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Yakuza Kiwami 2

龍が如く 極2

Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio Publisher: Sega
07 December 2017
Yakuza Kiwami 2 [龍が如く 極2] - cover art
Glitchwave rating
3.97 / 5.0
840 Ratings / 6 Reviews
#247 All-time
#11 for 2017
A year after the events of Yakuza [龍が如く], Kiryu and newly appointed Tojo Clan chairman Daigo Dojima is tasked with negotiating a truce with the Omi Alliance, the most powerful yakuza coalition of the Kansai region, following the sudden death of the previous chairman Yukio Terada. However, Kiryu discovers a conspiracy among the Omi Alliance brass to undermine the Tojo Clan's foothold in Tokyo, and must fight his way through the glitzy streets of both Osaka's Sotenbori and Shinjuku's Kamurocho to stop them from toppling the Tojo Clan through violent means.
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Releases 7
2017 Ryu Ga Gotoku Sega  
Yakuza Kiwami 2 Steelbook Edition
2018 Ryu Ga Gotoku Sega  
XNA 0 10086 63236 1 CUSA-10634
2018 Ryu Ga Gotoku Sega  
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2018 Sega  
IT 5 055277 032983 CUSA-10706
2019 Ryu Ga Gotoku QLOC  
Yakuza Kiwami 2 PlayStation Hits
2020 Ryu Ga Gotoku Sega  
GB 5 055277 037841 CUSA-10706
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Damn near perfect
So through my journey of playing Yakuza games the one I was looking most forward to was kiwami 2. This game was listed as the best game in the Yakuza series and after playing it through I seem to agree. While Kiwami 1 felt like an overblown DLC of 0. This feels like a fresh new game. All the criticisms I had with the fighting styles on 0 and Kiwami 1 are reworked here so that you only have on fighting style (It’s like they knew most of us only used Kiryus brawler style). This game in my opinion has one of the most gripping stories in RGG’s catalogue (2nd to Lost Judgment imo). Even the Majima saga was beautiful (We need a legit Majima solo game, you can make it like Deadpool). I had a ton of fun playing this game and after this I’ll be catching up with Yakuza 3-5 before I start playing 6.
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aziz713 2023-12-17T03:38:46Z
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Decent story featuring interesting antagonists (Ryuji Goda being unfortunately mostly forgotten about in the 2nd act), though not making up for the weak combat, tedious leveling system, and general feeling of being a downgrade compared to other Yakuza games.
The graphics are mostly pretty (bar an ugly green filter often present) and perform especially well in moody lit scenes.
(The rain scene is a solid 10 thanks to this.)

Majima Saga has a boring and predictable story, and very poor combat that feels like it only exists to bridge the story cutscenes.
I'd have rathered the Makoto segments be a standalone cutscene, especially considering how they very much feel like the rest of the plot is a transparent excuse for Majima to see her, and her sections are the only highlight of this.
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allisTRAGEDY 2023-06-10T11:38:57Z
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Un more of the same divertentissimo con minigiochi ancora piu divertenti e coinvolgenti del primo.
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ZXXL 2023-01-17T12:52:58Z
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Quase tudo à respeito do remake é muito bom. O conteúdo adicional é bem engajante, as substories só não são melhores que as do Yakuza 0 e o "novo" motor gráfico confere ao jogo uma exploração praticamente sem interrupções e um gameplay mais suave e moderno. Outro ponto alto são as cutscenes, especialmente em seus detalhes faciais.

