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Waking Mars

Developer: Tiger Style
08 November 2012
Waking Mars - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.48 / 5.0
#151 for 2012
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I can't quite blame you if you have not played Waking Mars. With the sheer number of 'Metroidvania' titles out there anymore, this one does not immediately stand out with its somewhat drab visuals. However, even an hour with the game will expose it to be something different and, perhaps, deeper than your standard game of this genre.

Perhaps the biggest difference here is the means of progression. Most science fiction games are incredibly light on science with the setting being a pretense for futuristic gunfights with monsters. Waking Mars on the other hand feels more authentic, placing you in the role of a scientist who peacefully navigates the planet of Mars. Instead of fighting the inhabitants of the planet, you are rebuilding a dead ecosystem through careful management of the organisms in a manner that vaguely recalls Pikmin. The mixture of these lite strategy elements with Metroid-like exploration delivers a game that is honestly like nothing else on the market at present. Despite the non-violent premise, the action never feels boring with a complex world, interesting puzzles, and solid platforming.

We likewise get a thoughtful story that avoid most of the common video game cliches. Instead of an evil mastermind or mindless monsters driving the conflict, the struggle of the characters is one against the harsh environment of this alien world and is, to a lesser extent, questions of ethics. There is a surprising amount of drama here, and it makes you wonder why more games can't try this sort of humankind vs nature type of approach. This is hard sci-fi for fans of authors like Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke, and as someone within that camp, it's incredibly satisfying. Waking Mars also gets points for its diverse cast that lacks even a single white male character and stars an Asian-British man and an African-American woman. The characters in this game could have been cast from basically any demographic, but developer Tiger Style went out of their way to represent groups usually not seen in games. The dialogue is smart, furthering the credibility of the science in the game, and the voice actors fit the parts they were cast very well, sounding confident and intelligent.

All in all, Waking Mars is a refreshing game in just about every way, and while it's not an entirely obscure game, it deserves to be mentioned much more frequently than it is. With this game now being five years old, it does not seem that Waking Mars had the influence on game design and storytelling that it should have, but it stands as a shining example of how science fiction video games can be every bit as insightful and thoughtful as other media. The fact that it is an entertaining game to play, as well, only sweetens the deal. I can't recommend this game enough to anyone looking for something different.
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MoeHartman 2016-04-26T03:04:42Z
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Written specifically for Glitchwave on 5/10/2017
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The basic premise of Waking Mars is that you're a scientist trapped in a Mars cave and must use various alien plant-like lifeforms in order to progress through the cave and make your way back to the surface. The gameplay begins very exploration-focused but becomes more complex and puzzle-like as you discover more lifeforms and must balance their properties to create a functioning ecosystem. This is all connected by a somewhat loose story that leads you to the discovery of the unknown history of the caves.

Overall, it's a very enjoyable and well-made experience, however the tags might be a bit misleading. This is not really a platforming game nor is it a Metroidvania game. While the atmosphere is certainly reminiscent of Metroid, the gameplay is quite different.
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IgorEmu 2021-05-06T23:27:29Z
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Supported: YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Vimeo, Dailymotion
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CaptainPlasma Waking Mars 2023-12-30T19:34:37Z
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Fet Waking Mars 2023-09-19T12:28:56Z
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daraghp Waking Mars 2023-06-15T15:01:10Z
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Nagual Waking Mars 2022-07-16T06:29:53Z
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RavenGenevore Waking Mars 2021-09-06T16:27:10Z
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jermrellum Waking Mars 2021-06-13T09:41:10Z
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IgorEmu Waking Mars 2021-05-06T23:27:29Z
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HaphazardLegoman Waking Mars 2018-11-01T18:37:41Z
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GenoStars Waking Mars 2018-07-14T15:44:02Z
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namnatulco Waking Mars 2017-12-07T21:17:32Z
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HeWhoIsLunchbox Waking Mars 2017-10-17T01:06:02Z
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Goomy Waking Mars 2017-04-16T18:00:51Z
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  • alliterativeAlpinist 2021-06-21 18:20:00.475755+00
    I was surprised at how engrossing this ended up being. Definitely a sleeper. And the credits list for this game holds a couple pleasant surprises as well...
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Contributors to this page: fidwell MoeHartman
23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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