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#2,776 All-time
#123 for 2018
A federal agent sent to apprehend Joseph Seed, the leader of a powerful doomsday cult in rural Montana, is thrust into the center of a resistance group when their arrest mission was jeopardized by the fanatic locals.
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Simply garbage
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Accorinrin 2023-05-21T18:57:33Z
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Buggy piece of shit with one of the worst stories and gameplay I've ever had the experience dealing with. The AI is so completely broken and dumb. The driving is horrendous. The mission structure is so stupid and doesn't flow together at all. The "stealth" component, if you can even call it that, is utterly garbage and it's unpredictable to know when enemies can see you or not.. The story is very nonsensical. The graphics are pretty nice and the soundtrack is stellar. The ambience and quiet moments are very relaxing, and that's only when you're off into the wilderness where hundreds of enemies aren't coming out of nowhere to kill you. I only gave it a shot since it's on gamepass and it's still not worth it.
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Remember to get the Lost on Mars DLC
This is peak Ubisoft. They took the formula from FC3 & 4 and refined it. If you can only try one Far Cry game, make it this one.
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Coming from Far Cry 4, this is a bit of a let down, but it's a great game centered on the USA. The antagonists are pretty interesting folks, especially Joseph, and their voice actors did excellent. Joseph oddly reminds me a lot of Negan from The Walking Dead. The story does feel a little fast-paced, and not much time is actually given to Joseph. The follower/companion system is really nice, probably a little over-powered at times but Cheeseburger is simply the best character in the game. Faith was probably the most interesting part of the game to me, and the way they implemented super-natural elements surprisingly worked really well and made the game really unique. The ending was not very good and just one big cliffhanger but at least fun to experience, and set up the next game even if it did feel like one big DLC.
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Beautiful open world shooter
Game was extremely atmospheric at the beginning. Stunning graphics, lush environment with lots to do. Main villain was scary and compelling.

First area explored was amazing and worked well together.

However, at the half way mark it got very repetitive and I wanted it to end soon. Rushed through second half just to uninstall.

Great game but too long and repetitive.
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Aidan_Gammon 2022-11-26T20:12:06Z
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Open World
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Good old, American junk food, from a company based in France, in game form
Beaten on PC, after completing all the story missions.

Far Cry has received a backlash ever since people recognized Ubisoft's formula with their open world games. This backlash started around the time Far Cry 4 was released, a title that did very little to advance the Far Cry formula after the excellent, Far Cry 3. Far Cry 3 is one of the most influential games of the modern age, a turning point for open world games where endless side missions, radio towers, and check lists make up your open world experience. Games like Dying Light, most of Ubisoft's titles after Far Cry 3, Mad Max, Fallout 4, and even the new hotness in open world design The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild have Far Cry's DNA written all over it. So now the latest title in the series Far Cry 5 decided to change things up a bit. No more radio towers, three creepy and charismatic villains who like to have staring contests with you, a silent protagonist, more customization, and a focus on Just Cause style do what you want fun are some of the changes to the Far Cry formula, bringing the series more in line with the ultra violent vacation that Ubisoft seems they want to turn these games into. Because of these changes, Far Cry 5 is easily the most streamlined and readily accessible game in the series, with one addicting game play loop, satisfying shooting, and an interesting story to keep you engaged.

The story for the most part is alright, but nothing compared to the arch of Jason Brody in Far Cry 3. You, a silent protagonist usually called Rook or The Deputy goes into Hope County Montana to arrest Joseph Seed, the leader of a Christian adjacent, but not really cult who has taken over the land and created a theocratic state. He is a doomsday prophet and with his family control the county with an iron fist, and brutally dismember, blow up, tie up, gas, shoot, and hypnotize, anyone who gets in their path. After failing to arrest him you are now the one dude bad enough to brutally shoot, blow up, incinerate, and stab your way through an army of cultists to take Hope County back! The villains in this game are compelling enough, but as far as Far Cry standards go, we don't get 3 Vaas'. Joseph Seed is one creepy guy who speaks his religious dribble with enough charisma and stoicism that shows you he means business and that he thinks he is doing the right thing. His siblings who control regions of Hope County are also pretty cool villains. Jacob Seed is a militant Darwinist who believes that the weak will fall, and only strong people will survive in the apocalypse, John Seed is a televangelist gone even more insane as he tries to enforce the power of YES, and Faith Seed is one creepy girl who gasses people with the drug known as Bliss. However just like any Far Cry game, the villains are way more interesting than your friends. Most of the companions, say for a few like Nick Ryan the pilot and Jess Black the goth huntress, have pretty forgettable personalities. The people you are saving from the clutches of the Seed Family are also not that interesting, say for a few like the hot headed Marshall, the kind Priest, and the gentle Sheriff. Even with these mostly forgettable characters, you still want to save your friends and Hope County because the Seed Family are that ruthless and messed up, and the game is actually fun! However, Far Cry 5's story is also I bit frustrating given the time it was released in. 2018 America was very polarized, and the game's efforts to say nothing of substance, even though the story plays blatant lip service to actual things happening in the US, just to try to provoke or shock you, was scratching at me every time Joseph Seed opened his mouth. Ubisoft putting edgy or politically provoking imagery or themes in their games really started to become noticed in this title, and it has only gotten worse after this game with Far Cry 6 trying to tackle a region that is similar to Cuba, but not really because that may offend some people. It's probably good to not put stuff like that in your popcorn, run and gun open world triple A game unless you want to do something with it. Also the endings suck so hard, and make you feel deflated after finishing the game.

