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Yakuza 5

龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者

Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio Publisher: Sega
06 December 2012
Yakuza 5 [龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者] - cover art
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3.98 / 5.0
476 Ratings / 2 Reviews
#231 All-time
#6 for 2012
Set in 2012, the story follows the adventures of five different protagonists: Kazuma Kiryu, now a taxi driver under a different alias in Fukuoka attempting to wipe his past clean to support the orphanage by taking an honest job, Taiga Saejima, finding himself imprisoned once more in a remote Hokkaido penitentiary and making his way to Sapporo with the help of a few allies, Shun Akiyama, opening a new branch of Sky Finance in Osaka's Sotenbori to turn over a new leaf only to get dragged into more yakuza conflict, Tatsuo Shinada, a down-on-his-luck former professional baseball player who struggles to get by in Nagoya and 16-year-old Haruka Sawamura, who is trying to pursue her idol career in Osaka.
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2012 Ryu Ga Gotoku Sega  
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2015 Ryu Ga Gotoku Sega  
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Yakuza 5 Remastered
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Yakuza 5 Remastered
2021 Ryu Ga Gotoku Sega  
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Playing the most current versions of these games in series order makes it tempting to say that Yakuza 5 sees the series return to form in a huge way, but of course, the form it is 'returning' to consists of a prequel and two full remakes that were released years later. The reality is that this is where the series originally took flight, shedding the rough edges, tightening up the loose ends, while continuing to embrace the gleeful maximalism that gives this world its essential character; the Yakuza I truly love, rather than merely like, was born here.

The most obvious improvement is in the structure - Yakuza 5 recognises that one of the best things about Yakuza 4 [龍が如く4 伝説を継ぐもの] was that it had four protagonists, and so it follows the pattern by now having five of them. The two best ones, Kiryu and Akiyama, essentially return unchanged. Saejima also returns, but he now comes off as a much more well-rounded character, and it feels like his combat has been rebalanced to make it less cumbersome (though it's entirely possible that I'm just used to playing as him at this point). Tanimura, however, is jettisoned; he was a decent enough character in isolation, but he wasn't particularly enjoyable to play as and wasn't necessarily a great fit for the Yakuza series, so he does not return. In his place is Haruka, a leftfield choice but a fine one - she's obviously somebody the fanbase already knows and cares about, and the opportunity to develop her into adulthood is taken with aplomb. The final protagonist, meanwhile, is pretty much bonkers, but bonkers in a very Yakuza way: Tatsuo Shinada is a former professional baseball player who was banned from the sport over a match-fixing scandal, and now writes about Nagoya's nightlife for adult magazines while wallowing in crippling debt. Given that one of the major failings of Yakuza 4 was the story becoming a bit muddled and messy as it overextended itself trying to keep so many plates spinning, you'd think adding an extra protagonist would just make things worse - but it's clear that several lessons were learned. Yakuza 5 is smart enough to stick closely to its overarching themes (namely: dreams, and how our ambitions bind us, define us, and survive us when we're gone), and in using the barely-seen Goro Majima as a fulcrum around which all five characters eventually converge, it keeps things tight and focused.

The developers have also learned that it's much better to keep each of the five characters away from each other for as long as possible, both geographically and in terms of gameplay. Yakuza 5 often feels like an episodic game originally sold in five or six separate instalments, so different are the individual chapters. If you're wondering how Haruka fights, the simple answer is that she doesn't; her section is a straight-up rhythm game, made up of dance battles and singing lessons as she tries to rise to pop stardom. Kiryu has essentially gone into hiding to make sure Haruka's yakuza links do not sink her career, and is now working as a taxi driver, complete with a whole tree of bizarrely compelling side missions dedicated to driving safely and having polite conversations with your passengers. Shinada hustles people at the batting arena, building a quest line out of one of the franchise's mainstay minigames. Saejima gets lost in the wilderness and becomes a hunter, laying traps to catch rabbits, sneaking up on deer, and fighting bears. Akiyama, who gets involved in Haruka's storyline, is the only protagonist whose section doesn't feel like its own self-contained game with its own city to explore. And that in itself is crucial - exploring these little corners of Japan is one of the great pleasures of the series, and the comforting familiarity of Kamurucho and Sotenbori is supplemented by brand new maps in Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Sapporo. Add to that a final rebalancing of the combat mechanics that means Yakuza 5 offers you the freedom of choosing how you want to fight instead of railroading you into specific styles in the way that its two predecessors did, and it starts to feel like every flaw has been ironed out.

Well, almost every flaw, anyway. Every Yakuza game I've played so far has been guilty of overextending itself a bit during the final stages of its plot to some extent, and this is no different - and while it's certainly not as glaring as the ending passages of Yakuza 4 were, it still took a little of the shine off when another twist came, another antagonist mastermind revealed themselves in an apparently shocking development, and I had to Google them because I couldn't even remember who they were. It is something of a compliment to say that a game I spent 80 hours with only started to get a bit wearying as it approached the 79th of those hours, but it did still get a bit wearying all the same, which is a bit of a pity. Otherwise, magnificent. I wasn't sure as I finished it whether or not I would place it above Yakuza Kiwami 2 [龍が如く 極2], but after a couple of days of deliberation: yes, I would. This is my new favourite game in the series.
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Iai 2021-12-31T21:54:15Z
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O quinto jogo da franquia de Kazuma Kiryu e cia. pode ser resumido pelo ditado “tudo que é demais, enjoa”. Em uma palavra, Yakuza 5 é inchado. Em todos os seus aspectos, mira a maior quantidade possível, independentemente da qualidade. Incluir cinco protagonistas, sendo dois com mecânicas únicas e supérfluas que mal vão ser utilizadas no restante do jogo? Check! Embolar uma trama que vai de traição na Yakuza a um esquema de combinação de resultados da liga japonesa de baseball, mesmo que nada disso faça muito sentido no final? Check! Dar a cada um dos protagonistas uma série de missões secundárias além das próprias “substories” tradicionais? Check! Cinco cidades com NPCs, restaurantes e atividades diferentes em cada uma delas? Check!!!!

