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TrackMania United

Developer: Nadeo Publisher: Focus Entertainment
17 November 2006
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3.90 / 5.0
184 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#408 All-time
#13 for 2006
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2007 Nadeo Focus  
AU 3 512289 012249
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So this is the game, or indeed, thing, I've spent the most amount of time on my computer. I started playing Trackmania Nations/United Forever back in 2009 and to this day the addiction hasn't quite stopped.

I have something beyond 25 000 hours spent in this game, like, legit. 95% of that time I played the Stadium environment as it's the most balanced one when it comes to handling and is also the most prestigious in its tracks and world records etc.

If it were up to me, I would release a fix that would take care of certain bugs in this game. Like landing bugs, where at a random landing onto the road, it throws off your car slightly and you lose a significant amount of speed, basically ruining the run and hopes for a world record/personal best.

Even more nasty is something that in the community is called "über bug" where you press left/right, gas and brake at the same time at the exact right moment and if you are lucky it throws you at a super crazy speed to the direction of the finish or the next checkpoint, giving you an insanely lucky world record. And I do mean lucky like, once in a ten thousand tries or worse kind of a thing. That IMO is not the spirit of a racing game, not even that of a stunty, arcade type of a game. The bug has essentially ruined the record hunting potential in a lot of solid drift/racing tracks, because now they have been turned into a 99% luck-based thing.

When it comes to other (read: *lesser') environments besides Stadium, the two I would recommend are Bay and Snow. They are arcade-y af but the handling feels 'grounded'. Which brings me to the highly unpleasant experience of the environments Desert, Island and Rally. Desert and Island both have profoundly nonsensical ways of gaining speed in curves. Rally though feels like driving a nearly weightless matchbox, and not a car. In fact it's not much better than the handling in Big Rigs. Coast feels like driving an overweight tank on ice.

But even with these bugs, 'randomizers' and flaws, I don't regret spending such a big chunk of my life on this game and consider it among my favorites of all time. The challenge of getting WR's, beating your own PB's, chatting online, building your own wacky tracks, it keeps ya playing for good.
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R136a1 2024-04-26T17:31:28Z
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My 25 Favorite Games I Played Before Turning 25, #7
Trackmania United Forever is a racing game that is too pure, too beautiful for this world. But before I gush on about how much I love it, there's a serious question that needs to be answered, first. What is Trackmania United Forever? Typically, racing game series have a yearly order (or a numeracle one) that's fairly simple to follow. Trackmania, on the other hand, is one big mess, so I'll give you a quick summary. The original series is centered around three focal games: The original Trackmania, Trackmania Sunrise, and Trackmania United. Each one has various expansions, with United Forever being the expansion of the final pre-Ubisoft Trackmania game. In short: This is the version that's on Steam, and it's the game with the most amount of content in the series.

As far as track design and mechanics go, the differences between the three main Trackmania games are actually very minor. The original Trackmania has three modes (known in United as Snow, Desert, and Rally). Trackmania Sunrise adds in Island, Coast, and Bay. Finally, United adds the popular Stadium mode to the mix. That's seven whole racing styles for one game! And not only that, but thanks to the beauty of track import, the player can experience every track from the previous games in United's engine. This is a great feature, especially since the older Trackmania games are difficult to play due to their DRM issues. This track importing quickly starts to morph Trackmania into 'racing game Stepmania' with how much content you can stuff into it, even if you only grab the official tracks.

The concept behind Trackmania is a simple one. Get to the finish line as fast as possible. Yet, like any other time-based challenge games (i.e. Super Monkey Ball), getting the gold medal takes some practice. At first, you'll need to swerve around corners carefully to get a feel for each mode's handling. Later levels will challenge the player with more obstacles and tricky jumps, requiring further precision the more progression they make.

Stadium is the most straightforward out of all of the modes, hence the popularity. The handling is the most familiar to arcadey racing games, and the paved tracks are relatively simple to follow. By contrast, every other mode has its own strange quirks that will attract certain players. Rally has far more touchy steering than Stadium, with tracks that encourage cuts and offroad driving. They are littered with bumps and debris, making momentum more difficult to maintain. In the Snow mode, the steering capabilities are cranked to the maximum, with momentum being the primary focus. These levels require pinpoint precision from the player. Some techniques must be learned in order to surpass winding pipes that force the player to spin upside-down while driving.

Desert is another strange mode that has been with the game since the beginning. The Desert car tends to lean on one side while turning, making precise cornering double as a balancing act. Coast is a strange mode that seems to parody simulation physics, as the car slowly slides across the track while turning. Any sort of simple track becomes a challenge to navigate, making this arguably the most difficult mode to learn. The Island mode, on the other hand, cranks the speed up to the maximum. Every turn becomes a battle against gravity as you try to prevent the car from sliding across the track. Then, there's the Bay mode, which has some of the most difficult track designs out of every mode. These tracks are filled with obstacles and other annoyances that will send your truck flying. Getting gold for any of these modes will take some patience.