The gameplay is mostly unchanged compared to other entries in the Far Cry series since 3. You run around in a beautiful open world, this time the forests and mountains of Montana, and complete tasks, destroy outposts, rescue civilians and friends and just nibble away at the Seed Family's theocratic territory. The shooting is satisfying enough for a triple A FPS game, with boomy sound effects and snappy animations. Conquering outposts by sniping at enemies until you are spotted and then running and gunning, could become repetitive, but it feels good to play. Upgrading your character into the character you want is mostly done easily because you will receive enough perk points to get the upgrades you want for your character. And over all, Far Cry 5 just feels more streamlined compared to Far Cry 3 or 4. You run around the environment to reveal more of the map, no more radio towers (granted I always enjoyed climbing the radio towers). You can upgrade your inventory just by upgrading your character in the skill tree, not by hunting rare animals, which could slow the game to a crawl. You also earn money faster than a Ubisoft executive just by completing quests, looting enemies, and solving simple navigational puzzles in the prepper stashes. You can also recruit NPCs to help you in combat, even though I didn't use them a lot. When you are fighting enemies, it can be fun even though the AI is average at best, but the fetch quests and especially the destroy x thing x amount of times missions can become a chore to do, especially when the game doesn't tell you where to find said things. I became addicted to this game's gameplay loop after around 2 hours of play and then I realized I have been playing from 7 till 2 in the morning. Even with the bad missions, I still wanted to keep playing, its as if Ubisoft got satisfying gameplay down to a science to get kids to waste their time in their open worlds.

The presentation is also top notch. Far Cry 5 runs beautifully on my GTX 1080 equipped PC. The Dunia Engine has evolved so much since Far Cry 2, and this is one of the best looking triple A games I have seen as of late. When you are running around the American out doors, the environment is full of color and lush vegetation. The lip syncing in cut scenes are really well done and every time a villain has a staring contest with you quoting Amazing Grace, their faces are so detailed and eye movements look really good. When you enter an indoor environment though or are out of a cutscene, you can see cracks in the seams. Looking through a window blinds your screen with a ridiculous amount of bloom, interior environments don't always look right in the lighting department with artifacts inherent to a physically based model of lighting where some environments have a blue tint to them. The lip syncing on characters in the environment look really bad, and sometimes hair doesn't look right in the light some times. The soundtrack is mostly forgettable, with the menu themes being my favorites in the score. The licensed tracks that play in the vehicles are mostly buttrock, hard rock, folk rock and other types of rock, but I honestly was expecting some more country tunes in the soundtrack. That was a weird omission. The voice acting is also really good. The Seed Family have charismatic and creepy voices that fit their characters well, and the NPCs all deliver their lines really well. Even with graphical nit picks here and there, Far Cry 5 looks and sounds like a high budget, blockbuster triple A game, just as I would expect from Ubisoft, but given that this is a Far Cry game, a series renowned for its graphical fidelity and voice acting, they always go the extra mile, and this is no exception.

Also there are micro transactions, but these are the most pointless and ignorable micro transactions I have seen in a game, ever. They are just skins for your weapons or clothes for your character, that you will not see unless you die, or are in coop with a friend. Given that the default skins for your weapons look just fine, and you never see your character ever, I do not see why anyone would buy these micro transactions. I'm happy that I never had to spend a single silver bar to get a sparkly double barrel shotgun (which I never bought), but I would rather there be no micro transactions, than useless micro transactions.

In conclusion, Far Cry 5 is easily the most streamlined and readily accessible game in the series, with one addicting game play loop, satisfying shooting, and an interesting story to keep you engaged. As far as triple A junk food, dopamine shooters go, Far Cry is always reliable for fun shooting and a cool story, and this game is no exception. It is no where near as engaging or interesting as Far Cry 3, but thankfully it isn't has forgettable as Far Cry 4. Hopefully Far cry 6 will not only step up the formula for the graphics and voice acting, but also in mission design, and in its story telling.
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We might need a stronger term than "ludonarrative dissonance"
Now, in this series, I've previously only played Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (I will compare FC5 exclusively to the former), but Far Cry 5 does not solve 3's ailments; instead it piles on its own.