Tem coisa demais nesse jogo e profundidade de menos pra justificar tanto conteúdo. Por mais paixão dos desenvolvedores que esse projeto visivelmente demonstra e apesar de alguns grandes momentos, acho que Yakuza 5 é o mais fraco da série até aqui. Ainda é um jogo legal, mas os tropeços por conta da infinita ambição do Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio são muitos para serem ignorados.
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gabrielctps 2024-03-30T22:10:07Z
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Less is more
This game has way too much. Did we really need a driving minigame, a hunting minigame, an idol mini-game, and a baseball minigame as the primary sidestories??? Sure this is Yakuza and Yakuza is known for its minigames but it's literally the equivalent of if they made the fishing minigame into a 3-5 hour side quest, they just aren't entertaining enough to be a major part of the gameplay loop outside of the story.
The street fight mechanic in this game is the worst in the series, fights are more common, longer, and harder to avoid, and you can barely walk one block without starting a fight, not to mention how slow each character is, this was already a problem in Yakuza 4 but it is made worse considering you have to traverse FIVE different maps.
The pacing of the story is terrible with lots of starts and stops, again this was a problem in Yakuza 4 but it is made worse by the story being longer, there being more playable characters, and how Saejima's story literally starts out the exact same way it did in 4.
This genuinely put such a bad taste in my mouth and has really killed my hype for the series, it was also the game that made me drop the series like a year ago. It is such a drag, it not only doesn't fix the problems of Yakuza 4 it actively makes them worse and adds even more problems. This was way too ambitious of a game.
As for actual improvements, I guess the weapons shop was made better.
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VictoriaDT 2023-08-30T16:18:03Z
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Yakuza/Judgment is the greatest game series ever made
Yakuza 5
Lost Judgment
Yakuza Gaiden
Yakuza 6
Yakuza 0
Sleeping Dogs
Yakuza 4
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The revamped graphic engine and slightly improved combat system are nothing compared to the massive difference in scale from the previous games. Five cities, five protagonists, four epic storylines converging into one narrative, different side missions for each scenario, and, of course, countless minigames to keep you entertained for potentially hundreds of hours. Sometimes it feels like the game has even too much content: I loved to do all quests, visit all real-life Japanese stores and collect items during Kiryu’s scenario, but once I realized that alone took me over 20 hours, I started rushing through the rest of campaign.

The gameplay is a little stiff, with the combat system and random encounters getting monotonous really fast. However, I unexpectedly enjoyed Haruka’s scenario as it puts fights on hold to have us play a Japanese idol simulator kind of rhythm game.

As with the previous games, all gameplay flaws can be overlooked given the quality of the story and cutscenes. Yokoyama should write and direct a live-action film or TV series, as his work with the Yakuza series is definitely above the average of recent Japanese shows. The plot is as all over the place but constantly engaging, packed with charismatic characters and guest appearances by famous Japanese actors (who make Kiryu look a little stiff, by the way). It might be the most complex and epic plot so far in the series, but unfortunately, things turn a little weird in the last chapter, with twists that didn’t make much sense, characters who came out of nowhere, and a somewhat rushed ending, which is weird for a 60+ long game.
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manicure 2021-08-07T03:09:52Z
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varinrin Yakuza 5 2024-06-06T11:08:39Z
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ChomskyHonk 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-06-02T01:51:30Z
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Riceballs 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-31T01:13:48Z
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happykc 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-29T16:46:03Z
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Innerexperience 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-22T14:29:07Z
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svnsetcorp Yakuza 5 2024-05-22T13:40:28Z
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edef_ 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-21T20:22:39Z
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pinkultra 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-21T05:36:19Z
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forgetmenotsandmarigolds 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-19T12:51:35Z
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UrbanJackJr 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-18T17:50:23Z
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vistoron 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-15T15:41:13Z
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roman_cancel 龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者 2024-05-15T01:47:14Z
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1x Blu-ray
Also known as
  • Yakuza 5
  • Ryu ga Gotoku 5: Yume Kanaeshi Mono
  • Like a Dragon 5: Fulfiller of Dreams
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  • de_arcade 2023-05-30 17:50:58.914328+00
    Definietly the best out of the remasters you can get on steam. somehow spent 5o+ hours without even really noticing. Even the other games, I tend to notice that I have played them for a long time.
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  • allisTRAGEDY 2023-07-14 05:09:02.302994+00
    If you removed chapters 2 and 3 entirely this game would be better off
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  • Gooning_Gary 2023-09-20 05:51:37.765397+00
    Still my favorite of the mainline series
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  • Abelton 2023-10-04 21:02:38.686304+00
    more like yakuza 5 times the number of pedestrians
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  • kramerfromseinfeld 2023-10-15 13:53:20.461058+00
    hey you whats up man ! give me money please
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  • JoelDeacon 2024-01-03 07:43:26.087182+00
    im surprised by how high this rating is. nearly a 4.00? this is in no way better than the kiwamis, judgement (even though I haven't finished judgement) and 6. like its an alright game but a lackluster yakuza game. why the fuck is it so long?
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  • Innerexperience 2024-05-22 14:10:29.25374+00
    Most of Yakuza 5 is pure filler content.
    • INoLuv 2024-05-26 16:12:48.601645+00
      Great filler, better than most games.
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