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Developer / Publisher: VRChat
Early access
VRChat - cover art
Glitchwave rating
2.69 / 5.0
326 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#3,106 All-time
User-made-content-focused game gives players the ability to socialize with others in virtual reality.
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2019 VRChat  
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 VRChat's reputation as a kind of chaotic nightmare chatroom isn't entirely undeserved, but the worst of it is largely confined to public worlds—understandably, these very first (and sometimes only) experiences people will have with the game color public perception. Sure, the public side of the game is chock-full of snot-nosed racist children being raised by Meta Quest headsets instead of their parents, but those public worlds aren't where the magic happens. You can't enter any other game's lobby with the worst of its players and expect a good time—this isn't an exception. VRChat starts to shine when getting together with a group of close friends or joining a private group of more mature users. There are a lot of worthwhile worlds with unique experiences to explore, and while solo searching can be fun, it's great to find a group of people who are willing to engage in a bit of world-hopping.

 The worlds themselves range from silly games to cozy hangout spots to artful and atmospheric creations—my personal favorite being the last group. Before delving deeply into VRChat, I really wanted more abstract worlds to explore in VR, but very few seem to really exist on Steam. However, they thrive in VRChat, where they've established themselves as a kind of niche. You have brutalist concrete mazes, working recreations of worlds from Yume Nikki and .flow, ports of levels from LSD Dream Emulator, and unique hand-crafted environments—not to mention the working Jet Set Radio Future fan world, laser light shows synced to music, amusement parks with working rides of varying quality, horror-themed worlds, puzzle-based worlds, art museums, heartfelt memorials, virtual markets, music festivals, and nightclubs that only open once a week. Then, of course, the seemingly endless feed of limited-time promotional worlds that corporations pour actual money into—often to promote their brand or even sell tickets to their digital, in-VRC events... which appeals to me less than the other stuff, but it can be interesting to explore those worlds for the strange sensation that you're existing in an ephemeral space that will cease to exist soon. Point being, for those open-minded digital explorers who are willing to dig, there are a lot of great little gems in VRChat.

 And then there's the avatars, of course. VRChat is the best, most accessible vehicle for seeing myself as, and being perceived as, my fursona. In VRChat, this happens in a very physical-feeling way, like a layer of separation has been removed between my real self and the skull-headed bat monster I depict myself as online. Being able to have that experience with others who are doing the same is uniquely affirming. At the same time, that ability to position yourself in a physical space, to gesture at directions and objects and others, feels like a step in-between an online group call and meeting in real life. It's more "real" than a regular chat over Discord, even if you've found yourself at an interstellar aquarium or an architecturally impossible maze.

 I'd urge those who tapped out early due to bad experiences in the poorly moderated public worlds—particularly people with headsets—to give VRChat another shot, to go solo or get a friend group together, and to let its more unique and interactive worlds have their chance to win them over. Some of the most creative visual and exploratory things in VR are happening in VRChat, and they're well-worth exploring.
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vrchat review
one time one of my friends convinced me to get this game and go to a nightclub world with her. so I went, and there were a lot of half-naked people. i presumed the world would just be a place for people to dance and listen to newgrounds audio portal-level EDM. in a way, I was kinda right. but the only issue was that I haven't had a vr headset for roughly 4 years now, so I just kinda stood around like an awkward kid at a school dance. so to give myself something to do that would be interesting and not boring, I just kinda walked around and looked at shit. i came across a bathroom, and inside was two people e-fucking each other on the toilet. i decided to stand there and look at them to make things awkward between them. so what they saw next to them while they have the loneliest form of sex was a random 16 year old with a rabbids skin. weird experience looking back at it. the stuff jameskii did in the game was kinda funny tho.
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Supported: YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo, Dailymotion
whiteradios 2023-05-03T19:23:59Z
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Not really a fun experience, Filled with racists and gross people, You're better off taking your experiences to somewhere like Second Life or, If you actually want to play a FUN vr alternative to this, Play rec room, its polished and fun. This however is Not fun, Genuinely boring, And left a bad taste in my mouth, Especially the tedious process on having to make avatars to not look like some little kid who just got into the game, Etc. Play this game if you want, its fun with friends and there is some very cool worlds, but thats not the game redeeming itself, Its the community having some talent.