I couldn't talk about United Forever without mentioning the online aspects, of course. I tend to skip over the online portions of offline games unless they make up a significant amount of the game's experience. Online games don't last forever, you know! That being said, United Forever has done a fairly good job at staying true to its name, seeing as online lobbies are still up and running nearly 14 years after this version's release. The whole idea behind the stadium mode's online integration was to give the player the impression that they're truly competing against every other country in a huge stadium event. Every country has its own unique car livery, meaning you'll be able to tell whether the car in front of you is from Poland, Australia, France, Canada, and so on. Before, you were simply navigating through little tracks, but now, you're participating in a grand, worldwide sport. A sport of the... electronic variety. Jokes aside, this game's interpretation of an 'e-sport' is more spot on than any other video game I've ever seen. Other games might stick a flag next to the user's name, but Trackmania goes the extra mile. Even Ubisoft has tried to lean the series further into the established modern 'e-sports' concept with its 2020 installment. Though, playing into the trend is missing the point if you ask me. United Forever feels like its own world by comparison.

Additionally, this game features leaderboards for every track, and 'ladder points' for every mode to give the player some kind of impression of where they're standing compared to everyone else. It's not especially accurate, as it indicates more of a completionist or playtime accumulate rather than a skill gauge. Yet, the feature is nice all the same. Number go up! The player has the option to download the replays of the leaderboard participates, should they feel the need to learn the cuts and techniques of the other players ahead of them.

Considering the simple goal of getting from the starting line to the finish line, the longetivity of Trackmania United Forever is astonishing. The depth spans into multiple different game modes, giving the player an endless amount of skill potential to explore. As far as movement-based gameplay goes, United Forever has mastered the concept. Even outside of the racing game genre, the appeal of Trackmania is easy to understand. The mechanics are easy to understand, and the desire to improve is easy to get hooked into. It's worth the shot!
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capeseverywhere 2021-05-08T06:33:48Z
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Basically a patch/update for the original games
brings back stunts and other stuff wich is cool
tho it seems to completely change the order(/tracks ?)
almost feel like a new game
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Matthew008 2021-07-05T14:06:46Z
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Every Trackmania game is the same. Fun but disposable, and the UI is a mess for what should be a simple game.
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Lowlander2 2017-08-12T19:24:59Z
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sigismund TrackMania United 2024-05-10T12:53:08Z
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R136a1 TrackMania United 2024-04-26T17:31:28Z
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FirstMate TrackMania United 2024-04-23T04:58:25Z
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WelikePapaya TrackMania United 2024-04-06T23:29:11Z
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fryuts11 TrackMania United 2024-03-18T05:12:46Z
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eliottstaten TrackMania United 2024-03-15T06:14:06Z
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Bearzebaa TrackMania United Forever 2024-03-04T20:45:08Z
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Kluwenblauw TrackMania United 2024-02-29T09:13:57Z
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jiux TrackMania United 2024-01-26T16:54:23Z
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jjen TrackMania United 2024-01-19T18:50:19Z
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gajos99 TrackMania United 2024-01-18T17:51:30Z
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Z3R00 TrackMania United 2024-01-07T20:16:30Z
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Content rating
PEGI: 3+
1x DVD
Multiplayer modes
Team play
Multiplayer options
Hotseat, LAN, Online
Also known as
  • TMU
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  • DaymanNightman 2021-07-16 04:19:56.507013+00
    I haven’t played many time trial racers, but it’s hard to imagine one being better than this
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  • alliterativeAlpinist 2022-07-09 08:44:29.822637+00
    oml the desert physics are so fucking bad whyyyyyyyyyy
    • alliterativeAlpinist 2022-09-08 20:35:15.758834+00
      If not for Stadium this series would've been doomed
    • synden 2024-05-01 14:07:30.696908+00
      basically every single one except stadium sucks, coast being by far the worst, that one feels like they set random physics parameters and made it into a car's handling model, the way it handles resembles nothing in real life nor arcade racing games and it is probably the most tedious driving model ever made
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  • FarioMerreira 2023-02-05 12:22:09.159988+00
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  • NotMyResident 2023-02-28 21:35:04.291107+00
    really no point in paying 20 bucks for this. all other racing modes are intriguing but Stadium really is king. just stick with the regular Nations Forever.
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  • R136a1 2024-04-26 17:30:05.41871+00
    Yes the desert mode is pretty much unplayable and possibly the worst mode/thing/feature in TM history.
    • synden 2024-05-01 14:07:52.43298+00
      coast is a lot worse
    • synden 2024-05-01 14:07:59.014533+00
      but they are both bad
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