Infelizmente, o enredo se perde um tanto no fim - e isto não é culpa do remake - ao tentar encadear uma sequência de plot-twists, um mais fraco que o outro. Além disso, o vilão, muito bem caracterizado, ficou subexplorado no meio da trama sobre a máfia coreana.
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gabrielctps 2022-08-29T16:20:34Z
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Again a pretty lazy remake: this is basically built on top of Yakuza 6 with some content recycled from Yakuza 0. Even though the plot aims higher than the first game, the Korean mafia storyline didn't click with me at all for some reason. Most plot twists felt either random or highly predictable. Goda is surely one of the most charismatic antagonists in the series, but the other characters felt quite forgettable in contrast. I'm not surprised they ditched Sayama in the sequels, as she is absolutely annoying.
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Now THIS is a sequel. Again, the strangeness of playing the Yakuza games in their in-universe chronological order as opposed to their real world chronological order must be acknowledged - Yakuza 6: The Song of Life [龍が如く6 命の詩。] came out between the two Kiwami instalments, and I have to assume that a bunch of the great leaps forward seen here were originally made there - but I can only speak to my experience of playing them in story order, and so much about this feels like a major lurch into the future, almost to the extent that it feels like jumping up a console generation. (And then promptly dropping back down another three generations for Yakuza 3 [龍が如く3], but that's another story....) The combat feels more fluid, more dramatic, and more comedic thanks to some generous use of ragdoll physics; a friend used the word 'crunchy' to describe it, and that sums up the visceral immediacy of some of the heat actions in particular pretty nicely. The open world now feels genuinely open, despite the main map being no bigger; it sounds idiotically simple, but the moment when you realise you can walk in the front door of a shop and then walk straight out of the back door without any cuts or loading screens feels weirdly revelatory compared to its predecessors. And generally the word feels fuller and more alive, with more detail stuffed into the streets of Kamurocho right from the opening cutscene (which sets the tone for the cutscenes themselves to feel crisper and smoother to boot). The game is smart enough to know what it shouldn't change, too - the cabaret club minigame reappears completely untouched from Yakuza 0 [龍が如く0 誓いの場所] (though sadly there's no Pocket Circuit this time). And the story! Ryuji Goda, a callback to a blatant bit of foreshadowing in Yakuza 0 that I obviously didn't understand at the time, is a fabulous antagonist, wedding a truly villainous aura and stature with just enough complexity to make him compelling beyond that - and yet he's not even the finest addition to the Yakuza universe here. Kaoru Sayama is as central to the game as Kiryu is in her own way, and her journey from minor antagonist to partner to love interest for Kiryu, as well as the way her relationships with Ryuji and Haruka end up developing and unfolding, lends rich elements to the plot that didn't exist in the previous games. It is her presence that both ties the plot together as it starts to feel just a little too ambitious in the latter stages, and draws to the surface that giddy sense that the Yakuza franchise could do anything if it threw itself at it hard enough. After all, if it can do comedy and political intrigue and drama so well (and it should go without saying that there is plenty of all those things here), why not romance? Why not create a world that can have room for both Sayama and the connoisseur's comedic foil Goro Majima, who now runs a construction firm because why the hell wouldn't he be running a construction firm?

All the best things about Yakuza, enhanced with some key tweaks and fine additions; this is going to take some topping as my favourite game in the franchise. And yet my experience with it has been so good so far that I still have a sneaky gut feeling that one of the later instalments will manage it....
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Iai 2021-08-03T12:37:43Z
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topazBulba 龍が如く 極2 2024-05-12T21:16:29Z
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scoterinaia 龍が如く 極2 2024-05-11T06:15:59Z
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respectwhatever 龍が如く 極2 2024-05-09T08:22:46Z
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Bakkus 龍が如く 極2 2024-05-08T04:00:33Z
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kaanbreaker 龍が如く 極2 2024-05-07T02:25:24Z
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Sharpstick Yakuza Kiwami 2 2024-05-06T15:21:41Z
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keyinlock 龍が如く 極2 2024-05-04T17:47:15Z
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Integrus 龍が如く 極2 2024-05-02T00:54:46Z
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ArcanaNoctis 龍が如く 極2 2024-04-29T15:38:29Z
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polifck 龍が如く 極2 2024-04-28T10:26:37Z
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saylexs 龍が如く 極2 2024-04-27T07:34:12Z
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WeskerStar 龍が如く 極2 2024-04-26T15:54:04Z
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Also known as
  • Yakuza Kiwami 2
  • Like a Dragon: Extreme 2
  • Ryū ga Gotoku: Kiwami 2
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  • sunshinerecorder 2022-12-08 21:17:11.939997+00
    *dramatically tries to lit up a cig in the rain while overproduced the pillows-worshipping dub metalcore track plays in the background*
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  • Abelton 2023-02-06 18:51:33.98434+00
    Combat is meh and the story is about the quality you'd expect for a video game from 2006 but the ending cutscene and Majima Saga broke me
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  • arzhel 2023-06-13 08:44:29.855007+00
    Very fun combat system, even if sometimes it's very clunky (like that horrendous moment in the sengoku dungeon with the turrets), the dragon engine makes it fun. The story is fun and I thought the final cutscene was very funny in a charming and stupid yakuza way. and this is one of the best iterations of kamurocho in the series.
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  • Cody645 2023-10-26 05:47:35.829879+00
    Kiryu is 2 afraid to face me, the dragon of bell
    • Cody645 2023-10-30 17:23:59.401422+00
      I don’t remember typing this?
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  • bejesus 2023-12-27 05:02:36.238128+00
    What a mess of an ending
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  • riguyisfly 2024-02-16 03:58:10.716528+00
    The amount of plot twists in the last hour is unreal. Not complaining
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  • zombieregime 2024-04-09 18:43:16.584599+00
    the worst ending out of the whole series i've played so far
    • INoLuv 2024-05-12 23:17:38.780458+00
      It is part of the charm
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