I genuinely believe there's not much use talking about the gameplay at length. It's a rather generic (empty) open world FPS environment, with a very video-gamey structure. Likewise, aircraft - the most noticeable gameplay addition over FC3 - are implemented with pragmatic practicality in mind first and foremost, to the point where they are floaty and trivial to control. The Specialist companions are imbalanced and highlight some of the remaining kinks of the outpost system, the series' obvious lifeblood. The revamped skill point progression marks an interesting change, but is not all that consequential, while the skills themselves are somewhat imbalanced as well. And of course, since it is Ubisoft we're talking about here, there are singleplayer microtransactions present, though they are thankfully laughable and irrelevant, perhaps a case of the designers defusing awful requirements handed down by corporate. In short, it's passable, if hardly inspiring.

The story is triple A writing for established IPs at its worst. Bland stories are a dime a dozen in this category, but FC5 is just plain terrible, with the ending being a veritable slap in the face, the entire existence of which is baffling. How do writers even conceive that? How do the higher-ups accept it? Playtesters? I would have no problem spoiling literally every one of FC5's story beats, that's how little respect I have for it, but I think going into detail would just get me riled up and exhausted, and it's not worth that either. I will say that the choice to change the player character to a generic mute to allow for character customization ultimately rendered pointless due to the first person perspective negatively impacts every bit of dialogue, down to the most minute side quests.

The way the cutscene-progressed story invalidates the hours of gameplay inbetween doesn't just leave a bad taste in your mouth, it drags down the whole experience to the point where I could never in good conscience recommend the game; the aforementioned ending being the straw that's poised to break the camel's back.
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Very tempted to bump this down to a 3/10, actually. Also, it appears some people took offense to or disliked this game because it was supposedly 'political'. I'd advise not to take those people seriously.
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Josh783 Far Cry 5 2024-05-12T10:07:22Z
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Its_Anonymous47 Far Cry 5 2024-05-12T09:59:24Z
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Trick624 Far Cry 5 2024-05-09T07:40:27Z
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lu_ke____ Far Cry 5 2024-05-07T12:17:11Z
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kaanbreaker Far Cry 5 2024-05-07T02:52:39Z
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IgorLol Far Cry 5 2024-05-04T16:21:13Z
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KCharbzz98 Far Cry 5 2024-04-30T01:32:13Z
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kuwagata27 Far Cry 5 2024-04-24T19:09:46Z
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arantic Far Cry 5 2024-04-24T14:38:17Z
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SMCDNA_8215 Far Cry 5 2024-04-24T09:15:19Z
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tbuck Far Cry 5 2024-04-22T23:53:09Z
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coheed83 Far Cry 5 2024-04-21T01:18:44Z
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  • voltwaffle 2022-08-19 10:30:06.364276+00
    Currently debating on whether to finish this game or not. Really like the gameplay and the exploration but the story is horrible. Any time one of the antagonists is on screen, they have to remind you just how much of a horrible piece of shit they are with extremely detailed monologues of them committing some depraved act. There are obvious real-world parallels they're trying to make but there's no gray area or moral ambiguity present, just heavy-handed "cults are bad, mmkay" nonsense.

    And don't even get me started on the forced kidnapping story missions that you can't get out of no matter what. Whoever said that was a good idea should never work on another game ever.
    • voltwaffle 2022-09-08 10:50:45.292387+00
      I found out that you have to buy a whole other game to get the complete story so I dropped this.
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  • mikie 2022-09-08 17:36:03.094655+00
    a fun open world/stealth game crippled by unskippable forced story segments that kill any immersion
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  • ZakiOwais 2022-12-07 12:02:32.616204+00
    best far cry opening after 3 i guess
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  • DaymanNightman 2023-05-08 19:29:26.063609+00
    Best ending in an Ubisoft game since AC2
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  • DomMazzetti 2023-05-12 04:15:41.499906+00
    Story progression as a literal progress bar.
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  • elyc 2023-07-10 23:11:47.847283+00
    This game is an unnecessary waste of money in terms of production and the story seems to be made by a 5 year old boy.
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  • ... 2023-11-14 00:10:39.516664+00
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    • ... 2023-11-14 00:36:05.584613+00
      Looked it up and I'm clearly not the only one. Fucking cretins can't even design the most important part of the game
    • ... 2023-11-14 00:39:09.639279+00
      Dysgenic, subhuman, amoeba, maggot, imbecile, üntermensch, mental cripples aka Ubisoft devs
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