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うみねこのなく頃に Episode1

Developer: 07th Expansion
27 March 2013
うみねこのなく頃に Episode1 - cover art
#30 All-time
#1 for 2007
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  • babyclav 2024-03-28 15:34:23.104403+00
    If you didnt play this with Ryukishi sprites, you didnt play the game. I don't make the rules
    • Crazystone 2024-03-28 20:23:02.771404+00
      there are much more translations for umineko project
    • Sylveonis 2024-03-29 05:17:21.480768+00
      ryukishi sprites are actually legendary, nothing else compares
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  • SunlitSonata 2024-03-31 13:06:41.951485+00
    Just finished all the Question Arcs

    It has its issues; the anime humor is near universally bad and leads to some character traits I feel could've been removed, the start is slow, the logic of how different realms work can be kind of annoying to follow, some plot points/confrontations are weirdly contrived but everything else is special and cool.

    I love its premise, the push/pull of its main dynamic, the music, the constant intrigue of new identity mysteries, a lot of the character arc concepts I've seen so far, any time something it’s doing reminds me of another thing I enjoy as a means to dig deeper, and Sayaka Ohara’s voice performance as Beato is simply divine. Brainrotting hard about it since finishing and this is the “worse” half.
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  • Mado 2024-04-24 17:27:50.045378+00
    About halfway through episode 2; I'm digging what I've read so far, but something that sorely sticks out is how badly this needed an editor. I'm 25 hours in and I don't feel like anything I've read so far feels justified to be that goddamned long. There's so much prose that feels clunkily written and padded out; like there's this section in episode 2 that talks about a character's failing business, and I'll paraphrase roughly the way it's written:

    "(Character)'s business was like a seesaw. In a seesaw, you can go up and down, and to go up, you need someone else on it. (Character)'s company was like this. Now imagine a seesaw in a playground where no kid was interested in playing with it. Without another kid, the seesaw would never go up. (Character) couldn't find someone else to participate in their business, so it wouldn't get off the ground, hence why their company was like a seesaw."

    Like yes lmao thank you, I get the metaphor already. That's a particularly egregious example but there's a lot of overstuffed roundabout narration that's like this, and it's taxing getting through it all. I'm not sure if this is a product of translating the original Japanese script or what.
    • SunlitSonata 2024-04-24 18:19:11.533999+00
      If it wasn’t a character’s direct voice lines I usually read through all the extraneous descriptive text pretty fast but your mileage may vary depending on read speed and which characters you want to hear actually say their lines most
    • Mado 2024-05-10 22:21:20.122213+00
      That's roughly the approach I'm starting to take and it's making things a bit better. I'm in the middle of episode 3 now, and it's night-and-day compared to episode 2, like the pacing is way better in 3 and there's far more interesting reveals going on. I honestly feel like episode 2 should have just been scrapped entirely, and have some of its plot beats integrated into 1 and 3.

      Overall so far, I'm not entirely convinced that this VN is "peak fiction" or whatever, but I can definitely see why people like it. The writing is a little too rudimentary for me, and the whole game has that uniquly theatrical anime-melodrama vibe that I find grating. But I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been engaging; it's stylistically bold, and the core mystery - though somewhat overly opaque and sloppily developed - has kept me theorizing and thinking about it. It sure takes its damn time, though!
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  • Nergal997 2024-05-24 11:57:53.072499+00
    "people say it's a life-changing experience, but bear in mind these people are anime fans"
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  • cassio_ 2024-05-25 03:56:43.325655+00
    a visual novel in the top 50 that's so embarrassing
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    • cassio_ 2024-05-27 21:10:03.234339+00
      it's like having an audio book in the top 50 albums lol
    • BoreCanal 2024-05-27 23:38:29.991129+00
      If the audiobook is released in the form of an album and is meaningful enough to people that they think it deserves to be in the top 50, then yes, it should be there.
    • Crazystone 2024-05-28 21:44:44.000215+00
      well, we have - it's tpab
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  • BoreCanal 2024-05-30 20:07:44.24945+00
    Answer Arcs could become a favorite of mine if they can maintain this consistent quality.
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