to see what was on the other side. Now, I went into this game almost completely blind -- if you haven't played yet, I strongly suggest avoiding this next spoiler! It's worth it. I'd watched a friend play for a few minutes prior, but they were definitely early-game and I'd seen little fishies here and there. I had no idea what to expect, but I still felt the dread of realizing I was in open water as I approached. I couldn't see the seafloor anymore, the music had tapered off into silence and I could only really hear the Seaglide motor running. The PDA then warned me about a lack of ecological diversity and I definitely decided I wasn't going to explore this way anymore, and I turned around. I caught a flash of something passing, something that looked like a massive serpent disappearing off into the void. I didn't have much time to speculate because after that my senses all locked into the extremely loud roar surrounding me and some kind of monster with oversized mandibles giving me a chomp. I screamed and paused for ten minutes then went back home in a straight line on the surface. It was great, 10/10

Experiences like that aside, I think this game really shines once you've reached mid-game. You've just created a base, maybe your first not in Safe Shallows, some 700+ meters away from the starting lifepod. I chose to build mine in the Underwater Islands, a biome which I had barely explored at all on the edge of a bunch of creepy areas that I was just slightly too afraid to venture further into. Choosing to live on the precipice of abyssal fear like that is what this game is all about for me, I always want to feel a little bit more of that, just not *too much* all at once. Staying there for a while I built a scanner room, developed a mental map of the surrounding area pretty well, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that the nearby mountain itself was going to open its jaws and swallow me. And really, aside from going on-shore, that mountainous area is the one place I still, to this day, haven't really explored because I'm too fucking creeped out. It's like I live next to this curtain, that I've peeked beyond only briefly and saw only darkness. I still don't really know what's back there. And this game made me realize I like that.

The game has plenty of manifestations of this, like your first encounter with a Mesmer, or when you realize you've become hyper-aware of the distant sound of a Reaper's roar and mentally pinpoint a distant location of where you suspect it's lurking so you can route around it at all costs. Over time, familiarity with the game does inevitably dim some of those initial feelings, but they haven't yet disappeared entirely for me. Maybe that's why I've intentionally avoided exploring certain areas... saving them for another time, perhaps!

I've played a bit of the sequel and it seems almost as good, though still early access and incomplete as of writing. Also, didn't mention much of it, but the story in this game is actually very solid and supplements a lot of the feelings I mentioned before, so it has that going for it as well.

Anyway it's the best survival game I've ever played and if these experiences interest you, definitely check it out.
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space_moth 2019-09-24T18:16:50Z
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Yo guys, you know what would make a fun video game? Diving in the water! What else after that? Well, you collect items to craft materials that help you dive deeper into the water!

That's it.
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TooBrokeToCare 2019-04-05T03:42:27Z
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Dogshit game
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Subnautica gets as good as survival/adventure game can get. It was 5 years in development (needs verification) and each hour makes you realize more that not a day was wasted. The game is impressive in both scope and execution.

A quick summary for people new to the game (without any spoilers): in some very distant future, you are playing as a passenger on some kind of intergalactic space shuttle. An unknown accident happens when passing alien planet and the shuttle falls into the atmosphere and ends up crashing in the middle of the sea. You are one of the few people that managed to get to one of few emergency life pods and you end up falling conveniently on shallow waters about 1 km further from the shuttle. Now you must fight for your life in the middle of the ocean and also find a way to escape from the planet. You must find food, water and in the meantime learn what actually happened, where are you exactly, and all the other stuff which I do not want to spoil. Its gunna get gud believe me.

The first thing that gets attention is how Subnautica looks. The ocean is both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. It doesnt get more believable than that in current tech age. The graphics are not photorealistic, there is a right amount of artistic touch put into the game, which is very good, because I am sure this will help graphics stand test of time easily.

Some parts of the presentation are not polished though - some animations, especially player-related, are very cheap and "blocky" and also game has its fair share of bugs, the most irritating ones being poping up the elements of environment just before your eyes and general issues with performance even on powerful hardware. I thought at some point that this will spoil the immersion a lot, but actually it somewhat ends on further plan - thats how good impression the game makes overall. Still I hope it will be optimized more, especially as the overall polish feels more important from a perspective of VR, with which the game is compatible. The game runs on Unity engine and I think the main problem is that it pushes the engine to its absolute limits in some aspects.

After initial impression other things get players attention. The game world has distinctive "alien" feeling. You do not feel that you are just in the middle of the sea, it has this beautiful vibe of being alone in unknown world which resembles earth fauna/flora only superficially. The lore aspect is overall fantastic - fascinating, consistent and quite realistic. One of the highest points of the experience for me. Of course the sci-fi elements of the game can be considered over the top, but as you progress, you realize how lot of things about how the world works make sense and how it is simply fascinating.

This is not simply survival/crafting game - it has a story which is minimalistic but very well written, with very satisfying conclusion. The games has System Shock 2/Prey vibe in terms of storytelling - you learn most of the things from abandoned audio/text logs and by scanning the hell out of everything. I recommend reading you database regularly - its not only important, but fascinating on its own.

It took me about 50 hours to work it all out on my own, but it heavily depends on your perception skills and the amount of attention you put into the game. Working out the problems game throws at you is as satisfying as the exploration itself.

I could go on with the mechanics and gameplay of the game. but the problem is that the game is about discovering how everything works by yourself. Its all good, survival aspect may get a bit tedious at times, but because of the presentation the game gets away with forcing player to do some repetitive stuff. Also lot of times I realized that the tedious aspect was mainly my fault as I have not noticed a better way to do things. My attention to details and world got higher the longer I played actually, because I knew that whenever I was spending too much time on doing same tasks over and over, I probably was missing some way to automate it. Anyway its all good and you will be glued to the screen for hours etc.

This is a game about the journey to the world below, and easily this is one of the best journeys I had occasion to participate in video game.
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nephilim93 2018-05-14T20:37:12Z
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thorium Subnautica 2024-06-08T15:39:37Z
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americanflotsam Subnautica 2024-06-04T05:37:53Z
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gvnn_crn Subnautica 2024-06-04T01:01:08Z
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GaryOak69 Subnautica 2024-06-03T02:18:05Z
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ggng Subnautica 2024-06-01T18:53:52Z
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xezbether Subnautica 2024-05-31T08:01:20Z
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JmoZ Subnautica 2024-05-31T01:32:12Z
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Riceballs Subnautica 2024-05-31T01:32:05Z
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taggedinblue Subnautica 2024-05-29T15:53:26Z
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MaestroOak Subnautica 2024-05-28T04:55:06Z
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hatsune_miku Subnautica 2024-05-27T13:55:51Z
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Cognizant_Koala Subnautica 2024-05-27T12:40:09Z
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Early access date
16 dec 2014
Also known as
  • 深海迷航
  • 서브노티카
  • サブノーティカ
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  • AidanAlva 2023-07-18 17:39:00.973744+00
    Amazing game
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  • marten91 2023-10-18 07:28:24.68643+00
    Too much of the gameplay feels like busy work; it also relies on one of my most hated modern videogame tropes - telling the story through audiologs/diary entries
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  • TheRealJimMorrison 2023-11-01 01:11:47.171686+00
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  • Stabbed 2023-12-18 03:37:54.584494+00
    this game would be so much better if they waited a bit longer to have your first vision from the Sea Emperor, they show it so early on compared to when you actually find it (hell, even come halfway to finding it) that it feels like they were too excited and had to show it off. which, hey, i get it, it's pretty cool, but still. game's good though
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  • KingGhidorah 2024-04-12 16:34:24.709121+00
    #1 water game ever
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