Try it if you want, This is just my experience.
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dethcult 2021-06-28T15:11:22Z
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"I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself" - Hayao Miyazaki
Evolution of toxicity/edginess in gaming/internet culture:

1992: Mortal Kombat
1995: Newgrounds, GameFAQs
1996: IGN
1997: Postal
2000: Counter-Strike
2001: Halo CE, Smash Bros Melee
2003: 4Chan, Postal²
2004: Halo 2, Counter-Strike: Source, World of Warcraft
2005: Reddit
2006: Garry's MOD
2007: Twitter, COD 4: MW, Halo 3, Team Fortress 2
2008: Left 4 Dead, Smash Bros Brawl
2009: Omegle, League of Legends, Left 4 Dead 2, COD: MW2
2010: COD:BO, Halo: Reach
2011: COD: MW3, Minecraft
2012: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, COD:BO2, Halo 4
2013: 8chan , Dota 2, GTA Online
2014: VRChat, Gamergate, Yandere Simulator, Smash Bros 4
2015: Discord
2016: Overwatch, Halo 5
2017: Tik Tok, Fortnite, PUBG
2018: Smash Bros Ultimate
2019: Apex Legends, COD: Warzone
2020: Valorant, Halo Infinity, Among Us
2023: X, Counter-Strike 2, Overwatch 2
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renegadexavier06 2023-03-24T08:26:28Z
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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences
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Supported: YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo, Dailymotion
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P0laris VRChat 2024-06-02T05:20:17Z
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ntxp3 VRChat 2024-06-01T08:09:26Z
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Rippeul VRChat 2024-05-31T22:43:41Z
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PizzapastaButcooler VRChat 2024-05-31T13:01:55Z
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Ausie VRChat 2024-05-30T03:15:10Z
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Multiplayer PC
Azekahh VRChat 2024-05-30T00:41:18Z
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cannedhamsters VRChat 2024-05-29T22:57:47Z
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sarn VRChat 2024-05-26T21:52:33Z
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kirumi VRChat 2024-05-25T18:21:40Z
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TheRealDealTeal VRChat 2024-05-21T00:26:06Z
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LilHooty VRChat 2024-05-18T22:48:14Z
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ZacharyK VRChat 2024-05-12T17:15:43Z
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Early access date
01 feb 2017
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  • cringeybabey 2023-11-03 09:54:01.326077+00
    psychological horror primary [4]
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  • NibiruShiranui 2024-01-05 05:31:35.978046+00
    I feel obligated to rate this relatively high just of the amount of hours and friends I made in this game.
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  • NibiruShiranui 2024-01-05 05:32:06.799474+00
    Also, I love the guy whos entire review is just naming the most popular games of each year lol
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  • ginoo75 2024-01-11 19:34:51.104485+00
    Your rating of this game really depends on the kind of person you are I think, I can really get behind any review from "This is the worst game I've ever played" to "This game changed my life for the better"
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  • SongityBoy 2024-01-20 06:42:08.493493+00
    an materialized culmination of the collective pitfalls of escapism
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  • Drawdler 2024-02-06 10:03:16.968145+00
    This game sits in such an uncanny valley for me. Weirdly enough it actually makes my dysphoria worse. Extremely hard to play but my bestie is obsessed with it and I saw some cool people there, I feel bad I’m missing out but playing this makes me feel worse.
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  • renegadexavier06 2024-03-29 08:25:30.927689+00
    I tried out Audience Anarchy and I found it pretty enjoyable but I only recommend it if you're down bad for the slightest hint of entertainment.
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  • NickShutter 2024-04-06 22:43:35.056994+00
    If you're willing to walk through the weeds, a lot of VR's most creative stuff is happening in here, including a lot of the more atmospheric and exploration-based worlds. Some of my best times in VR have been spent exploring strange, twisted, brutalist architecture in this.
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